County Location of Forum What do you like about the Funding Opportunity policy ideas presented during the legislative session and this forum, and why? What concerns do you have about the Funding Opportunity policy ideas presented during the legislative session and this forum, and why?  How could the policy ideas be improved? What other policy suggestions do you have for addressing Funding Opportunities to help improve educational outcomes and student achievement in West Virginia? Providing increased compensation to teachers and school service personnel. Creating a 1,400 enrollment floor to provide additional funding to counties that have less than 1,400 students. Allowing local communities to generate more funding locally to support their local schools. Increasing the state's share of the school aid formula and allowing more local funding to remain in the county (local share cap). Any other information written on the comment card.
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Enrollment floor is a great idea for smaller counties to be able to stabilize school, increased compensation for teachers who spent money to get job- doesn't need be the same for service personnel.  Levy rates create animosity and effect support in small communities. nee for funding but hard to have.  local share- Rich get Richer? Why can't the state create an educational fund out of state taxes that doesn't require communities to need Levees. Fund appropriately.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)   We need to have an independent source of money other than the tax payer/levy!   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Morgan Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
  Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Enrollment Floor - need to be increased to a level that provides good education for all students 1- Increased compensation - Teacher driven (previous 2 words underlined) cannot be the same for other personnel.   2- local levy rates - check Morgan county history -  levy was raised and subsequently voted out - other counties cannot get levy passed - why put addition al burden on tax payer - we have to figure out (previous 4 words underlined) how to live within our means - As sad truth, but truth inequity whereby poorest counties would suffer Tax breaks for teachers across the board state & local (state and local underlined)   Tax incentives for homeowners & property owners renting to teachers  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Local levy rates PEIA - fully fund  Increase compensation so that people want to stay in WV Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Local levy rates, enrollment floor increased compensation - I'm no in education for the money; I'd rather have more money allocated to classroom supplies. Fully Fund PEIA!! None at this time Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Increases in local levy rates can be a very sensitive issue; one that can easily be misconstrued.  Locality pay Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Hampshire Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Until compensation is competitive with surrounding areas - keeping teachers (especially in high-demand areas) will continue to be a problem. I have some concern that local levy rate flexibility may further increase inequity between counties.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) -Allowing more money to stay local. (previous word was underlined) Local levy control (or raised) would defeat our excess levy. i would like to see improvement in the excess levy model that so many small counties rely on. Systems should not have to go through the stress of excess levies in poor counties.  The state needs to come up with a way to properly fund schools and not put that to a local vote in poor counties where citizens are barely getting by. If our board were to have the options of allowing a higher local levy rate, our community would absolutely defeat an excess(previous word underlined) levy & our schools would lost a tremendous amount of resources.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Increased Compensation-if we don't, teachers will continue to leave the state Strings are always attached.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) How does any of the policy support WV teacher retention?     highly certified(previous two words underlined twice) Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Enrollment Floor-  Local Levy Rates -PEIA  -Making WV attractive to new teachers. -smaller class sizes  -school day starting 9-4 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) funding is integral to good schools.    We need to adequately compensate our teachers & personnel/  I can make up to $20,000 a year more in MD/VA. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Increased comp. will secure better qualified staff   Locality pay  Combine BOE for smaller couties Local Levy Rates - Voters may not vote to pass as taxes are already high Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Blue Funding   Increased comp - areas at High Cost of Living should be paid me ie locality pay based on fact of the actual cost & inability to keep employees.  Enrollment Floor -  No why not allow counties to combine systems until they reach the number  - allow multiple counties to combine up to a threshold at 5000  - fiscally responsible-eliminate BOE admin cost  -if a county below the "enrollment floor" chooses not to combine then they only get funding for the total # of students  - elected BOE members would be elected equally among counties within the co-op  Blue - Funding  Local Levy Rates - The taxing body for education should remain as the responsibility of the state government.  - at least the figure determined to be the bottom line of a system based unit's # of students  - WV state gov. are constitutionally are obligated to provide fair, equal education or all WV Children therefore they must be the taxing body & set the levy rates w/o voters approval  -Excess Levies -  are the only exception to the rule but no other counties funding share should not include  Local Share Cap- sounds fair on the surface
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Locality pay  Increase pay at specific dollar not percentage  Combine smaller counties for admin to help off set the cost of what they need Personnel cuts should not be the way to make the budget work - large class sizes are not helpful to anyone - teacher or students  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) -dedicated educational tax generated from energy production, etc. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Increased compensation and benefits Get rid of local levies. The levy has divided our communities, use other funding sources (i.e. taxes on coal, gas, wind energies) Search for new funding options: Natural gas, coal, wind energies.  Draw in business to increase tax base ad help fund education.  Truancy fines are not funneled back to schools, schools have huge amount of resources involved- attendance director, pro officer, etc. Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree  
Mineral Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Increased compensation and enrollment floor. These would create a more positive atmosphere in our schools as they would raise moral. Small counties would get necessary funds to help them operate indefinitely. Local levy rates definitely need to have an element of popular sovereignty as well as democracy. These should not be able to be raised by unilaterally by a few people. They should require a note form the people from the counties. Stop giving King Coal tax breaks. Raise the severance tax on natural gas.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I think teachers pay should increase.  More help from the community.  Smaller classes   PEIA need funded. Where is the money coming from?  Join small counties together.  More levy money Use more local revenue for schools. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Hampshire Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)     There needs to be long term funding for PEIA.  State employees need to be taken care of.  if we wish to attract or retain teachers in WV, we have to not just to committ to salary increases, but shoring up health insurance coverage.  Teachers should not have to go on strike every couple of years to get any relief.  Tax the gas companies a tax that will ne fair to all  After all they extract our resources and we need to ne reimbursed fairly for our most precious natural resource "OUR CHILDREN."   Yes our children benefit most from salary increases and benefits for the personnel that directly work with them. Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Increased compensation only if it is across the board and given to everyone equally.  I like the local levy rates for counties to raise extra money.  I like small counties getting their fair share...É. Will the enrollment floor hurt counties with large enrollments, I am afraid of that.  Put a cap on superintendent pay.    Don't like lead teachers - how do you chose a better teacher?  It is unfair whatever you do. Disproportional amount of money going to attract teachers to our schools.  4 day school week to save money. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I am in favor of these concepts:  Increased compensation component  Enrollment floors   Properly state fund the items in the counties that are mandated by the state  Give local Boards of Ed more authority to spend the state funds as the Boards see fit that are best for their county. Strongly Agree   Neutral Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Local shares of school aid formula - remain in county Should not be a 0%  Should not be a 0% based on average - no way to move up or veteran good teachers to want to stay,  Raised should be "county" based Go back to bill that passed years ago (I think 2014, 2015 or 16) where base salary starts out at $40,100 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Mineral Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Funding for more social emotional support services  Increasing teacher salaries/Funding & improve PEIA  Funding for innovation zones  Enrollment floor is good  Increasing share of school aid formula No need for PRO officer in each school  Concerns with county school boards  Local levy rates Special education funding formula to help Level 2 & 3 services Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree  
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I think the enrollment floor is compassionate and essential.  Equity for all students.  Increased compensation to the teachers. Local Levy Rate - must be to a vote to the people or fully fund us so excess levies are not need. Ideas for funding Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Definitely need increased compensation to retain teachers/other school employees, but also WV Legislature/State Board of Ed needs to stabilize/improve health insurance - PEIA. Need more information, specifics about the enrollment floor, and local share cap   Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree    
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Enrolment floor: how about providing additional funding to counties w/a large population and continue to provide funding throughout the year for new students continually moving in. Increased compensation to teachers and school service personnel is based on what?? Locality pay Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I approve of a funding source for PEIA (permanent) that to me, is more important than a pay raise.  The enrollment floor should definitely be passed. I have concerns with PEIA not being permantly funded. More help in writing grants (maybe a WVDE class)  Being able to obtain monies from other entities to run programs Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Enrollment less than 1,400 students gets state funding for at least 1,400 students Put a cap on superintendent pay  Pay teachers a decent living wage. Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Increase in compensation to employees   Locality pay  Ask teachers where to spend the money Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) All ideas were good, however I'd only support local levy rate increases if it is the last resort! Government needs to step up and fund the smaller counties!  Locality pay needs to happen!  Teachers/public school employees leave counties that surround higher paying counties in other states in droves. fight for more funding for public schools Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Somewhat Agree
Hampshire Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)     Tax credit for homeschoolers Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)     Eastern Panhandle teachers can go across the state line and make $20,000/yr. more.  SW Va teacher can make more in WV.  We need to have locality pay.  My mother taught in SW Va - when we moved to Alexandria, her salary doubled (exactly). Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Agree w/increased compensation Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree
Morgan         Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I'm in favor of local share cap.  Why - to help economic growth in the county Tax natural gas Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Local share cap helps big county to supliment the growing problem of ecconimcal growth in the counties. Where money coming from tax payer have had enough of funding off the working man We need to tax our natural gas and not our taxes Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Increased compensation - all education needs a raise, but careful where it comes from.  No more taxes that we can't afford.  Enrollment (?) - could be okay but numbers where  Local levy - not sure  Local share (?) this is okay. all moneys need to be transparent - no taxes - increase   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) The state of WV need to come up with clear financial goals for education. 1) Consistent source of funding. Not ?? taxes but ?? in ?? and opportunity.  2) Consistent and persistent monitory of school aid formula in each county. 3) use of alternative funding sources gaming, gambling, ?? and oil and gas interests. 4)?? business need to contribute  uniformly according to ?? volume or ??  Wealthy legislatures parlay to their ?? ESA's would be ?? Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation - promised/but not passed  Barbour enrollment floor - increased 1400  *local share cap. 12-15 co. that wouldn't have benefited. (15-16 state aid formula)  Va- teacher compensation/Co by Co  Local levy tax rate -   trade school - nursing vacancy   Overall funding for Ed. reduced several/funding for school  Give $. Do good things/per student $7000/student - need to up 35%  Combine Lewis/Gilmer  Redistrict/rural areas Teacher education   flexible opportunities for budgeting (steps for money allocations)            
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)   undecided on share cap Concerned about variable funding, i.e., some districts with levies and others without.  make funding ?? equitable ?? districts from st. funds.  Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Upshur Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Illegible Illegible Illegible          
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Good help for counties with declining enrollment/population to prevent boss of educational opportunities.  Good - to put/allow counties a ?? if self-determination (to be successful, politicians must end anti tax ??, focus on better accounting!)  Good - to allow funds generated to stay in county where generated   good - increase pay of all school personnel. (All was underlined several times)     Always - accountability - where does all money go! (go underlined 3 times) must have good ??! All must ??, including ?? if that ?? tax, then tax, they need to invest in their future employees and the communities where they are.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Multiple Choice #2 and #3 they wrote in agree beside the word strongly agree. 
