Charleston, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) seeks to partner with organizations across the state to participate in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) to help feed children and provide supervised activities this year. As schools break for the summer, these community programs provide West Virginia children with the proper nutrition needed to grow and develop.

The SFSP is open to all children ages 18 and under. It works to ensure children receive nutritious meals during the summer when they do not have access to the School Breakfast or National School Lunch programs. This is especially important for lower-income regions that may be more vulnerable to food insecurity.

Numerous nonprofit organizations such as county boards of education, local government agencies and others can participate and serve in their community. Feeding sites often include schools, churches, community centers, pools, parks, libraries, housing complexes and summer camps.

“We are well aware that when schools break for the summer, food insecurity increases for families across our state. The meals provided at these sites offer stability and sustained sources of nutrition for young people,” said State Superintendent of Schools Michele L. Blatt. “Providing food over the summer strengthens a child’s development and prepares them to achieve when they return to school.”

In the Mountain State, approximately 210,000 school children, or about 86%, depend on free and reduced-price meals at school. Offering meals throughout the summer impacts those who need it the most.

“Last year the Summer Food Service Program was well integrated into communities across the Mountain State with 481 sites providing nutritious food,” said Director of the Office of Child Nutrition Amanda Harrison. “We welcome new community organizations to join our efforts to grow the number of sites available and offer more meals to West Virginia children.”

Organizations interested in becoming a 2025 summer sponsor should contact Cybele Boehm or Samantha Reeves with the Office of Child Nutrition at  or or by calling (304) 558-3396. Summer sites will be announced in June 2025.

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