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The West Virginia Department of Education’s (WVDE) National Board Certification (NBC) Support Program is an in-depth professional learning opportunity that allows participants to review and better understand the complete NBC standards and process. It exposes teachers to the process as well as the rigor, challenge and commitment the process entails. The Department’s NBC PL, which begins in the summer and continues throughout the school year, offers:

  • Structured and sustained support
  • One-on-One support provided by expert NBC mentor or cohort support group

The NBC Process

The National Board Certification program includes four certification components that can be completed over a three-year period. All candidates participating in this support program will be working on and receiving support for components 2 and 3.

  • Component 1: Content Knowledge Assessment – computer-based assessment
  • Component 2: Differentiation in Instruction – samples of student work and an accompanying written commentary
  • Component 3:  Teaching Practice and Learning – classroom-based portfolio entry that requires video recording(s) of interactions between you and your students. A written commentary in which you describe, analyze and reflect on your teaching and interactions will also be submitted.
  • Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioners – evidence of your impact across your professional responsibilities as an educator including your students, peers, and community

National Board Certification Awareness and Support

National Board Certification Awareness
This session serves as an introduction to the NBC process with detailed information about the expectations and commitment required.

June 21, 2022 at Mollohan Center, Fairmont, WV (Northern Session) from 10:00 a.m. – 4 p.m.

National Board Certification Support
This session supports educators pursuing NBC. It provides insight and strategies on the process to help educators to be more successful.

June 22-23, 2022 at Mollohan Center, Fairmont, WV (Northern Session) from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.