Upshur Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Acknowledge need for variable  on edge WV ??  teacher in particular areas   Not control over funding levy votes   Adult Education of trade/technical  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)   The 1400 level ?? but would ultimately discourage creating school districts (cross county) benefits need to be funded and provided as greater ?? rather then just salary     Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Barbour Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) 1) increased compensation is a must  2) enrollment floor - great idea, but now many counties would benefit @1400 enrolled? can the enrollment floor be elevated?       3) local levy rates - no - horrible idea, no board member would serve more then 1 term. Running for BOE would be promises of no increased taxes instead of education issues.  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I like providing increased compensation at all levels teachers, aides, cooks, secretaries, bus drivers.  minimum of 1400/cty for state funding   possibilities of eliminating the local levy for counties who have them.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral  
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation across the board. All teachers/schools personnel need to be compensated. It take a village. choosing a particular area, to solely increase math teachers, may cause unnecessary discord.  local levy rates - does this mean the county would lose state money I they raise "too much money"?  county sets the tax rate?   Given that we have 55 counties and some counties have less students in the entire county than we have at one high school. consider consolidating county boards of educations, central offices.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Multiple choice #3  they put a ? beside neutral  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) My son lives in Bport and pays tons of excess levy taxes, yet his children attend a Christian school. He pays the taxes and get NO benefits for paying those taxes. His children go no benefit. Actually my son even has to pay tremendous money for tuition in addition to the taxes. That's just not fair for my grandchildren. You say they made the choice. Please, Please don't increase taxes. They made this  choice so their children  will learn how to read and to not be indoctrinated with LGPTQ issues.  Please adequately fund PEIA! This will keep teacher working.     Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree   Multiple Choice:  #1 - just fund PEIA  #3 everyone will want to go to wealthy schools. will create inequity  
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Allowing counties to increase funding by vote of boards of education is a negative.  Allowing voters to approve increased funding would be permissible, but would increase the gap between have and have not counties.   Somewhat Disagree
Fayette Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree   Multiple choice #4 they put ??
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I think that the ideas presented for enrollment floors would be extremely beneficial for struggling rural systems.  I take supreme issue with the ideas of levy rates being ?? ?? votes
Braxton Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Need more money for maintenance     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) increased compensation to school personnel   local levy rates - not fully explained  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Question #3 on multiple choice they wrote:  voting only - no power to one official   
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation - could bring more teachers into high need positions  could cause a divide if given to certain fields  local share cap - state putting more funding into local areas can help provide equal education in all counties  local levy rates - can help supplement state money to have more funding for school systems to provide quality education    increased compensation - if only given to certain fields, could cause a divide.  could bring in teachers who care more about money then students.     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) 1) compensation needs to include quality healthcare that is funded so the burden of medical expenses do not fall on the backs of the policy holder.  2) increase base pay  3) enrollment floor would erase the fear of cutting positions for subjects in high schools   Local levy rate - terrible idea - state needs to also contribute   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) You get what you pay for! invest in your teachers! Invest in your children! I like all these   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increase in compensation for teachers and service personnel  - not enough of pay raise %5 is not enough to entice people to go into education.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation for all teachers and school service personnel not just math and Sp. Ed suggestion. Encourage the college student who wants to become a teacher providing grants in areas of need or not interest college loans . We need to encourage the youth of our state who want to live here and provide them guaranteed job placement possibility in our school systems.  even though several of the proposed seem like goodies how will they be implemented? No explanation given. Details need to be provided first before changes in levy rates and "enrollment floor" helps or hurts area (neighboring) counties.  Meet with the county school systems and determine what their individual needs are. This is going to be different based on their students needs too!            
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Local share cap  enrollment floor  increased compensation - needs to be equal   local levy rates - this would be detrimental to counties with excess levies   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation - value more experienced teachers pay for the experience. Masters and NBCT teachers should make more. Local levy rates: BOE elections should not be about "who wont raise my taxes?"     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) All teachers and school personnel should make more money. Since being a single parent I have always had at least one extra job. the tax aspect is scary There has to be a way to better fund education in WV. If our education system fails our society will fail  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Barbour Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) A major pay boost! to all education employees! No local levy rates, that will kill local BOE's   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) We must increase compensation both to retain teachers and provide a living wage We must provide a living wage and cost of living increase Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Education should be the biggest investment   teachers are living paycheck to paycheck  no extra to put towards retirement       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Education needs to be viewed as an investment in our students, state and teachers. So certainly I would support increased compensation.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Education should be our biggest financial investment. Quality personnel, quality instruction, quality resources to produce quality students to build quality communities  Legalize cannabis to fund education. Medical and recreation.  would create jobs, provide medical relief to patients, decrease/reduce to fund a host of state needs.      Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) there needs to be a tax increase to fund education.  Education - public education needs to be fully funded.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Monongalia   Increased compensation as long as state legislature does not tie the $ to any increases in PEIA . We never asked specifically for a raise - we wanted PEIA (which was guaranteed to be fully funded) to be fixed initially.  Charter school funding take from citizens tax dollars.  Allow natural gas companies (by taxing them properly/adequately) to pay taxes that will fund PEIA by themselves - No $ in legislature pockets.  Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation across the board  enrollment floor  - provide programs and options to small districts that large districts have.  Local levy rates  - impact of excess levy  - what are the rates  - do we let local boards decide this facilities and maintenance concerns.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
  Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I like the increased compensation, but can not get an answer on how this will work and where it comes from   Local Levy rates. not good for a county that has a excess levy. Where is the funding county from for increased compensation     Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) increased compensation  - absolutely professional and service personnel should be paid more to keep them in public ed.   Enrollment floor - less populated counties need extra help to provide their students the same opportunities across our state.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) - increased compensation teachers and service personnel deserve more pay for our work load! Keep good teachers in WV  - enrollment floor: smaller counties need funding as well. Fewer students should not equal fewer opportunities for kids.         Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral  
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I support increased compensation for school personnel. In order to continue to attract quality teachers, we need to offer completive compensation.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Brooke Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Increased funding is must to retain & recruit quality competent educators.  Funding the less privileged is good, but must be scrutinized & controled.  Every place is not equal.  Local Levey rates can be good as they can be ? according to the local economy.  Local share caps are good, helps keep cash where it belongs. An honest days wage, for an honest days work.  Educators should be accountable For their income.  If so, there would be no need Fo paying more to teach certain courses.  Cash, anytime money is involved, a committee should control it.  Trust is the major Factor.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) The idea of having local communities helping to contribute to local schools is nice, but I worry how it might still leave schools in poor areas in the dust.  I am from Ohio (the state) myself and I know how the schools in poorer areas can never pass levys or gain any assistance. Maybe don't cut the education budget?  That might help. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Brooke Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral  
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) I like guaranteed funding for small counties. Some of it seems unconstitutional  Be clear about pay not %'s real #'s and Fix PEIA  Capped Administration #'s  RECHT Decision  Concerns about special payraises for particular subject areas.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Guaranteed Funding for small counties Increased Compensation to Math... Science, Reading, Social Studies, Unified Arts  Funding PEIA  Monetary amount (not %)  Increase Professional/Service - Cap Administrative Fix PEIA Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Pay raise  Local Share - Counties need to keep their own funding  Need the enrollment floor is there  Lower retirement back to 55  Health care needs paid for Levy rates - need vote of people  Local share  Taxation of natural resources for funding would have been a helpful idea Taxation of gas & coal industry needed Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) I believe that increasing teacher and school service personnel would help keep highly qualified teachers in WV.  Currently many highly qualified teachers are leaving WV because they can be paid more in other states.  Personally I have two college degrees and make less than the average manager of a fast food restaurant.  As an educator this is very discouraging, and causes others to leave our state for another. I feel that levy rates are something that should be decided by the citizens of the county. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Teachers currently paid @ lesser rate than other professionals - pay needs to reflect their degrees:  educational status. Local levy rates need to be determined by the community not local schools.  No clarity on who is allocating funds to the county - is it the citizens?  School board?  More technical classes needed.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree    
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Pay raises for educational & service personnel. Tax the oil & gas companies.  Take care of our West Virginians.  Not sure on the rule about levies.  It's vague. Tax the oil & gas companies.  Quit giving tax breaks to these out of state companies.  We are sitting on more natural resources than Saudi Arabia.  Tax the oil & gas companies.  Quit giving them tax breaks & take care of our West Virginians. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Increased teacher compensation  1400 Enrollment floor  Increasing states share of school aid   Increase gas's oil severance tax. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Increased compensation - salaries should start at a rate comparable to what college grads in other areas are receiving.    Enrollment floor - all schools have requirements - all systems need access.   Tax extraction industry! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Hancock Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Build a better business climate. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral
Putnam Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Competitive pay compared to surrounding states.  Enrollment floor and maximum number of students in all classes. Taxation should require a vote.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Let the people do their job and teach the students in the best way possible for the student to learn rather than having to meet state standards for all students. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Hancock Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)   Increased compensation absolutely must move towards reasonable teacher pay, competitive teacher pay.  Many teachers work additional jobs outside of education in order to make ends meet.  Teachers needs to make enough money that they do not need to have another job to make ends meet.  They can focus on their teaching and come to school rested and energized.            
