Charleston, W. Va. – The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) is conducting a competitive Request for Proposals process as required by Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to award grant funding for Adult Education Section 231, Corrections Section 225, and Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Section 243 of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act. The Office of Adult Education is prepared to continue building skills for success by providing adults with the opportunity to enhance the quality of their lives and foster productive employment, family growth and citizenship.
Grants will be awarded for a five-year term beginning July 1, 2025. Funding for subsequent years will be contingent upon annual federal and state appropriations. Application forms and guidance information are available on the Adult Education Request for Proposals page beginning January 27, 2025 and will be accepted by mail to: Mendy Marshall, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Building 6, Suite 825, Charleston, WV 25305; or email at Mailed applications must be postmarked March 24, 2025 and emails must be received by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time that same day.
Eligible providers must be a local educational agency, community-based organization or faith-based organization, volunteer literacy organization, an institution of higher education, public or private nonprofit agency, library, public housing authority, or a nonprofit institution that is not previously described and can provide adult education and literacy activities to eligible individuals, consortium or coalition of the agencies, organizations, institutions or libraries as described above or a partnership between an employer and an entity described in any of the items above.
“Adults pursuing quality education and improving their work skills become productive citizens that enhance the world around them,” said State Superintendent of Schools Michele L. Blatt. “It is imperative that every opportunity be explored in order to create success for themselves, their families and the community.”
Potential applicants looking for an opportunity to ask questions can register for a technical assistance webinar to be held on February 13, 2025. Questions for the webinar may also be submitted to Following the event, all questions and responses will be available in the FAQ section on the website.