Brooke Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Enrollment Floor - gives low enrollment counties same opportunities and programs. Funding for the Arts! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Harrison Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Increased compensation for professional staff (teachers) is important to attract high school/college students to the profession.  Local share cap would allow growing counties to use the funds. Allowing local boards to establish local levy rates could  1) jeopardize excess levy funds  2) allow politics to rule what is raised rather than what is appropriate for education.
Upshur Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I am supportive of all except have some concerns about local levy rates and  how that might negatively impact levy passages.  as noted above - re: levy rates I believe we need to analyze spending to determine the academic efficiency of dollars allocated.   How effective are the strategies for public school spending? Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Increased compensation to keep high qualified teachers.  Enrollment flow - to help struggling county school systems. Local Levy Rates - If a county does this will it upset the people and note vote to pay future levy? Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Increased compensation to compete with nearby states.  Increased compensation should include security in health benefits.  Enrollment cap is good, otherwise they fall through the cracks and  Local levy rates most likely won't be supported by the public voters.  People will continue to look down upon education. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)   Against extra pay for certain areas.  Who decides what area needs more $?   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Must increase salaries dramatically Don't allow levies to be decreased Tax extraction industry!  Cut testing for more $ Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Local share cap - agree Pay raise should be based on performance.  If it can't be, then get rid of the teachers not doing their jobs.   Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree 1. to teachers not doing their job well.  2. consolidated  3. Must have a taxpayer's vote
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Teacher payraises need to be consistently addressed and not based on election cycles.  Staff needs payraises but tying them to unrelated bills is not appropriate.    The other funding components fulfill equity laws required under the RECHT Decision.  There is real justice in looking out for our fellow educators in other districts. See above. We need to pay teachers well and make sure PEIA is solvent beyond election cycles.  Well paid educators who don't have to worry about health insurance, pensions, etc. would raise productivity; if people feel good about their work, there will be positive results across the board. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Brooke Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Increased Compensation - promised, professional pay, for professional work  Local Share CAP  Enrollment Floor - provide $ to Service Personnel - needs reconfigure - Teacher figures reconfigured Local Levyrate - need to be established by community/county at large.  Service personnel formula needs reconfigured as well as including a formula for a support staff, & teacher leaders. Invest in education.  An investment in education is an investment in the future of the WV as a state.  Increase funding for support teachers,  Funding Formula needs to be reconfigured - special ed &  how it effects that formula. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Lewis Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Teachers and service personnel deserve to make a decent living wage. Teachers should not have to have an additional job to make ends meet!  Enrollment floor great for less populate counties   Do not allow charter schools on ESA"s drain our budget for public schools  Severance tax! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I like the enrollment floor for allowing counties with lower than 1400 enrollment to fund their schools.  I also think the local share cap would be far and helpful to larger counties.    Local levy should be voted on by all citizens   Local levy should be voted on by all citizens.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation to teachers and school service personnel. This will help keep and attract highly qualified teachers and service personnel in the state of WV.  The only funding source that will make everything possible, including permanent fix to PEIA is a severance tax on natural gas. Until this is made a reality, I do not see any of these funding sources become a reality  Priority 1 should be to attract highly qualified teachers. Competitive pay (look at PA, MD, OH) and excellent healthcare.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Nicholas Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) 1) enrollment floor - Establish floor at 7500, not 1400.  This would allow educational reform to occur in the largest growing counties without negatively impacting smaller, more rural counties.   I'm against allowing local BOE's to see local levy rates. This places the burden of funding issues - that can be caused by state level decisions - on local leaders without real control   Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree #2 on multiple choice   Raise to 7500  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Make competitive salaries compared to other professionals/areas.      Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) There needs to be clarity re: "local communities" generating more funding . The public will be very interested in incase of taxes "at will" ? Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Like increased compensation for teachers and services. There need to be a dedicated funding source. Pay should be level To gain in one area only neglects other areas.   We are suffering with teachers leaving the field.   The entire loaf of bread needs butter.  Not just a few slices . We need improvements across curriculum and locals.      Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I don't not think local school boards should be given ability to generate and control funding. It could lead to political decisions and problems. Only allowing citizen voting would be appropriate.  Additional recognition and support of teachers and support personnel by topping (no put intended) gas and oil resources.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral
Randolph Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) While some of these ideas are good, they ignore the larger systematic inequalities our system creates.     1) increased teacher compensation is a great step in the right direction   2) enrollment floor: seems me a good idea  3) Local levy rates are terrible (terrible unlined 3 times) ideas, because it creates more inequality and it puts poor and ?? counties in a poor position  4) local share cap seems (seems is underlined 3 times) me a good ideas if it means the state pays  more - ?? I think we could set a basic number of positions so that all students have the same opportunity.  But terrible if this is an excuse for the share to put more on the counties ?? ??  No really some of ours   See other  We have to create a more equitable funding model. Our students deserve the same opportunity regardless of the district they live in. Zip code shouldn't determine the quality of education.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation for teachers and service personnel   1400 enrollment floor   Local levy rates should be approved by public voting.  Pass legislation for recreational ? and CBD's   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Obviously, increased compensation  Enrollment floor - kids need support  Need a livable wage  Local Levy rates - should be voted on by the public  counties should be allowed to keep their own money. Disparity in pay between admins and teachers  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensation: allows us to get more qualified teachers as a whole  Enrollment floor: allows "small schools" to remain competitive with other larger schools  Local Levy Rates: I see no issue with allowing communities to fund their local schools  Local Share cap:  Local Levy Rates: May lose current funding Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increased compensations makes teaching more attractive  *Student loans  Enrollment floor: equal opportunities for smaller counties   Levy rates: no issue  Local share cap: innovation         Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Upshur Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) - Positive - increase funding for improved compensation to teachers and service personnel in our state.  - look at ways to help teachers pay student loans  - packages to provide incentives to beginning teachers 1400 enrollment floor - great ideas to help counties with declining populations. more flexibility with funding   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) - increased compensation  - 1400 enrollment  - increase state share of school aid formula   - all teachers should get paid the same amount  - local levy rates should be uniform - checks and balances - prevent corruption. - pay us a living wage  - less gap between admin. salary and teacher salary   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Definitely need increased and ?? compensation at all levels.     Need to keep more money at local levels.  School aid formula is outdated. If court ordered state should have in cost not all county money. Cannot even think how all this could be done without a local levy.  Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Need to increase compensation without any strings attached. New severance tax to fund education  enrollment ?? is great   Local ?? cap is needed     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) In favor of a raise (a substantial raise not tied to anything else)  Fund PEIA completely w/a steady source of funding. Using money to fund charter schools, for ESA's don't put levy into local school boards hands.  severance tax on gas! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ritchie Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Teachers and school service personnel should receive their raise There should be a 1400 student cap.  It is a must for the smaller counties.   No to levy rates without voter approval counties should not be punished by reducing states share if county has more of an increase.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I think that better pay would go a long way to draw more teachers into West Virginia  I agree with most of the funding opportunities   I think that the voters should vote on the levy rates Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) - Increased compensation for teachers and service to attract higher quality personnel  - local share cap Local levy rates - making counties fund ed. is not enough and will cause a negative light to be shed on the schools in a community.  - increase severance tax on gas and oil  making career and tech colleges free is good! Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Calhoun Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) This 1400 is of most importance  Increased compensation for teachers and service personnel   Loosing revenue -  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Increasing the states fair of school aid formula    1) Fund of PEIA which is not listed on the forum list  2) taking oil and gas for revenue that would fund PEIA and the raises for teachers and service personnel. 3) Increase for service personnel and the responsibilities of carrying the responsibly of hauling their child on school buses every day.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
  Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Multiple Choice #3  Local citizens need to vote on this. 
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree    
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Monroe Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Direct individual feedback is valuable   But we missed the single most important funding element for schools (buses, infrastructure, insurances, services, food, counselling, to salaries to enhances funding for all ) the access to a ?? ?? from oil - gas PEIA: without it, without new funding, all the SB451 issues that relate to funding(relate to funding is underlined) (ALL social emotional items all Funding of items. all instructional quality item are moot.  #1 new gas sequences tax is needed  2016 EIA Data $421 Mil if 10% of day gas  If add wet gas (11%) add +/- 50 mil  If add Oil (huge production BBL) +/- 50 mil  if add coal (=300 mil+)  Show up $700 -8-- mil - Annually   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree They underlined #4 in multiple choice more local funding to remain in the county
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) ?? in local levi may hurt seniors  county floor of 1400 is a good thing   Court ordered services not covered under present school aid formula 
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Enrollment Floor Taxes on gas and oil instead of levy (seniors) teacher pay NO fix for PEIA     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Teachers must be paid so they do not leave our state.    Follow the Recht decision. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Increased compensation a must. Not just %5  Teachers and parents affect student achievement   Do not pay $2000.00 to just math teachers. What about the teacher of K and 1st where reading skills are taught.  What about the social studies teacher who teachers the history of our country  and how government is of the people, by and for the people.  What about the science teacher that will education students about their bodies, their earth, the universe and the way to care for all.  Yes, must provide increased compensation to teachers. %5 is not enough. Raise the starting salary to compete with national level.   Maybe need to look at other ways to fund public education besides property taxes.   If oil and gas is generating $$ for some counties - why isn't coal doing the same.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I feel there should be increases compensation for teachers. It may help retain and encourage teachers to teach in West Virginia. If better teachers stay in WV... then higher quality of teachers... thus better education for our students.  I think the funding needs to include more money for teachers to use w/in their classroom. $100-200 per year is not enough to support teachers' needs w/in the classroom.  Increase funds to teachers  Increase compensation to "All" teachers   Give CTE Teachers credit for years in their profession Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Local Levy Rates (all 3 words underlined): If counties want to raise higher levies, they should be able to  Increased Compensation (both words underlined): Gives quality teachers more reason to stay; attracts new talent to WV.  Enrllment Floor (both underlined): At what number do counties consider consolidating with other counties? At what student enrollment # are other options considered?   Local Share Cap (all underlined): Is it wise to pull state funding away from regions that need it for regions that do not?  Increase teaching pay rates to be competitive with surrounding states, then increase pay for high need positions.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Not much In other areas (medical, business, industry) those who do the work (double underlined) receive the most money. Schools are not producing a product but we are providing a service.  We need to elevate the BASE pay for teaching and look at student loan repatment programs to attract a higher quality of candidates to the teaching profession, especially in areas of hard to fill content areas.  Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree At the end of question 1: "- higher overall not in specific areas" 
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree   Somewhat Agree   Arrow from questino 2 pointing down, no words accompanying. 
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) To attract and keep the finest teachers we must have high salaries and terrific benefits.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) More $ for teachers and service personnel.   Enrollment floor Money - oil and gas $ for education support.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree      
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Enrollment floor is necessary for small schools. Consider correspondence courses for student's small schools.   Local levy rates should be allowed to increase by vote to cover additional costs.   Local share should not be capped because the property value usually indicates salary level.  Don't get rid of inventory task or lower coal severance tax and fund education more fully.  Forgive teachers tuition costs if the over a 10 year period if they stay in WV.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - 1400 min. enrollment  * Free up teachers  - Increased compensation     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral  
Jackson Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral    
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Increased funding is an excellent idea and touches almost every topic.  The subcategories lack the breathe of options for funding. It's missing severance tax increasing specifically.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral At the end of question 3: "* Needs to only be an option for (up arrow) not (down arrow)  After question 4: "not enough detail on #4"
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I like the idea of increased compensation for our state's educators because it encourages qualified, effective teachers to remain here - where we need them. Educators should be compensated for the effort, time, and money they devote to their work.  I am concerned about   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I like that we are open to discussion. New ideas will create a better funding policy.  Extra pay for math - 2000 divided by 26 times ..70% take home will not make a industry person switch; it will make a current teacher switch for more money with less passion/knowledge More programs for larger capital improvements.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)     Please (underlined) fund (underlined) our teachers and schools.   Until we fund (underlined) our teachers they will leave.   Please fund our public schools.  Strongly Agree   Neutral Strongly Disagree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) 5% pay raise for Teachers School Service Personnel to keep teachers in state.  Fund smaller counties like Calhoun and Wirt Higher severance taxes on oil and gas Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Funding counties with less than 1400 students at 1400 rate would greatly improve education in smaller counties. Allowing adequate staff in all areas are important.      Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) * YES to Enrollment Floor of 1400! (Whole sentence underlined multiple times)   + Helping poorer counties and balancing with wealthier counties. (Local Share Cap)  + Should stay with the voters to keep community support.  - Keep all schools/counties at the same base level in order to keep them functioning at a "doable" level. (Enrollment Floor)  - BoE should not have control of levy rates/approval-may cause loss of community support.  Compensation should be more incentives to draw and attract new teachers or experts to the teaching field.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree With a line from choice on question 3: "Voters have control" 
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) We need to make teaching and gaining more teachers a priority     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Jackson Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Levy rates being controlled by voters.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)     Yes to Enrollment Floor 1400!!!          
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - 1400 minimum funding per county  - increased compensation for school employees ---> voters to vote to generate more local funding - increased levy rates    no (double underlined) elimination of business inventory tax  no (double underlined) decrease in severance taxes on coal increase severance tax on natural gas Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - Compensation looked as a "benefit package" incl. salary, vacation, insurance, etc.   - Like giving more authority to local BOE's to propose spending/taxation plans for local area and not having as many state-mandated requirements that may not mesh with local needs.   - Allowing counties to keep more of local taxes - Increased taxes to fund education without reforms thathelp increases the effectiveness (underlined) of education and accountability for student achievement.  - Compensation tied to student achievement and not necessarily ed. level of teacher .  - Reqional school districts  - partner more w/ local community colleges to offer degree completion while in high schools.  Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Salary increases are always welcome.  You have teachers that aren't receiving enough income to pay their loans and have more money in their education that what the make.  Service personnel deserve increase in pay to be above what is considered in some states poverty level. Funding for technology, dental & vision insurance.   Loan forgiveness for teachers.  Incentives to encourage certification. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Salary increase is always welcome and a good idea.  McDowell County is very rural, and pay is one of the only things that we, as employers, can offer to possibly entire and/or retain staff. Funding in Technology  Funding for Additional insurance over & above medical- vision/dental More loan forgiveness for teachers on student loans or incentives to encourage certification... Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Local Levy Rates should not increase A raise to teachers and service personnel, Additional funding for facilities,  We also need more funding for service personnel and funding.  Technology also needs to be improved. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Pay Raise and competitive pay would help bring in better teachers. Funding for better insurance. Loan forgiveness for teachers who work a minimum amount of years. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I like the increased compensation across the board for all teachers and all school service personnel.  I think this is a must in order to achieve school reform in WV.  Teachers feel disrespected and betrayed by our legislators.  We were punished in this legislative session because of our work stoppage last year.  PEIA needs a permanent fix.  Dental and vision insurance for educators would be another way to encourage teachers to teach her, eliminating the teacher shortage.    Technology for teachers and students needs to be upgraded in McDowell County. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I'm supportive of this policy.  It seems to increase student enrichment and help the schools that are behind rise up. 0  Here in our county; we need a lot of help.  Technology and opportunities are much needed.  Where will the money come from? We need to change the learning environment. I even thought about online school for my child.  What about virtual learning?  I say its worth a shot.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) The State needs to provide more funding/one time bonus or sign on bonus for counties that have difficulties for recruiting teachers.  The students should not have to be denied classes because certain counties are unable to hire or retain teachers.  In McDowell County alone the need is great but many jobs are not filled because many teachers do not want to come here due to lace of business & places. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Increase compensation   Local Levy  -In order to keep up with rise in the economy we must also increase our wages.  -Levy money is important to the public schools in order to obtain teaching materials and helping our student athletes to prepare them for college and the real world. enrollment Floor  - I believe funding should be provided with what the enrollment of the school, not less than whats enrolled.  -individual schools -Teachers who are on a higher paying scale seems to spend more time in preparing the students for life success. Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Roane Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Funding to cover  5% - 2 years in a row?   I know we need to catch up - but puts pressure on counties to pay for.  Oil and gas will be gone soon. Funding ??.   Some schools have excess levy that covers things - others don't.  Consolidate administration - combine small counties - ?? (she actually put question marks)   Save money eg. Payroll, Scheduling, etc.    Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Next to first question: "Based on Merit and performance" 
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)     Move some promise scholarship funding to dual enrollment  Proven "Brain Drain": require Promise scholarship earners to stay in state, teach, other needed professions Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) My first concern is teacher's raise to come true   Health Care plan  an account for teachers for supplies
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I think the Raise for Teachers in very important  The second concern is Health Care. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Jackson Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - Support the funding opprtunities outlines in terms of increased compensation, enrollment floors, and local share..  Hesitant to support flexibility increasing local levies. May turn local boards of education into anti-tax battlefields.  - Longer school year, approx. 200-220 days needed to adequately address all of the responsibilities added to school systems over the past 50 years.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Enrollment floor was a good thing   Increased compensation (what happened to previous resolution its 2019)   No taxation without representation (with arrow pointing down from last line in last question) local share cap?  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) The enrollment floor would be a huge help for the smaller counties that do not have the tax base of larger counties.     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) State income tax for punlic education salary and benefits inadequate (underlined) -   entollment floor But (underlined) each school should have some programs in every county - calculus, spanish,   Coach, oil, gas severance taxes -     tac fracking and natural resources (all underlined)  Increase funding in ? to (underline) state so there is more money to distribute equalize between counties, between poorer and richer schools - do not put any (underlined) public funds into provate schools   Collective bargaining - strong union people should pay union dues so union can represent all teachers and have funds to do so  Do not reduce standards, do not dumb down teacher standards or student expectations  Sipport teacher education continuing education in ? (underlined)   time for teachers to collaborate and plan together, inter-school, inter-disciplinary (only disciplinary is underlined)     Support support supports public (underlined) education (underlined)  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral  
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) * The enrollment floor at 1400   Being in a small county, this would be an amazing! When I started teaching, there were 8 teachers in my ELA dept, now there are 4 due to non-? based on budget cuts. We've cut intructional time due to these cuts. We want to be able to give what others can! Our students need the same opportunity and attention Local Levy Rates   It worries me to give that much control to our BOE! do not believe that the BOEs would want that responsibility.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Providing additional funding to counties that have less than a certain number of students would help low enrollment counties.  There are more shortage areas than ?. We need to increase compensation to all school employees.  Higher pay for all teachers. This would bring in more teachers. Needs to be a true raise not just an average.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral  
Jackson Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Next to first question: "But not w/or if charter schools and ESA's are attached  Next to third question: "Only if voters chose not by BOE deciding  Next to fourth question: "Absolutely" (underlined) 
Mason Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I like the concept of increased compensation for school empliyees. Financial support for home schoolers is also encouraged, in addition to supports for private educational alternatives.  I am concerned about where this funding will come from and who this change may negatively impact. I am concerned about funding being derived from property owners, and the ability of non property owners to vote for property owners to be taced for school levy funding. The people of WV (who are working to sustain incomes are taced enough or too much already, in many cases.  Please fund more school counseling positions.  Somewhat Agree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree After last question "as explained at table Fixed level into future"
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) The funding opportunities presented are not supported by any thought - through espected results.   An entire change in funding is req'd that allows were local control. This can be effectively achieved via a 1/3 budget cut of State Educ. Admn expenditure that can be relocated to locat teachers directly (underlined). (W/O UNION INTERFERENCE)  Somewhat Agree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Enrollment Floor (creates equal opportunity) puts all counties on equal footing)  Increased Compensation need to be competitive and have salaries similar to surrounding states Allowing local communities to generate funding (Bd   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Increase salaries.  Funding to counties.  1400 students.  Local Levy Rates-not possible for some counties.  Some counties have trouble collecting their estimated taxes due to the tax base of McDowell County.  School Aid need increased-state aid for facilities up keep needs adjusted Additional supplements for certain teachers in sp. needs area doesn't seem fair to the other teachers.  It seems the state feels math teachers are more important than say an Elementary School. Work w/US Dept. of Education to forgive student loans low interest housing loans for new teachers. Internet service needs updated. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
  Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Notes: Yes increased compensation, Get funding to the classroom, prefer set amount not % - do a package over time  Enrollment ?? - Not a fan, feel it would take away from other counties  Local levy rates - fuel puts too much, pressure locally - richer counties will continue to get richer. Just increase formula  Charters/ESA  will take away from public Compensation - change compensation - merit based - incentive based  Levy Rate - Concerns for "poor" counties. Rich get richer            
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - Increased Compensation - In order to have/keep highly-qualified teachers, we must have a competitive wage.   - Enrollment Floor - This is BIG (underlined) for smaller counties like Pleasants county. This creates an equal opportunity for all school systems.  Local level rates Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Keeping teacher and service personnel salaries competitive will attract potential education candidates.  Local levy rates being raised coule be an issue.  #1 for me is providing additional funding for smaller counties. The money would help our small county keep afloat when funding from our plant goes down.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Wirt Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) More funding with fewer students for smell counties. Funding us @ 1400 students would be so helpful.  Bd. and counties should not raise levy rates. All teachers deserve equitable pay not just math/science Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)     Compensation needs to be competitive with surrounding states.   Compensation needs to raise for all (underlined) employees not a large (arrow pointing up) for new teachers and little for more experienced staff.   We may tax our local communities too much! We will create disparity between more populated counties and rural counties.   3 & 4 favor larger/more prosperous counties BUT there is support for keeping local money in the local county.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Mason Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I feel that the school aid fundinf needs to be increased.. I also feel that we need competive pay to retain and gain certified personnel.  1. Pay increase for school personnel  2. Funding for school adequately.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Mason Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) The increased compensatoin is definitely needed to bring in new people into the education field due to the fact they can't afford to pay off their student loans.  We still need to look at funding tchrs for the unfunded mandates. Originally the lottery was to go to education now it is cut into pieces. They have taken away the food tac which was for education. They keep actually pulling away education funding, but making more mandates.  Put back a funding source totally directed for education, and not touched by any other interest.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Mason Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) The increased compensation is definitely needed to bring in new people into the education field due to the fact they can't afford to pay off their student loans.  We still need to look at funding tchrs for the unfunded mandates. Originally the lotteru was to go to education now it is cut into pieces. They have taken away the food tax which was for educatoin. They keep actually pulling away education funding, but making more mandates.  Put back a funding source totally directed for education, and not touched by any other interest.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
Roane Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - Increased compensation for educators is so (underlined) important. We cannot get students to go into the education field. If you want competition and "the best," you're going to have to make people want the job.     - I strongly support the local share cap. This will help al lcounties that have lost population, not just those under 1400.  - A 2,500 teacher raise does not go fair enough in terms of increased compensation. The legislature alread promised 43,000 by 2019. We're nowhere close.   _PEIA (underlined) still doesn't have a dedicated funding stream.   - The 1400 student floor seems somewhat arbitrary. I understand the number has been researched, but there are several counties under 1400 doing fine, and those over 1400 struggling.    Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Increased compensation.   why  We simply (underlined) must (underlined) take action to attract and retain quality educators in West Virginia schools Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) There is no (double underlined) doubt (double underlined) that people that work in education or any public service (police, fire fighters, social workers especially CPS) should (and needs) a Raise.   It was No surprise to me to hear Dr. Paine state that there are 5,000 less people graduating from an Education program. We, as a state and even as a nation, are in an EXTREME teacher shortage. It is a tankless job with Long hours. Most  teachers have 2nd jobs just to make ends meat. This should not be the case. We are educating the future... the ones that will be taking over.  IT worries me to give that Much power to a BOE to make the decision to raise taces without aproval of their citizens.  * As a state we do need to look outside the normal way of funding public schools. There are too many counties that barely have any type of businesses that taxes can be pulled from. Currently WVis booming in the gas and oil fields, we need to capitalize on that. The gas $ oil is here (double underlined), under our feet, these companies will pay whatever tax we ask for to get to it. We need to stop letting them take it for less than nothing. Our state is struggling in every way. This could be the "ladder" that we need to life ourselves up.   * It would also be profitable to legalize pot ----> and tax (double underlined) it (double underlined).  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Under question 3: "They shouldn't be able to do w/out public approval"
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Increased compensation for teachers and school service personnel will help attract higher quality employees. I think the enrollment floor is wonderful for smaller counties.  The local levy rates in concerning to me. It worries me that it gives the local BOE to much power.     * I need to research more information on the local share cap. My first instinct is concerning over accountability. * As a state we need to look at different ways to bring in more taxable income. This would in oil and gas, medical marijuana and clean energy.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Do not allow counties to have ability to raise levy rates. Do not take money from punlic schools for use of ESAs and charter schools.  Fully fund public schools. Provide increase in pay to hire certified teachers.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree   Next to question 4: "- do not believe question is clear. If it means that more money stays in county - yes"
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - Enrollment Floor: Providing a minimum of funding -- we all have the same issues it just a matter of size.   - Like the potential to have additional funding if assessed values increase :)  - What happens to the local share if assessed values fall below 2016 levels?  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) The enrollment flooe was/is a great idea!  Each communirt should have a say in local levy rates. This should be brought up for a vote.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Increased compensation - discouraging educators to come into the field if we do not continue to increase pay - 5%/years.   Enrollment floor - 1400, please support total/state  ---> transportation; we have contractual services   Local Share Cap - please allow restoration to 2016 in order to help all counties put improvements in place.   Local ? rates - Not sure this is helpful puts boards into a bad place in terms of this Continue to build compensation over the next years.   Local living rates - this might need to be decided locally Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral  
Roane Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Increased compensation, yes Look at large counties loosing school population but still have to transport students Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) *We have teachers on food stamps. That is criminal!  If we want good people to be teachers, pay them what they are worth, as you would in any business (participant underlined the last two words of the previous sentence).   *Enrollment Floor - small counties still have (the last two words are illegible) Local share cap - shouldn't all students in the state by equally supportal?   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I like all but #3.  Our levy always passes, but it might not if taxes are increased. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -1400 level makes more equitable around the state.  Re-evaluate current funds and where the monies are allocated. Raising taxes at the local level isn't wise.  - Cut the administration to match school aide formula.  - Monies should go to the classroom Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral  
Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Incentives for recruiting new teachers. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) The $1000 for employees who miss just a few days during the school year -good idea! Too many absences from school employees!  Especially the young people who want to use or lose days.     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Increased compensation  Enrollment floor Local levy rates - slippery slope feeling raise early and often leads to lack of community support especially if they have no students in our school systems Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Increased compensation must (participant underlined previous word) happen for ALL (participant underlined previous word) personnel. Local schools should be able to keep local funding.      Strongly Agree   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree pertaining to question #2 - I don't feel informed enough on this to respond. Sorry. 
Lincoln Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Increased comp  Enrollment Floor No on local share cap. Monies should go to help the rest of the state poor counties. Wealthy can always pay more. 
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Nada *Raising taxes w/out tax payer consent.   *why enrollment raising numbers. Research based research shows small class size  Consolidation of counties losing enroll  *District Numbers ->   Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree  
Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)     Funding Alternative centers for student that need intensive counseling along with instruction.  Bonus for teachers' attendance/extra work.  Ability to use days accumulated for insurance or years of service. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Nothing *Concerned about increase in my taxes due to raised levy!  *Don't understand enrollment floor  *Legislative-required positions at the district level - needs to change  *Do we need 55 school districts? - suggest shared positions between counties  *local share cap *spend less on standardized testing and curriculum Neutral Neutral Neutral
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I agree with the funding policies by necessary compensation to teachers you can attract and return guiding people. We need to have a solid plan to address the problems with each school-spend the money wisely and where it is most needed.   Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral  
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like increasing funding to 1400 students.  I would like to fund based upon need not on the number of students.  Get funding from our natural resorces from our state.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree pertaining to question #4 - with voter approval
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) - I think any education funding opportunities are great.   - Public education needs to be funded.  I do not understand finances completely, but the only concern would be to acquire funding w/out public input or knowledge.  - In order to get quality you need to fund and appropriately disperse funds.  - Quit giving big tax breaks to big corporate  - Fund programs to help teachers assists social emotional development/support staff/etc.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Voter input is important in levy funding. Teachers and school personel have worked hard with plenty of unpaid overtime and are deserving of a raise. These teachers are college educated people who care enough to give back for small change.  Putting funding into Ed. savings accounts I feel the most effective place I feel we could invest our funds is in hiring more teachers to lower the students per teacher ratio drastically.  Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree pertaining to question #2 - not clear info  pertaining to question #4 - need more info  pertaining to question #5 - need more info
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Nothing -My greatest concern is the extreme avoidance of taxing the gas/oil/coal companies who are looking to pull millions out of WV. It's a source that is there that could fund schools.  -funding based only locally echoes and magnifies the inequalities across wv redistricting? tourism?   Cutting taxes - not always the answer why tax the people and not (participant underlined previous word) the companies? Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Pertaining to question #4 - w/local vote
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) The school aid formula needs to provide more state funding for positions.  The geographical area should also be taken into account. State Aid Funding-  Geographical area/terrain should be factored in.  We may show that our county is over staffed in bus operators, but it does not account for the students that live on the edges of our county and still have to be bussed to school.  Also, enrollment may drop, but our schools remain the same size & still must be cleaned. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) The enrollment floor amendment would be great for poorer counties like ours.  Also, the school aid formula would follow in the same vein.     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Student loan repayment as in incentive. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Employees are expecting promised salary increases.  The local share cap would benefit counties & allow additional funds for counties.  Agreeable to enrollment floor for smaller counties. Opposed to Local Board having the authority to increase Levy rates.  Predict that increased rates would allow more excess levies to be defeated in counties. Allowing counties to have more discretion on spending would allow counties to address areas needed to improve student achievement.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Bonus for attendance, ways to attract new teachers, give a raise every year. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) School teachers and service personnel need pay raises and more funding or better benefits.  Incentives like fully funded PEIA, vision insurance are important for having new teachers in the workforce.  Funding is needed for maintenance, facilities, and service personnel are real important needs. Richest counties will get bigger kickback. Janitors need funded for more positions & hours.  Compensation is needed to all.  Life-skills, arts, & electives are important. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)     Salary should be equal to the 5 states around us so that teachers would remain and want to stay in WV. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Summers Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Increased compensation.   Levy rates.  W/out the tax base, the levy rates and (illegible) funds are not the same. Funding for more service & professional personnel. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) School staff absolutely need more funding.  This can be in the form of salary and/or benefits.  Need vision insurance, property tax lowers but schools stays the same.  Funding for facilities, maintenance, service personnel.  BOE knows what we need (locally). Local share cap?  This seems like the richer counties will increase funding and create a bigger disparities in funding.  Give more money to the areas that are not growing and less to those that are so it is more equitable.   Roads need repaired.  Janitors need funded for more positions and hours.  Compensation for all staff.  Monetary assistance for completing certification.  Low interest housing loans.  Life-skills, arts, electives. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Increased compensation for teachers & service personnel. Local Levy Rates should be voted on by citizens! Direct funds to increase # of service personnel regardless of enrollment #'s.  Less staff to clean the same building makes no sense.  Less cooks to prepare the food means less home cooked and fresh food prep.  The "feel" of the building impacts the students education! Core classes are full & over filled.  Enrichment classes or electives provide an outlet for creative energy that would otherwise manifest in inappropriate behaviors.  Elective classes offer the students a chance to explore areas of interest and with smaller class sizes all around, mentoring has a greater chance to occur naturally. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree
Wyoming Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I agreed with incentative pay for sick days not used.  I agreed with extra paid for high need teaching jobs.  However, the pay needs to be every year.     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) WV McDowell Co. teachers are lowest paid and there should be no debate about increasing their salaries.  If it were not for teachers there would be no doctors, lawyers, nurses, etc.  School service personnel are often left out and less respected an not compensated for their time they spend in and out of the classroom, Central Office and other places they work.  It all boosts student achievement! Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Counties with low enrollment should get as much funding as larger communities - but (per student)  Also funding for opportunities that larger counties. Levy rates should be decided by voters There is a lot (participant underlined twice the previous word) of funding available but being wasted. (participant underlined twice the previous word) Our counties are top heavy at the central office. There are many positions where the people in the central office should be working directly with children doing interventions - one on one - direct instruction - not telling us what to do but helping the kids. *Audit where the money is going and being wasted.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree   In relation to question #2 - If I understand it correctly that smaller counties can have more equal funding, then yes  In relation to question #4 - If decided by voters
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I do like the enrollment floor. Community members need to vote on all levies Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Increased compensation - I'm a 4 yr teacher, I have already considered multiple times to change careers because I couldn't survive without my spouse. I work so hard, I invest so much (financially) into my classroom. We deserve more compensation to relate to the increase of cost of living.  -Levy, board members raising levy amounts w/o local citizens approval for particular items the people may not agree with.  -Regulations for increasing the levies for specific reasons.   *Voters must vote on certain criteria.  *Not complete control of boe.  *Vote every time it raises! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree For question #4 participant has an arrow pointing back to the front page on the second question.  It says comment. 
Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) The 1400 student enrollment school aid is desperately needed  The school aide formula for more counselors and support personnel.  Concern about funding for critical needs subject areas and being sure those that are hired/supplemental are qualified Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)     -Consider funding appropriation for more vulnerable student populations (disability, behavior, opiod addiction)  -need more supports (participant underlined previous word) nurse, counselors, psychologist  -invest in training and the right (participant underlined previous word) people getting the training -> those in the schools with students.   -competitive salaries for all staff includes service personnel (participant underlined last two words)  -funding for supports for specialized positive behavioral supports  -greater compliance w/IEP - Funding to better train front line staff (principals, etc) no more "they have the skills but not the will" regarding compliance/lack there of  -voters should vote on levys (participant underlined previous word) Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Funding for supports in specials ed, PBIS, Psychologist, counselors, nurses  Revisit school aid formula - archaic Recht Decision  Voters vote on levies govt doesn't make the decision  Funding should not be just per person, but reorganized to the need. We have an opoid epidemic training  5% salaries for all staf Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Localization That it will be spent indescriminately Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Enrollment Floor -> Smaller counties need this $ to support basic school functioning -> Teacher raise -> should be 5% of actual salaries rather than of an average salary  -> County-wide vote for levy hikes; more accountability for how levies are spent  -> local share cap could increase the gap between richer counties and poorer counties thus increasing the property values because the schools would be better funded   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) 1400 enrollment = 5% pay raise - Competitive salaries for all educators. Charter schools taking funds from public education - county BOE being able to change levy call after the voting.   Not enough funding for specialized support such as counselors, social workers, nurses, psychologist.  Safety issues for schools Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) More professional support positions  1400 floor  salary increases Levy elections/increases 170 instructional days Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -Increased compensation to teachers and service personnel  -Local levy rates to generate funding. County decides upon voting.  -Enrollment floor - Funding for new programs and classes.  -5% true raise   -Allow step-payscale per county/state  -Perhaps consider how Ohio decides school systems   -districts-kids choose districts/or enroll like open enrollment Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Participant has an arrow pointing from his answer on question #1 to his response to the last open ended question. 
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) 5 y is a start  Have a longer term plan multi year 5%-2%-2%-1%  Find funding     Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Comparable pay compared to other states and counties  -money controlled by county -clarification on the levy   -levy is taxation issue not primarily education Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Increased compensation to teachers Please don't let the benefits take the hit - PEIA   Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) (+) Compensation is competitive -> affects border counties w/other states for recruitment Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Increased compensation - why - starting salary 29000* 4 yr degree - compare to current starting salary cabell county garbage man 18hr - doesn't equate.   Enrollment floor - positive it still costs to run a bus  Local share cap - maintain funding Local Levy Rates - this should be separate from reform - addressed by voters Fixed salary around the state so each county is truly equal Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I support increased compensations. Competitive rates are important for recruiting and keeping good, passionate teachers. It should be based on individual salaries.  I would like to see the local levy rates be decided by the tax payers.  It may be of use to re-examine the salaries of people higher up in the board offices. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -Raises for teachers and service personnel  -Actual 5% raise, not just 5% of state avg.     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -More local control in decision-making would be good. Districts should be empowered to address individual needs such as counseling, nursing, construction, etc.  - I am concerned that we could see decreasing support for public schools if our community poverty rates continue to rise.   -I am concerned that the Recht decision has never been implemented - As other counties decline, it seems ours is doing more with less. Cabell should keep more of its local funds.  If charter schools were to be implemented there should be a funding source, not taking away per-pupil expenditure.  Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Pertaining to question 2 - with no damage to other counties  Pertaining to question 4 - see concern #1
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)     Reduce school utility costs by energy benchmarking. 3 steps. State annually updates to energy star portfolio for each school. State benchmark schools and recognizes energy star certified schools. Require utilities to (illegible) ES portfolio with EPA green button program. Many states now do this. DOE/EPA estimate this will save 6% of school energy costs. (P.S. KY has 40% of its school energy star certified)          
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Increased compensation for teachers and service personnel. It will make WV more competitive to attrak and keep good teachers  Increase the state's share of the school aid formula and allowing more local funds to stay in the county.  Local levy rates set by local communities. It should be set by the state. Do not say a 5% raise. Say the exact amount to the public will know how much is being presented as a pay raise. Charter schools are problems. Research shows charter schools do not increase student learning. Taking funding from public schools for charters will hurt public schools More funding for student support personnel Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) local share cap - increased funding for education, without hurting other counties revenue Concerns w/board member elections base on "lowering taxes" eliminate OS Days from state code! -6 days could be used for teacher PD  -these days are paid and employees do not work those days! Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) The majority of options were positive for growing counties.  -Local (possible school district) levy increase would be positive but general population won't go for it.   -Consider business taxes, etc. changes Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -Increase school aid formula  -Increased compensation  -Vote for levy rate -I think funding should be a flat number not a percentage  -Levy rates  -Multi-year compensation would be better -keep money in education  -state aid eligible  -permanent funding solution   -raise  -Don't mess with state aid funding in local share cap Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree  
Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Pay raise Levy rates, school districts Look at the funding formula, lower student # to employee  More funding for mental health  Find permanent funding source Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -School aid formula needs to be increased  -inadequately funds needs -No charter schools - take $ from public schools.   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I liked the option of funding for 1400 students for the 11 counties that have less than 1400 students Taxes -  -County  consolidation Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Pertaining to question 1 - w/structure change
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) WV Teachers are underpaid. Fact. And I don't have any students in public school, but I support higher pay for teachers. I do not believe everyone should get a "tenure" or "longevity" pay based on the # of years teaching, Incentives and performance based pay would be a great option. Pay structure needs reform! It is archaic. There is a need for the 11 counties with less than 1,400 students in the entire county to receive more funds. Maybe consolidate the 55 county school system and trim the fat. These students are not getting an equal education with their wealthier neighbors.  An overhaul (participant underlined previous word)! Too many salaries in administration.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) *Becoming competitive with other states with Increase compensation The  Increase in the Local Cap, increases the Amt of money that is kept at the county level . The amount of the increased compensation should be a fixed amount, not percentage based.  Increased property taxes could be a burden on the tax payer.  Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Increasing state aid (?) No (participant underlined previous word three times) to raising local levy by school boards.  No (participant underlined previous word two times) local share cap!   Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Pay educators and service more. Pay structure improved for all. Don't like the idea that a school system can raise taxes (particulary in poor counties) for local schools. Inequity. Need to coasolidate some school districts. When jobs are m ore plentiful and more economic opportunity are readily available for people to live decently, educational outcomes can improve. Career education needs more application to applied work situations and apprenticeships Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) *Giving local control to levy rates because it allows greater decision making at the local level.  *Enrollment floor because it set a minimum funding option that will ensure the smaller counties don't fall behind.  My concern is that we continue to provide ever increasing funding (per student) with no expectation on an ROI for the tax payer. -Teacher pay should be more performance based and provide incentives and not continue to increase based on tenure.  -State set minimum salary for teachers and let counties supplement as they desire. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Not very much. I think all school aid funding needs to be readjusted upward because student enrollment is declining all over the state. Our school are so underfunded and taking of public funds for so called educational savings accounts will only rob and diminish our ability to educate our students. I look at this as an attempt to take from our few funds to make private businesses richer.  The idea of educational savings is only rewarding people who either won't or can't make their children go to school. Why rob our schools for bad parenting? Increased funding for all schools and proving educational support personel.  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I do agree that increased compensation is necessary as we are losing excellent teachers yearly to bordering states. The reason for this loss is better pay an retirement benefits. We don't want the excess levy rates tied to regular levy rates. Wayne County has successfully passed both levies and has community support with levies.    Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -Support for more nurses, counselors, social workers, psychologists  -Better basic operations and maintenance support Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I am in favor of increased compensation, but think that teachers and service personnel need to realize their contract of 200 or 200+ days should be working all those days in their contract.  Don't agree with local communities being able to generate more funding   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree On number 7, part 2, was the comment "not redistricting"
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)     -Facility funding needs reviewed - even though enrollment is declining, facility size is not.  -Review prev. funding Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree  
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) -Base pay increase to meet the cost of living.  May slow down the exit of folks going to neighboring states.  -Enrollment Floor - Excellent idea  -Local share cap - May be good - would like to learn more about it. -Local Levy rates - Do not allow BOE to make this decision. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Find what's important - Increase pay - Teachers & Service employees  Take them off the "free meal" pay scale Charter Schools  ESA's Fund what's important! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increased compensation would provide more competitive wages all around. Enrollment Floor  How many counties are just above 1400? Maybe the cap should be a little higher Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increased Compensation Yes  Enrollment Floor Yes  Local Levy Rates Neutral  Local Share Cap Yes  (All words were underlined.)     Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increased compensation is a must.  We are unable to fill vacancies in teaching and service areas.  We won't get the best if we pay the least. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increase compensation for teachers beyond 5%. ("beyond 5%" underlined) Increased compensation for service personnel. Quit taking money away from public education Fund public education! Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree    
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) All teachers should be given a flat $20,000 raise each.  There needs to be a pay increase for a MA+60 hrs. to be an incentive for teachers to continue improving their skills.  Change the 35 year cap for pay Do not want a measly 5% raise to sacrifice our students for bad ideas like charter schools & ESA's!  Levy rates should not be at the will of the local board!  Citizens/taxpayers will not be agreeable to this.  Fix PEIA so that a pay increase is not "eaten up" by higher deductibles! Fund schools better so that my science classes can have supplies, materials, equipment that we need to prepare our students for the workforce. Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increased Compensation:  Enrollment Floor:  1400 Local Levy Rates- local BOE set new taxes?   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral  
Monroe Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Very important to increase funding to All ("All" Underlined) education personnel.  Salaries that are adequate will attract the necessary personnel that we need and retain those we already have. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Monroe Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) -Very important for all public teaching employees to get a pay raise!  -PEIA fix our packages, severance, retirement and our pay! Fund our public school properly! Class caps in grades 7-12! No more than 24 unless ? classes of band, choir, etc. No mandates w/o funding!   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Monroe Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree On number 7, part 3, was written "Voter approval."
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increased compensation for teachers and school service personnel.  Enrollment floor Should be increased  5% however is not enough Need to increase salary entry level and perks to encourage more college kids to become teachers! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Enrollment Floor - Basic level of state aid  Increased Compensation - Much needed  paired w/attendance standards Local Share Cap - why for the counties that are experiencing increases?  Local Levy Rates - Raising above the max level could result in impact on excess levy Need to address declining enrolment  Security systems/resource officers Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I appreciate the opportunity to recognize teachers who want to be math focused. I agree with an incentive for teachers and service personel to decrease the number of days messed and keep consistency in the classrooms  Resourse officers in schools. The bonus is a one time offer. The offer also would not apply to a teacher who has spent years in the math field. The regular levy needs to be left as is. No change needed. Excess levy can be manipulated by county but not the board. State share to level out country share for other opportunity. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) minimum funding for counties was a good thig it would help @ least 11 counties and some maybe more w/the population reduction in the state  Having voters approve levy rate adjustments was a good thig and combining that w/the local share cap could really help counties pay teachers more and more money to school choice One the levy rate adjustment was changed to voter approval I was fine w/everything.   Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Lincoln Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Enrollment floor. Having this cause you have countys that have lost student population due to lose of taxes from BO and propty/this could help keep schools running and teacher qualty Where are you going to get the money from that will be a coutise supplie. You can't start something then lose the money and stops   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) 1) Increased funding for teachers and service personnel  2) Local share caps 1) Allow local boards to control local levys is not a sound policy. Funding needs to be adjusted for vocational/technical high schools Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Teacher raises - they deserve (participant underlined previous word) to be compensated more- base level funding for all counties - it's fair PEIA still needs to be fixed Staff and support personnel increases Local share cap            
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) My main concern was similar to WVU Law professor Josh Weishart's concern that the levy rate proposal would eventually lead to smaller districts having to choose between outlandish tax rates or crappy public schools.
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Fair does not mean equal when it comes to funding.  Tax extraction (?) industries to support education initiatives. Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increased pay for teachers or we'll be in crisis              
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)     Rewrite Funding Formula it is outdated Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree  
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Incentives - i.e., Bonus for not missing a lot of work (4 days or less) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)     Absenteeism  Funding ratio  Funding PEIA   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Pay raise if it is meaningful Keep studing other state's policies for additional ideas Designated taxes from soft drinks, marijuana legalization Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
        Keep WV $'s in WV Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Neutral  
Boone Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Increase the state's share consolidate districts Combine small counties into regions. We don't need 55 superintendents. Close the gap between teacher/service pay and administration.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) 1% minimum food tax to fund schools              
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) The ability of counties to address shortage areas high need/(?) to serve schools and teaches leader positions through local salary schedules. Move away from uniformity  Taking local share out of the formula calcaluation will lead to large differences per student funding. A better way may be to capture all growth in local share so it is not used for their purposes and then distributing it in a way that also helps some of the poorer districts.  There needs to be some diffentials to reflect cost of living differences Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree if the increase in state share is done in a way that helps retain (?)
Monroe Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) -Teacher pay raise  -Bonus structure for math & science -Tax credits for teachers!! -Improve salaries and you will improve the quality of teachers you attract. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral
Fayette Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increased Teacher Compensation  Enrollment Floor/Funding Increase Public education should be fully funded, it is not.  Follow Reight Decision Fund education not on property taxes but fully on income taxes. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral  
Boone Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I think that we should quit cutting taxes from the companies that can afford to pay. Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)       Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Schools that are doing well economically don't really need the extra money, that money should go towards schools in need. 
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Increased compensation  Enrollment Floor Local levy rates could cause very unfair advantages for wealthier counties General junk Food Tax  Legalize Marijuana Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - WV teachers salary increase, they deserve much more than they recieve for the work they do   - art funding!  - legalize marijuana Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Teachers in West Virginia deserve more when it comes to compensation  - People in WV have to deal w/more than other places who have better opportunities  - local levy rate is slight concerning due to the unfairness to poor counties - Extra tax on junk food  - legalize Marijuna  - funding for ARTS! Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)   I can't afford more taxes - I am retired and on a fixed income. Why do we keep increasing funding for a shrinking school population?   Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral
    No localization of tax levies to expensive andn ot consistant across state. Redistribute funds accordingly for fairness.               
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) The primary "like" is any opportunity to provide increased compensation for teachers and school service personnel. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)   The $'s need to not go to high pay checks of admins - the $'s need to go to the needs of the students. Technology needs to be tool not the end all be all - technology needs to work  Students needing to learn to read above all else and it isn't done through technology - Funding needs to get the students level paying for high salary teachers/books and materials. especially if (?) dictates smaller class sizes schools should not loose teachers because enrollment is lowered.  funding needs to stay in the counties Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Class size needs to be smaller and that needs to be perfected 
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) enrollment floor is a great idea for smaller counties  voters should be able to vote to approve levy's  All public employees need & deserve pay increase need to find a stable funding source for compensation, health care etc.  Service persons should be included in tax break for supplies bought for children Don't rob Peter to pay Paul.  Don't cut positions in order to fund programs.  Look for funding such as food tax (1%), corp. tax etc. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Fayette Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Compensation for school personnel fully fund education Need to reevaluate how education monies are spent!  Tax extraction industries to pay for education. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Good Discussion!  1) Teachers service personnel are underpaid. They need RAISE  2) Counties should have funding for certain numbers Yes  3) Local Levy rates should not RAISE  4) Legislatures should not have financial Interest in schools Follow up with the promises that have been made over my 33 years of teaching Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I think teachers deserve a compatible wage.  Teachers work many hours a week they are not paid for.  Teachers work harder than their given credit for.     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree "Voter approval" was wrote on number 7 part 3.
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree
Putnam Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) County consolidation of districts   teacher recuriting / signing bonus  Local Boards can't raise levy w/o vote from public as well   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Maybe combine school districts to improve funding to smaller counties Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
          Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the teacher raise and charter schools push. My problem though is that where is the economic source is coming from due to the lack of funding. It is possible to do this without new economic indevers.  Funding a sustainable source of income that can fund these indevers that want to be persued.  Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Neutral
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) We are all in agreement to attract educators.  We need a pay raise and attractive benefits.  Salaries and PEIA should have been addressed separately. I enjoyed the discussion in this forum.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree "Voter approval" was wrote on number 7 part 3.
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Teachers need more pay.  Enrollment floor 1400 is a good thing 5% is not enough if a raise to attract teachers to stay here or to go into the field Spend money on students Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) All the ideas are good. All counties should be helped & raised up to a mininum level to help provide the most equal opportunity for every state student This is the most important issue. There is never enough funding to do everything Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Agree with ?  Local share cap & enrollment floor great ideas.   -Signing bonus or housing allowance instead of differentiated pay.  -Gas severance tax  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * Everyone in our school systems need to be paid a competitive wage to recruit highly qualified staff.  * The enrollment floor addition funding is great! * The school aid formula needs changed to provide smaller class sizes.  * We need to be able to supply mental support staff to ALL students and that takes additional funding.  * We have to increase salaries for all school employees Period! We need to find funding for PEIA, Mental Health workers, security and salary increases. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree On question 3 written in " ONLY IF VOTERS APPROVE
Summers Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)     Increased beginning day of service personnel. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Of course better salary opportunities is a plus.  Enrollment floor would be better for small counties I know this would be highly unpopular but some of the smaller counties need consolidated w/bigger school boards of equal representation of counties. School closures could not happen for a period of time  FIX PEIA Money cannot fix everything  ie Mary C Snow but what should happen is a formula that lowers student/teacher ratios, especially in primary grades.   Fund counselors & PE full time in all elementary schools.  It is imperative that children have relationships with caring adults, not computer programs designed to only address a specific academic discipline.  Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Increase compensation to teacher and school service personnel is the best idea ever.  Enrollment rate floor is great idea local levy rates are ok Local share cap is ok     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Increased compensation for teachers  - Enrollment floor for smaller counties - Continuning incentivizing National Board Certification for teachers  - Keep up with maintenance of buildings making schools safe for students and faculty Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) No idea except don't like paying for private schools or home schooling - Need financial support to attract & train teachers (e.g. scholarships)  - infastructure i (Capitol) e.g. repairs in school building   - Consolidate neighboring small counties so they can share central office expenses, e.g. Funding to reimburse teachers for college ( grad & undergraduate) school to improve # & quality of teachers. Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Neutral  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Increased compensation. It's a must! I support Enrollment Floor Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)       Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like all ideas presented. The only one I question is the local levy rates. My concern would be with the local levy rate and giving that control to local boards.  I do not think local boards should have that power without public vote. More funding for social/emotional/mental health support! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Support all four areas listed in funding opportunities.  - Enrollment floor suport is critical for smaller counties - Wheter the ability of the local boards to raise levy rates might endanger excess levy.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Raise good     Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Increased compensation but faster as teachers are leaving faster than minimal raises can attract replacements  Working fewer jobs would allow more foucs on work and less burnout.  Remove mundane (?) for processing higher certification filigs Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Enrollment Floor is perfectly acceptible. We need increased compensation ( including benefits & infrastructure) to attract & retain qualified teachers. It might be dangerous to allow local districts to increase levy rates without voter influence.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) increased compensation good ideally as teachers are extremely important (?) our communities future - teachers need to improve thier reading Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) The Enrollment (?) - I like the idea as it helps those counties with lower enrollment numbers to be on a level playing field for funding - counties like McDowell for example, that was once (?) and the population was higher now face different times.  For compensation - it should be adequate to bring our teachers and service personnel up to where they can be truly competitive - recuritment & retention is critical.  Oppose ESAs - We have to pay for what we're already obligated to do.  Concerns about Local Share - property tax increases Needs to be a group put together that can independtly identify funding sources that are not being tapped ie - Natural Gas - (?), (? sales.          
Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree On #2 for somewhat disagree written in ( Combine school districts, Constituational amendment needed. 
Fayette Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Yes pay educ what was promised they deserve more & better "care"    levy rate - some counties this will work others fight & may lose the one standing levy rate they had    "teachers" sometimes teachers by default because no jobs in their field. 10-mo not competitive  PEIA  $800/day isn't mark (fed $-) being thrown at opeoid crisis  enrollment 'floor'  we can't afford to run 55 school systems effectively & efficiently for the best educ for our kids   consolidate statewide into less school systems Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Cabell Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I do not support changes to Levy tax policy I believe proposals to change tax levy laws violates citizens' rights. Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral
Boone         Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Boone Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
          Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Somewhat Disagree  
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Fayette   Sure, who doesn't teach pay increases I'm concerned that Local Share Cap allows rich counties to have more $ than poor counties, if I understand this.    There really aren't any funding sources Tax extractive industries so there's actually $ to support better education. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree  
Fayette Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Putnam Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Increased opportunities for compensation.  - We need to have adequate compensation reflective of our own education  - Local Levy rates - being able to have communities vote on levy rates.    Levy -  have to vote (community members) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Teachers deserve more. They deal with challenges (emotional, social, mental, etc) everyday. Pay raise encourages students to pursue education careers locally. Local levy rate increases would provide better funding, hopefully for the arts.  Levy increase's impact on the poor. Local share cap's impact on other local projects (roads, parks, etc) - Extra taxes on junk food, nicotine products  - Legalize & Tax Marijuana (People are doing it any way, why not make some money off of it?)  - Fund the arts! It has been scien.....(?) proven that art students perform better academically then those who do not participate in the arts!  -  Perhaps raise levy rates on those who have over a certain income level? Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree
    I thi     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I think teachers & service personnel definitely need increased compensation & I would say it should be much higher then 5%. Why not pay more then surrounding states so we draw teachers/service personnel to WV? This money would also, most likely, remain in the local community as teachers buy goods/services locally. I have concerns w/putting a lot of the funding responsibility on counties when the state could shoulder more of the burden by increasing revenue on out-of-state corporations.  Yes, why not raise the severance tax to fund schools? Why not raise the coporate net income tax? Make the companies that are profitting off our state help fund education in our state. Don't put it all on local counties - get state support from tax increases on out-of-state businesses. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)       Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I normally wouldn't complain about a 5% raise except that this one was used as a ploy to attempt to force a privatization agenda that no one in WV wanted except ALEC + friends. With that said, teachers + school employees desereve this raise after everything our lawmakers have put us through this past session.  Our levies are doing a lot of work we need state funding to improve our schools. If we can ask our communities to pay more to help our schools. We should also ask our legislators to raise revenue on those who can pay - corporations, the gas sererance tax, for example (Why did we just lower coal sererance tax when our schools need funding + we're asking ordinary people to dig into their pockets. Student achievement is directly related to socieconomic status. We can't truly improve our outcomes until we address this.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I feel if you are not doing your job you should not get a raise. Everything else is good There will be another strike next year to hold my childrens education up Assessments for teachers Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Mininum Funding for small counties (1400) My concern is that a huge amount of taxpayer money will be spent on things that do not provide an improved education for students, such as math teacher incentive.  Increase ESA Funding  Eliminate county systems Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral
Putnam Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) + increased salaries for all No increased salary for some-instead compensate w/signing bonuses and student loan frogiveness Train the Trainer Programs          
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the idea of increase compensation because teachers are molding students and the next generation.      Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral