County Location of Forum What do you like about the School Choice and Innovation policy ideas presented during the legislative session and this forum, and why? What concerns do you have about the School Choice and Innovation policy ideas presented during the legislative session and this forum, and why?  How could the policy ideas be improved? What other policy suggestions do you have for addressing School Choice and Innovation to help improve educational outcomes and student achievement in West Virginia? Allowing for the expansion of Innovation Zones where schools and counties are exempt from specific rules and regulations for the purpose of increasing student achievement. Providing access to preschool for 3 year olds at parents' discretion. Allowing counties to enroll students from other counties, without permission from the county of residence. Creating new schools exempt from most rules and regulations placed on traditional public schools. Providing funding to parents to educate their students in a nonpublic school setting. Any other information written on the comment card.
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I think local counties should have Innovation zones funded so that schools can provide opportunity to address their needs - I.E. if it's a truancy issue, or a trauma issue, or if AAs or Votech in an area needs to be focused on then those areas could reveive it and prioritize for their schools.  As a teacher (22 year, 18 in wv) it is insulting that people think schools are failing and not competing. For years we haven't been supported or properly funded. We've been told that WV is poor "you can't get blood from a turnip," you aren't a priority. Now all of sudden WV as money and we still aren't giving public ed or employees funding or support. Why aren't public schools and teachers given a chance to competebefore giving funds to other "choice"? Fund the laws currently, like Innovation Zones before adding other choices.  I strongly diagree with ESAs, but I think homeschool parents or private Ed should be allowed tax breaks. I disagree with the language of a "Charter School" in the law. I think Innovation Zones should be funded before charters are considered. I think one of the largest issues in WV Ed. is retaining qualified employees and I don't htink Charters or ESAs help that issue but could make it worse.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Feel that Open Enrollment is not good for poorer counties, where students jump ship.  It harms the poorer counties  Transportation - how will that work?  Home School Parents should not receive funds - it can too easily be abused.  Plus - needs to be a lot of accountability for home schools so that kids aren't just sitting at home doing nothing & parents are getting paid  Totally against Education Savings Account for reasons already given Innovation Zone - positive idea! Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Lewis Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone expansion is needed.  Charter schools will take ???from all students. Community School ?? discussed is ?? ?? Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation & Expanded Preschool    more student support Charter school - could take  - leaders out of public schools - Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) With the current bureaucracy, Innovation zones to explore new techniques seems like the best way to improve education in the state. Zero accountability for Charter Schools & ESAs Vocational/Conservatories to explore more specialized education (similar to UTC in Harrison county) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) My own children have benefited from the amount of school choice that now exists. If "specific rules and regulations" hinder student achievement then why not remove those rules & regs from public schools too?  After all, the state Gov created those rules. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral #7, statement 1, Strongly Agree is circled with an arrow pointing to #6 question.    #7, statement 4, Strongly disagree is circled with an arrow pointing to #6
Nicholas Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Open enrollment for secondary schools - allows the student & parent the ability to choose the best, individualized option for the student. Set an enrollment floor (county) of 7500 students or more to start a charter school in that county.  this would allow the largest, growing counties to explore charter schools without detriment to smaller, more rural counties. Flexibility for public schools & programs    __________________________________________  *see other side for note re: setting an enrollment floor for charter schools  (Set an enrollment floor (county) of 7500 students or more to start a charter school in that county.  this would allow the largest, growing counties to explore charter schools without detriment to smaller, more rural counties.)   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I agree with the innovation zones - but keep them in county.   Transfers within county are hard enough to follow needs and abused students - making transfers over county lines will make it easier for abusive parents and neglectful parents to get lost and therefore leave kids in harmful situations.    I sent my child to private school due to issues that public school could not provide.  I did not exspect public funds to support my decision.  Public school was provided and funded for (from public funds) for the majority of the need not for the minority. Give opportunities to public schools to provide the "dream education experience" suggested that Charter Schools can do.   Fix what we already have and not defund it. Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ritchie Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) (I don't) School Savings Accounts should be a big NO ("NO" is underlined).  to home school is a legal way to drop out with no requirements. Give all West Virginia students the same benefits a Charter School could offer.  Cut the rules and regulations  No Charter Schools. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) *Innovation Zone - more funding to do what we know is needed for our students - could we get student input?    ESAs wouldn't be needed   *Lack of choice in public education ("public education" underlined)  *Charter schools taking funds away from public schools  8ESAs - if you choose to not use public ed, you should be responsible for funding that decision on your own Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zones are proved to work  Create Community Schools  After school services - extended day Charter schools draining funds from public schools.  ESAs will also drain funding from over public schools.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -I support the expansion of innovation zones and 3-yer-old preschool.  -I support open enrollment to a ("to a" is underlined) point.  Who decides when a school is "full"? -I do not support Charter Schools of ESAs.  I believe, strongly, that public education is the great equalizer  - a place were all ("all" is  underlined) students can receive a quality education to enable them to better themselves, their circumstances, and their state.  If removing legislative control, (i.e. charter schools improves a school, why hold public schools to those policy ideals?  Instead, true education reform should center around providing resources and supports for current schools and teachers. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) increase funds for innovation zones Taking public $ from already inadequately funded schools & using it for charters/ESAs If more flexibility/innovation is what draws people to charters, give all ("give all" underlined 5 times) schools that ability. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, statement 2 added "concerned w/age on entry to K."
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Selective expansion to innovative zones with regulations.  Expanding pre-school with an emphasis on the social development of children more that the academic achievement. ESAs would rob public schools of much needed funding, and who's to say that this money would every actually go to bettering a student's education??  charter schools would divide students in each county, and a state like West Virginia has no means to support a charter system that could genuinely flourish. Students should have the ability to opt-in to a less structured format of schooling that forgets their future goals with later years of public schooling - maybe starting in high school.  Individualized research projects, mentorship opportunities, and better work based learning programs. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Barbour Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Nothing!!  Maybe innovation zone expansion. Charter Schools - across the country, these have not shown to make significantly more progress than public schools & many cases of abuse/embezzlement have been noted.  Also, lack of oversight & adequate certification of teachers.  Pulic schools are underfunded as it is & we can't afford to lose funds to charter schools. 3 yr old preschool may be an option if it was done appropriately - it would need to be a completely separate class than 4 yr. old preschool. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded Preschool for students from drug-affected families, being raised by grandparents, etc. Charter Schools will take money from public schools; have not standards for teacher certification; are for-profit and can be closed at ant time  ESAs also take money from public education.  It is not right to give someone money for private or homeschool education when public education is an option. More emphasis should be put on vocational training without stigma.  Not everyone is college-bound; We need more people certified in vocational areas.  these students should be identified early, 7-8th grade and then directed to appropriate training.  If need, teachers need to be encouraged to fill these positions in vocational ed. as well. Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation zones are proven and do not rob funds from public education.  We need to invest in our existing schools through innovation.  Need more preschools especially because of drug problems and student need. Charter schools have proved not to work in too MANY STATES FOR IT TO TAKE THE CHANCE IN OUR ALREADY underfunded schools invest in what we have.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Upshur Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation zone Expansion is wonderful!  Yes - we need to be innovative and we need funding for these programs.  We have so many bright people in our state - Utilize this brilliance! That the state would allow taxpayer dollars to support private school.  Local control - give funding to counties to be innovative in their practice. Allow communities to develop programs that will address local issues. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Magnet Schools - specialized STEM/Liberal Arts  Meets Personalized learning goals  "Innovation Zones" for local control Until the legislature fully funds the school system they're constitutionally charges to fund they should "NOT" create a new "public" system that will draw funds away w/o offering anything in return   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) That charter schools will not benefit "?" socioeconomic students who need "?" + reduced lunch or bus services.     If parents can use try $ for ESA why do "?" who don't have children get a refund? trade schools instead of charter schools  ESA - needs accountability!!! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) the Innovation Zone expansion is a great idea.  Innovation Zones provide a much  needed opportunity for teachers & school leaders.                
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Innovation zone expansion - freedom to increase student achievement -concerns surrounding ESA & Charter Schools.  -Open enrollment - would not know who or where students were located - Truancy  -No funding accountability for ESA - who monitors how funds are spend & what happens to purchases. Remove all but Innovation Zones. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)   Traditional public schools will be left with less funding to serve those with the most need: example: students with severe behaviors will most likely be kicked out of a charter.  If charter schools are permitted then it should be a locality decision. Berkeley co. should determine if Berkeley Co. gets a charter. No new bureaucracy.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 2) we don't have enough teachers already.   Question 4) exempt the public schools. 
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation zones and that's about it.  Innovation zones have been found useful in several counties. These choice options take money away from our primary mission which is public education.  the constitution requires thourough and efficient of free schools.  Private schools and home schooling should not take money from our main mission.  Charter schools would only drain money from our main mission. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 3) need more information.
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) We don't have the funding now to take care of the schools we have now. How can we afford additional money for charter schools.  Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Expanded preschool  Open enrollment: how to balance the county funding between the BOE's?  Charter school I would like to see more votech type programs for secondary/high school students.  Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Expanded preschool- excellent option to give families the opportunity to provide an education.  Education savings act - why take money from public education. WV needs an agency like OEPA to help regulate.  Smaller class sizes - would provide one to one time Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) good sounding ideas, especially innovation zones and charter schools no context or cause & effect relationships for ideas.  Use alternative methods (internet classes), allow corporal punishment, bring back more life experiences & vocational ed. choices (esp. for kids who have no desire to go to college) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Expanded preschool - kids should have as much educational opportunities as possible.   Innovation zone expansion - not all education takes place within the 4 walls of a classroom. charter schools -  open enrollment -   Assessment - kids are overly assessed. Most tests are irrelevant as a result.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Open enrollment - this will help parents who may reside in counties but may work in other counties - may reduce bus times.  Taking money from the public school students to harvest a "private" school/charter school education. Concern regarding students who may decide to rejoin the public school - after funding has been spent.  What specific rules and regulations would public & charter schools be exempt from.  Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)   Charter schools it not a choice fix public school why do we have to pay a corporation to do board job.  fix the system let teacher do their job stop tieing their hands            
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Nothing! All - Not good! All Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Nope - no Let the teacher do they jobs Put money back into our "public" system. let the teachers do what they do.  Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Hampshire Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Innovation zones - especially if it can relieve testing. My 8th graders take a minimum of 14 standardized test a year.   Expanded pre school - relief for families, head start for children, optional.  Charter schools/ESA  Charter - already strapped schools following regulations and charter schools not. - do they get to deny kids? - do they include everyone?  ESA - how is that equitable? - who's going to get them? Lessen my testing - standardized testing at 8th grade in Berkeley County is 14 days.   Class size - no more than 28 students per class at secondary classroom! Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Charter schools, esa's, school choice - allowing students to attend out of county schools locality pay. Pay for math & Specialty teachers.  Look at new Orleans - charter schools - a success story - need close oversight. Less control from Charleston - let teachers have autonomy, but follow a basic framework.  Lose sizes  preceptors for first time teachers for 1 yr. Increased pay as incentive for preceptor.  Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Expanded preschool to offer more support to parents.  Open enrollment should be approved by both counties!   Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) WV needs a regulatory agency like OEPA Design state accountability agency.  Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 1) until accountability is put in place at the state level. 
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) innovation zones  savings accounts  open enrollment charter schools   Strongly Agree          
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Expanded preschool - the earlier students can have enriching opportunity the better!  Innovation zones - maybe? It's hard to say how I feel about innovation zones without examples of what the "innovations" might be.  Charter schools - there is no accountability or regulation in place, and that only opens the door to corruption misuse of funds, & inequity.   ESA's same.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Expanded preschool - extra support with positive stable  Innovation zone expansions - to a degree ESA - schools are underfunded now  Charter Schools - proven not to work in more areas.  parent accountability? information/informed class size caps -  more a look a skills & knowledge instead of age.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Question 4) why not for all schools. 
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) + expansion of innovation zone  +open enrollment - lack of equal playing field between charters vs public i.e. problem behaviors... if public schools had the ability to remove certain problem behavior students, ALL test scores would have an excellent chance of improving.    Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I cant see any of the proposals that would benefit the students education some could be implemented with total envolement from.  1) 3 year old preschool is day car  2) open enrollment - way too problematic - county needs direct interaction for what is best for student.  3) charter schools - absolutely not! - charter school would take need funds from the local schools - use those funds instead to bring the existing school to that level.  4) Education savings account - so you will pay parents to home school?  None! Fix the current system.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Don't agree with any of this. guidelines, are needed so education has some type of equality. Preschool 3 is daycare and kids aren't ready expense on system instead of parents. Open enrollment - kids jumping back and forth due to welfare, etc.  and schools saying yes for govt funds if near state borders. Charter schools cant exist everywhere so small number of students benefit. Many charter failure examples (PA) Govt funds for private or homeschool is taking money from where it is needed.  None - work on the schools with every dollar available. Budget cuts continue and yet money would be needed for all of this. from where?  Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded Preschool Charter Schools taking funding from public education.  E.S.S. allowing parents to take funding at the expense of the child b/c they are more interested in $. Fund public education to give what we have in place a chance to bloom. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, statements 4 and 5 - "Strongly Disagree" is circled multiple times
Randolph Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) 1.  the innovation zones seem like a good idea if they follow the research and if they don't create inequalities between students.  2.  Expanded preschool seems like a good idea, because early education matter and improves long term out comes. 1.  Open enrollment is concerning to me because it would make inequalities worse, because people will leave schools until they're bled dry.  2.  Charter Schools would again create an unequal system that would put students at a disadvantage.  We also are small and rural and we don't have the resources to sustain more schools outside of the system.  3.  Educational savings accounts would take resources away from a system that is already underfunded. We need a well funded system and we ("we" is triple  underlined) should not support other ideas that take resources away from our current system. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I really like the idea of lowing the pre-school age to 3 years old. Especially since its up to the parents discretions. This gives students an early chance at education & to make relationships they can build moving forward in their education. I also agree with allowing counties to enroll students from different counties to allow for a more desirable education.  Even though their are good ideas presented in this category, I don't like the idea of charter schools. Lime most things, their a business & can find loopholes in the education system. Instead of bringing them in why don't we fix the schools we have w/ better teachers & pour money into building up our public schools. I don't agree with having these preschool classes in high schools. The environment is catered to kids of that age.  I would love to see funding going toward are own schools in place & making a building designed to preschoolers.  Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Mineral Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Innovation zones are great ways to allow our public schools to try new and different things that will aka keep them in tact and stable. I also like expanded preschool. (?) personally has shown the value of per-school as both of my children were enwalled in pre k 3 and pre k 4 and they were ready for kindergarten both (?) and academically. Charter Schools and (?) (?) (?) will take much needed money away from public schools and create year to year (?) (?) (?) needs (?) (?) enrollment. I (?) (?) the zone (?) with open enrollment.  Increased money in our technicial educational centers. We need to offer more opportunities in these areas. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Current Brick & Morter schools  Not virtual  Voted on by teachers & parents of school Compromise with house version of SB 451 Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)     Innovation expansion - love idea but too much paperwork & still too many restraints.   Expanded preschool - Excellent but lots of special ed needs - more formula funding for the aid positions needed & Busing paid for!  Open enrollmetn - No transportation provided! Competition is good money should follow counties should agree between each other  Charter schools - If board has local control & #'s are capped & used for votech or arts only?  ESA - cap it & allow local boards to have control & approval of who gets it. That way they know who is drug addicted or who needs it for bullying, etc.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral With busing costs provided for all preschool
Mineral Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) - Innovation zones - for 9th grades in public schools * Charters are failures - new study by Forbes - takes money from Public Schools - not proper oversight  * ESA are proven to fail - in the fact that money cannot be tracked & can be abused.  * keep money in Public Schools to expand choices within the public school.  * Charter Schools create inequality.  * Open Boarder - create inequality.   * open enrollment - only if in certain areas boarding another county.  * more funding for career fields. Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Money needs to be fluid. When you transfer to a charter school, and they take your money, you are stuck at their desire - you do what they want. Also, money should follow kids that transfer so that a county does not gain students but not money.  We should not fall back on school choice. If there are issues, fix the institution in which they stem. Do not start another to pull money from the system.  Special education needs another look. Kids with certain disabilities - down syndrome, autism, etc. need to have a focus on their young development. If they are to function somewhat in society, out school system needs to set them apart to five them the attention they need. Bring Pikeside school back. They way, outside of a place where expectations are high, they get an education catered to them.  Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion Open Enrollment hurts counties who are underfunded.  Larger boarding counties attract brighter / athletic students Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) For students who struggle at the secondary level, I feel schools such as Mountaineer challenge are an excellent idea. Charter schools simply take money from local schools.  School choice is going to allow charter schools to pull the cream of the crop into one school allowing the lower level students to be in a school without any role models. If you are willing to give charter schools less regulations and flexibility, then give that to public schools.    Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Hampshire Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) innovation zone - I like the freedom to allow creativity - If Innovation zones & charter schools don't have to abide by the same regulations as public schools, then public schools should't have to either. (Not fair!)  - Charter Schools/education savings accounts - strips money from public schools already struggling with funding issues.  - Should't spend "public" taxpayer money to fund provate business (charters) or provate citizen decisions to homeschool.  - What's to keep a drug addicted parent from pulling kids out for the $ for home- school, blowing it on drugs. MUST have accountability, oversight, regulation. * equal accountability for all schools, home school, etc.  Neutral Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Not fair
Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Innovation is critical to improvement. Whether or not innovation is working depends on how a school system wants to (?) improvement Charter schools will not significantly improve the student performance in W.V. This is because there won't be enough students in them to bring up any measure of student performance, even if they significantly improve Allow easy movement of students between any school or school system Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) There is an incredible book of rules & regs.  Let the teachers teach!!  (under supervision of principals & ass'ts, of course).  I started 1/2 day 1st grade at 6 1/2 in VA, then graduated from UVA with honors.  Let kids be kids!!  Charter schools are better & make public schools better.  NYC teachers are protesting FOR increased charter schools.  New Orleans public schools are all charters.  ESA's give low income citizens an alternative.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) -Innovation zone expansion - we already have a great program in place. we need to look at ways to expand and strengthen them. They help to raise the tide for all students not just a select few.   - open enrollment. There are many reasons students need a choose to attend school in a district other than their "home" district. making a more streamline and easily understandable/accessible process would be helpful to parents.  Charter schools - all student deserve a quality education, not a select few. Better the system for all.   - Education savings accounts - take $ from educational system. Will fail to keep the promise of public education.  Allow teachers to teach and not bombard them w/ paperwork and other tasks.     Look at student to teacher ratios even in special education. Even now #'s are too high.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Expanded PreSchool  Learning and social emotional needs can be addressed by certified instructors.  Early childhood education is instrumental to future success. Education Savings Accounts - Charter Schools  Taking money from public schools is not conducive to the success of public schools.  If individuals want to send their child to a charter school or educate their child at home it should not be at the expense of public school.  Open Enrollment  Both counties should be in agreement.  Otherwise, it's a recipe for fraud.  Innovation Zone Expansion - it's too open ended.  It has potential, but it could also be problematic depending on the issue. Allow schools to have the freedom to think and work outside the box.  Invest in public schools so they can be aspiring and creative and reach the potential they have.  Promote public schools.  Promote public education.  Allow public schools to flourish, but don't weaken WV public schools and public school teachers and personnel. Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)   Charter Schools are failing in other states and taking money. Why would we start something others have shown doesn't work. let teachers teach and stop changing the standards.   Give more leeway to the classroom teacher on how to teach   Less testing Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) - Innovation Expansion (not the "incubator proces")  - Expanded Preschool for 3yr. olds without displacing other classrooms/students/teachers Public schools must be built to accomodate smaller class sizes. This, alone, will greatly improve all the issues within our school system. Higher pay for teachers will attract qualified educators. Charter Schools are independent free schools and our aganist our WV constitution & the State Board should not pursue the oversight of charters. Fix our current system! - No charter schools  - No ESA's    Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Charter schools return local control to education where parents are most apt to participate and have an impact for their children.  The motive for good schools comes from the parents looking out for their kids and returning the control to them is important. School choice allows competition which in turn allows improvement.  The 1000 page book on school laws stifles teachers and parents with over regulation.  Charter schools allows the local school system to customize policies to what is best locally.  Parents are much more likely to know their local school board member and thus that is where policy can best be made.       Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree    
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Whatever way to teach and students having fun for doing it What they are doing isnt working - lets do creative things smaller class sizes. Teach critical thinking skills.  They need tables they can stand up not just sit down Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Innovation Zones - why not let more public schools have fewer regulation and restrictions? Isn't that what is supposed to make charter schools so great? Open Enrollment - encourages "school-hopping" for athletic purposes. Students should attend the school in their district unless a school offers an academic course or program not offered in their district.   Charter schools - too much opportunity for corruption - no oversight - schools that fail and close during the middle of a school year - what happens to those students?  ESA's - Taxpayer money should be used for the good of the whole community - not a selected few.  1) Stop social promotions  - stop punishing schools for holding back students  - stop punishing high schools for graduation rates - allow students who don't deserve credit for a course to fail. It is part of life.  2) make an attendance policy that has real consequences.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Preschool and open enrollment are good ideas.  Innovation zones sound cool   If we aren't a fan of all the rules and regulations in public schools, why aren't we changing them before considering charter schools?????  *Charter schools will cause more students in public schools classrooms due to loss of teachers. Less rules & regulations for public schools  More real-world opportunities for students   - Field trips   - Career trips Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) - Innovation Zone expansions are a great idea. But they need to be avaliable to all schools. Hands on learning is meaningful.  - Expanded pre school allows for early intervention & increased exposure to learning.  Charter schools opens WV up to the risk of fraud.  ESA's and Charter School are so vague fraud is a hugh possibility Let schools do more with less regulation. Let teachers hands be untied so we can be innovative  Empower teachers - let us be decision makers  Teachers need more time for effective Planning. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - local knows better than Charelston  Expanded Preschool Charter Schools are failing everywhere!!  Why would we bring failure to our state.  We need to fund the schools we already have before we take money away from them.  If the idea of being exempt from rules and regulations then why not get rid of the rules for all.  They will also cause inequality to our schools.    ESA's - NO!  My public tax dollars should NOT be used for someone's private education! Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) They need to be put into place ASAP! There needs to be much more choice, children do not learn at the same pace or the same way. Classrooms need to reflect that diversity in learning.  You cannot make improvements if you don't try.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Hampshire Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Need more parent choice!     Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Like that we are exploring options in this area. Charter Schools - Who will staff it?  We already have teacher shortages.  Where will the people come from?  ESA's are already available  - called Education Savings 529 Plans.  Don't give the taxpayer money back to parents who will not use the money for educational needs. Partner with companies in neighboring states who can provide financial backing and personnel - special education students  Need for different levels of support  - regionally located - WV has general/local/special education  Remove standards for PreK-2 that are strictly academic or rather write standards/guidelines that promote play  Charter schools should not be funded with public education   We are already poor - it will erode public funding Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I like the innovation zone expansion. I truly believe that the overwhelming amount of rules and regulations and time constraints take the joy out of schools for students and teachers.  I don't like charters or ESA's. I am afraid that these will drain funds from an already overburdened public school system.    Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Expanded pre-school - every parent who wants it should have access to it.  Don't have charter schools, just have "specialty schools" Schools geared to particular discipline, but still the full curriculum offered with an emphasis on math & Science, Theater, Medicine, Technology, Hand    - Charter Schools will take away limited funding for schools alreading in West Virginia. Goodness we don't even have money for paper in our public school?    For open enrollment, what is to stop a school dangerously becoming over or under enrolled!    - What if a student leaves a private school does that moeny Don't call charter schools, call them specialty schools, have them run by only the public school systems and have all the regular school curriculum taught with an emphasis on a topic, science, technology, theater/communication, etc.  Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Not enough info to decide No enough info to decide * Provide more options for high school students - allow them to take classes that support the students' goals. For example, don't force students to take a foreign language in high school unless foreign lang-studies will further future career choices/interests.   * Provide more high school classes that will give students important life skills & marketable skills.  Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I like the innovation zone, but limit the paperwork   Expanded pre-school is awesome  Open enrollment if a school has a unique program or a student's house is closer to a school in another county.  Create new public schools especially vocational schools & programs  Create magnet schools of public schools Taking money from public schools and it bing mis used. ESA's not being tracked and held accountable.  Poor quality education in charter schools and closing in middle of school year Restore funding & programs back that have been taken away because of budget cuts.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Like the idea of Innovation Zone Expansion. No charter schools or Education Savings Plans. Exempt from standards (testing) Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I believe we should improve our current public school system before using tax money to create a parallel school system.  Many of the "advantages" of charter schools can be applied to our current system.  I think we should encourage innovative ideas with the innovation zones. I'm concerned about outside interests profiting off our students, charter schools being selective about the students they accept, public schools being drained of money/resources and having to pick up when charter schools fail...and so much more... We need to have less bureauocracy, less legislative educational decisions instead of allowing those involved with education to decide on issues relevant to our field.  We need more freedom to be innovative without having to create a whole new parallel school system. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I am for charter schools and ESA accounts. I believe Charter schools will open up competition that can only benefit our children. ESA's will give parents more options for their child when public schools are failing them. I do not think we should keep sending more money to the public system. More funding does not equal better education.      Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I am a school employee and have a child currently in public schools. I am 100% in favor of more school choice options. Competition is never a bad thing in any area.  We need more choice. Competition between "?" will result in an outcome benefits the most people. 
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I highly support school choice, especially charter schools to offer instruction and support not offered in public schools.      Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Where is the money? Need more local control.  more votech choices Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion b/c good alternative to charter schools & Expanded Preschool for interested families to address student needs earlier. Open Enrollment b/c students could be stacked in certain districts.    Charter schools b/c our state public schools are not adequately funded - can deny w/ public $ - out of state interests.  Education Savings Accounts b/c of strings attached & limited accountability. Involving community/parents/educators by having a panel for legislatures to consult with. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Love the idea of innovation zone expansion!  We have great teachers in WV (Berkeley Co is one of the highest for NBCT).  If we could provide smaller class sizes and greater flexibility w/ curriculum (in addition to new & innovative resources) we could make great things happen - essentially eliminating the need for charter schools! NO charter schools or ESAs!!!!!  Our hands are tied w/ what we are required to teach.  Provide us flexibility & funding & resources and WE can do the work!  There is too great a potential for fraud w/ use of taxpayers dollars.  Information was not provided to all taxpayers & info that was available is skewed/biased. Possibly adding flexibility to class requirements in High school to reflect student interest. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Jefferson Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) I am in favor of the local management & control options that come from the proposed rehab choice options regarding Innovation Zones. It is evident from the majority of studies regarding charter schools that educational improvements are unpredictable at best.  Additionally, the national conversation has changed from endorsement to embezzlement and misuse of funds.  The proof is in the pudding and we can feel greatful that we were too late to take the parts in the experience.  Furthermore ESAs are unacceptable.  Private and homeschooling are private choices, why should we be publicly funding them?  I would be in favor of tax credits for people who make those choices, but we should not be paying their bills. Tax credits for home schooling & private schools.  Increase local control - i.e. minimize top down micromanagement. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Berkeley Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Preschool for 3yr olds is to young!!! Allowing students to enroll in other counties w/o permission - how is the funding for this allocated?  AGAINST creating new schools exempt from most rules & requlations - where is the acountability? If you say schools are "failing" now, how will they succeed w/uncertified teachers? They also will not have to deal w/special need students.  ASK the EDUCATORS what needs to be done to improve educational outcomes and student achievement.  Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Agree with more achievement freedom.  Preschool for 3 year olds. Quit teaching to test.  Open enrollment too much switching schools.  Education saving unfair to elderly with no one in schools paying taxes.   Allow students to take classes they enjoy.   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Morgan Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Hampshire Berkeley Springs  (Berkeley Spring HS - 04/03/2019) Open enrollment makes sense.  If students are near enough to attend another county, they should have that long as the receiving county doesn't have to fund extra transportation. Charter schools should NOT be exempt from any policies that regular schools are bound by.  Charter schools should be a pilot program ONLY.  ESA is just a can of worms we shouldn't open.  I see no way this would be well-regulated.  People would pull kids, spend the $ & then send them back. School choice $ should be directed towards tech/career centers not charter schools.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Funding base of 1400 for all counties.  Innovation Zone within Public Schools No more money but more places for it to go.  If Charters come in.  If we want teachers, we need to pay them more. Address with separate bills next year.
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion  Expanded PreSchool Open Enrollment  Education Savings Accounts  Charter Schools   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zones allow counties to decide what is best for their students. - More flexibility for county BOE's -Transferring to another county without permission loses the sense of community.  BOE's should at least vote on these transfers    -Charter schools       if receive tax money (public school funds) then they should have to follow same rules as public schools. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Maybe Innovation Zones, but not really. Concern  *Charter Schools                  Public Schools  *ESAs                                      would suffer!!!    Put the money into the public schools.  Open enrollment would overcrowd certain schools.  Must have regulations for ESA's & charters Put the money into the public schools!!  Visit the schools  Ask the teachers what is needed Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation zones can be helpful for schools that specialize in specific subject areas (CTE, trades, College prep, etc.) Expanded pre-school can help with early start especially in lower SES areas/families.   Open enrollment will cause problems pitting counties against each other.  Charters take money from the original schools.  ESA's  will be a train wreck, money will not be spent correctly.   Expand innovation zones, legislate parent/student accountability.   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone expansion allows counties to offer programs to benefit their students to help meet their goals Educational Savings Accounts  funded from public tax dollars for home schools or private schools deplete funds for public education.  Charter Schools take the best and brightest from public schools & deplete public funding  also students learn from other students, bright students challenge other students through interaction.   Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Smaller class sizes  Incresed student support personnel  More  funding for Tech Ed!  Charters are not smart!  ESA NO NO !  Fraud & Waste of Public Ed Dollars Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) State support for free public schools should be the greatest goal.  When extra money is available for schools that take money away from the public systems, charter schools and educational saving accounts could be considered.  That is unlikely to happen in the immediate future. Schools should have the policy choices that allow innovation for their particular needs.  There should be sufficent agreement within the system by qualified teachers to approve innovative methods.   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Upshur Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Illegible Illegible Illegible 
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Fund current innovation zones and create new ones to allow for innovation WITHIN (WITHIN is underlined) Public Schools.  -Universal Pre-K should be our goal -No Charter Schools.  they only outperform public schools in 17% percent of students would suck funds from public ed, lack accountability, and need regulation.  -States are moving to regulate and reign in charters  -No ESAs      -too many accountability issues     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Brooke Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion, Expanded pre-school, creating seamless learning, no gaps EASs, incorrect use of funds.  Public schools should receive public funds.  Charter schools, innovation zone expansion programs can provide the freedom or creative programs.   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation Zones are a good idea however rules and regulations need to be kept in place  that public schools are held to Expanded preschool for 3 year olds  - bad idea as far as transportation goes.  A 3 year old has no business on a school bus even if in a pro-tect.  this is a gloried babysitting service for some parents.  Open enrollment, if the child transfers from county to county funding should follow the child.  Pro-rated basis may need to be looked at.  Charter schools - bad choice all the way around. No opting out of immunizations, whatsoever because a private school.  ESAs WV many families  that have drug/alcohol issues and this money could go towards this instead of actually teaching    Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Brooke Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation Zones, expanded preschool, earlier intervention and stability starting at a younger age.  We have school choice with catholic and private schools.  ESAs  - Too much risk for fraud, loss of public school funds, if the parents send the child back to public school - what happens to the money?  Charter Schools, many failures and closures, closures are harmful to students, legislators should not profit, do  not have to accept all students, no education  requirements for teachers, complete disrespect for our profession.  The northern panhandle of WV has competition with close borders to OH and PA.  More opportunities for gifted/talented, easier process to become an innovation zone. reduce paperwork, way too much takes away valuable time from admin and teachers.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded Preschool - low ses used as protective measure Innovation Zone - Art    more flexability content over pd/curriculum    more leeway  Funding?  Money!  Accountability!  Don't Like it!    No charters, no ESEA's! Take care of our public schools first before even considering charters, or ESA's Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, statement 1, added,  "w/conditions - not taking funding from public schools.  Not using in conjunction w/charters"
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) expand CTE, vocational & trade in middle & high school and allocate funding for such equally across counties. Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation zone expansion Charter schools are a huge concern re: pick and choose students  Also uncertified teachers Public schools just need to be look at and improved.  There is no need for charter schools. There are enough private schools in this area to choose. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expanded preschool  More opportunity for innovation!!! Charter schools steal $ from already cash poor public schools. The two necessities for education are students and teachers. All the rest is secondary. Healthy students - emotionally, socially, and physically Skilled and empowered teachers - good college programs, post-grad professional development. Let these teachers be free to do what they are prepared to do, and stay out of the way.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Really like innovation zone expansion. Charter Schools and Education Savings Accounts takes desperately needed money from public schools. Greater flexibility and funding opportunities for innovation zones Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Nothing. - Fair rules across the board.  - Accountability  -Charter schools can't be exempt from rules & regulations placed on public schools.   - I have big issues of private institutions taking public funding.  - Original bill was very vague on regulations & exemptions.  What all is exempted? teaching cert, IEPs, etc.) - Fair ruled across the board.  - Accountability. Charter schools can't be exempt from rules and regulations placed on public schools.   - I have big issues of private institutions taking public $s. Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)   Charter schools will drain away already limited funds. Support the public schools we currently have.    Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Brooke Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Freedom from specific rules -   [open enrollment] Expanded preschool - no make 4 yr. old mand. with some instructional opportunities.   No charters, no ESA. They are not research based.   Unfunded education Fund public schools effectively to meet the needs of all students Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) ¥ innovation zone - need a method to be constantly bringing in new ideas  ¥ open enrollment - offer a chance for students to attend schools outside their district that addresses their needs/skills  ¥ expanded preschool - help disadvantaged/at risk students catch up. This gives working parents an option for safe childcare at age 3.  I have a problem w/ charter schools & education savings accounts because of the economic stress/shortfall and rural disposition of the WV population. Why are magnet school - run by public education districts not included in this list? This option could be of great service to allow WV student talents to blossom in STEM, language arts, & performance arts. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Students  school jumping, not  receiving  consistent education, and having a possibility of  hindering a process whereas that may make that student a safety risk at the new school.   School changes needs to remain the same. Charter schools should follow sate rules if they are taking state money.   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral  
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) "innovation policy"  could benefit students in WV,especially if career and technical education is included as a way to increase student success.  Expanded preschool would  be beneficial for WV  Open enrollment - students should go to school where they live.  Schools should not be recruit.  Charter schools - public education is a public good, not something that companies should profit from or be able to deny to students.   ESA - F. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation Zones Expansion  Expanded preschool Charter schools - closing across the county, cherry pick students  ESAs - pulling more money from public education  Open enrollment - leads to recruitment   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Charters - ALEC PUSH
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) The portions of the ideas presented by the legislature this session dealing with school choice & innovation policy that are exceptable would be the innovation zone expansion and expanded preschool. The innovation zones have worked, but were not properly funded. Preschool expansion would help student performance.  Charter school Educational Savings Account    Both concepts draw money from public education without oversight. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expanded pre-school is important for low income families.  But no headstart, they are very limited on what they teach.  Preschool in the public schools would not be better.  More training fro student going into vocational jobs.  Gas and Oil .  Industry training.  College Ed. is not for every student.  Trades are important. We dont' have a problem in our county.  We have choices of private schools vs. public schools.  We have Catholics  Schools, Country Day - private elementary.  Linsley  - private school 7-12.  Central High School and Wheeling Park High School.   I don't think Charter schools without certified teachers and standards will  improve education  in WV.   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Related to #5, it will take away from current funding of public schools. 
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Like the innovation zones - Creative ways to work with, individuals, groups or classes would be a positive.    I believe pre school expansion is something we were supposed to have achieved over a decade ago.  So many children would benefit from pre school. Very concerned about Charter Schools & ESA's.  Public schools already struggle in providing all that is need with current funding.  If money is taken from public schools they will further struggle Year Round School / Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) - Allowing teachers to think outside of box for child outcomes  -flexibility - Schools choice needs to be expanded thoroughly for all children - ? the WV Education systems to build a better system. Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Hancock Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation zone  expensive, expanded preschool.  Charter schools and their success (does not work) ESAs are too easily mandated. Innovation zones ease paperwork (has paperwork) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Related to  #2 Support personnel to support this idea. Related to #4 Give and take, ease current requirements.   (multiple choice) 
Wetzel Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) preschool expanded, pay raise for teachers. Charter schools & ESA's draining money from public education -   get rid of them - or don't find them with public school money   Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) More innovation zones!  Expand pre-k  -- it should be seamless from birth to 3 and school starting.   Completely oppose ESAs and charter schools.   Reduce paperwork.  Use resources for gifted students - Jon Hopkins City, Art of Problem Solving.  Innovation Zones, target what WV needs less testing.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Barbour Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Nothing (previous word is double underlined) came out of the legislative session that convinced me we need another school choice in WV.  Our county schools need better funding. Open school choice i.e Charter schools will lead to underutilization of existing schools.  It will also mean a loss of funding.  Choice is already in existence--Christion schools, Home school, privates are out there already.  Another choice is not necessary or needed. Keep funding & increse funding of Innovation Zones.  Put more emphasis on technical skills. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, statement 1, "Innovation Zones" is underlined
Hancock Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree (Comment for policy 3 - Allowing counties to enroll students from other counties, without permission from the county of residence)    - with this who is footing the transportation bill of this    (overall comment)    There needs to be a clear check & balance on these if these are put in place, There are too much drug issues in this state to just hand a debt card out to families - look at the fraudulent SNAP issues.
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expand preschool is good because some kids could be ready if the parents choose this option.  Charter Schools are fine but should not be publicly funded.  Charter schools cannot be compared to public schools because they do not have to follow the same rules and regulations.    Allow charter schools but privately fund them like religious schools and boarding schools.  ESAs are paid by taxpayers and should not be used to go to private schools.   Make students have some accountability for their state testing.  Or stop using state testing to determine everything. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) I only agree with strong expansion of innovation zones.  -I oppose charter schools & ESA as written because in rural states, the few urban centers would get increased funding for charters.  - Who chooses who goes to charters? I believe charters returns us to a time when "separate was thought to be equal." I fear for classist inequities that would punish already strapped rural counties. Please expand innovation zones! This allows local districts to do "charter-like" things. Make sure districts can benefit from all of the great research-based opportunities that innovation zones can & will draw from. District's control is the key. Elected board members should provide oversight of how these zones can benefit their communities. (I have more ideas about this). Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Hancock Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expand Innovation Zone, if done won't need Charter Schools.   Charters are not necessary! ESA too easy to skim the system.     Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) open enrollment:  allowing students to continue at a school once they've already started in that county open enrollment:  one superior school - athletics & academics  expanded preschool:  not enough resources, space, or teachers  charter schools:  how can heyy expect to support these schools when our own public schools are failing?  Absolutely NOT (previous 2 words underlined 5 times)  Savings Accounts:  Against - parents would use money for negative aspects. Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) I would love to see Innovation Zone funding used to expand programs in our existing public schools to help reach every student.   Charter Schools do nothing to help our students, nor do ESAs.  They take funding away from our most vulnerable students and are a recipe for segregation. Help the school we already have.  Don't take away their funding.  If we continue to be fixated o state testing results as a gauge for effective instruction, we need to have some way to hold students accountable.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) open enrollment:  what is convenient for family  early preschool access open enrollment:  athletics  lack of space for early preschool access  CHARTER SCHOOLS (previous 2 words are triple underlined):  How can we fill new schools when there are so many vacancies already.   Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone expansion:  students learn in different ways and have different strengths.   Work toward their strengths and use that as their criteria. Charter Schools as proposed.  they could be done well, under the right parameters.  There needs to be accountability.  Rules/regulations, that they should follow.  Qualified instructors.  Do not ("not" is double underlined) permit legislatures to profit.    Education Savings Account:  fear it will take funds away from WV students. Listen to teachers.  Visit schools.  Put the money into our public school.  Lessen regulations to permit more innovation in the classroom.  Give our current system more resources. Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded Preschool (previous 2 words underlined) - could be a good program if it is funded but where would the infrastructure come from? Expanded Preschool (previous 2 words underlined) - This needs to be separate from the 4 and 5 year program.    Innovation Zone (previous 2 words underlined) - this should be in the school itself such as a STEAM innovation zone in the school itself.  the teachers can use this room for project based learning. Put more funding in Public Education to improve the system that is already in place. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wetzel Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) expanding preschool - however academically based - not creative curriculum - if preschool is expanded we need to make it mandatory & academically based, to prepare for interventions   Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree For policy idea # 2 (Providing access to preschool for 3 year olds at parents' discretion):      * 4 yr olds, make mandatory & have a creative curriculum
Randolph Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Nothing.  It stacks the deck in athletics and allows poorer performing schools to receive less funding as students transfer out.  It does nothing to promote school improvement.    Innovation zones, however vague, may help.   None of the other ideas have merit. Charter schools have proved time and again to be ineffective.  Let's NOT ("NOT" is double underlined) create a double standard. Allow flexible school hours and attendance.  allow students who have completed graduation requirements to opt out.  Revise the state aid formula.  Not a formula based on student numbers. Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, statement 1, added "Too vague of a statement"
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) I like the idea of supporting change in education because we definitely have a broken system. I support innovation zones with the ability to pilot new & creative ideas. To garner support for change, I believe we should promote change from within, not a new direction such as charter schools. Let's listen from within.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) - Innovation zone expansion - ESA's - lack of oversight, carrying over year to year -> saving for college  - Charter schools - More local control in allowing our teacher's to innovate  - less state testing requirements Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Anything that can help parents make decisions to educate their education Charter Schools need to have more consideration.  Education savings accounts are valuable to parents can consider a quality education.   Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Hancock Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation zone expansion and financing innovation zones have been good in the past and furthened education  Expanded preschool, headstart is a very good thing but does not have enough room expanded preschool will be a great help. ESA - They will drain money from public schools. As it was wrote there was no oversite. Our money needs to stay in our schools.   Charter schools - Charter schools could be good but not the way WV is trying! Why start from the beginning where other states have failed and lost tons of money. Where people have made big profits which they closed down and stole look at PA and the charter school CEO's in, prison If you want charter schools do the correctly look at PA now and how they are running and that they are specialized toward special ed or performing arts. Fund your current schools so there can be choice within that school! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) expanded pre-school! Open enrollment - it seems funding would go down for that county losing a child    seems to add value to subjective assessments & not strict "teach to test" criteria innovation zone - But is there Research behind this process Does the public school suffer/set up to fail with Charter Schools additions? Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ritchie Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I am very concerned about no ("no" is underlined) accountability of Home Schools and Charter School. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) expanded preschool  choice - charter schools Education savings accounts Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)   Education savings accounts              
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Parents should be allowed to send their children to the schools of their choice. It is their right to choose to send their kids to a private school or home school them, but I do not think that that it should be funded. Those funds should be invested into the schools instead. Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Charter schools are not having a positive accountability role in education at this time.  There are very vocal  approaches  and illegible word.  Personally not sold on the initiative.  More research is needed before giving charter schools options in the state.   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation Zones  Expansion  - funding needed.  Expanded preschool at parent's discretion.   Open enrollment, charter schools, adamantly, oppose this.  Education savings accounts  adamantly oppose this.   I believe our state funding needs to stay in public education.  We need to focus innovative programs in our public schools.  Keep class size low Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Open enrollment could be a transportation nightmare.  ESAs could lead to corruption and discrimination.  Charter schools could also lead to corruption and discrimination.  Who defines "special needs" and bullying in regards to charter school eligibility The rules and regulations are the issue with public schools and removal of them is the reason for creating Charter schcools.  Why not just remove the bad rules  and regulations from public schools rather than defund them by sending public money to Charter Schools.   Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Promote funding for open enrollment, funding should follow students no matter  time line that student transfers. 
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Hancock Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) We need to see what exemptions are not be held to charter schools.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral Somewhat Disagree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Ritchie Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Charter/magnet schools     Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Freshman Academy - innovation zones, expanded preschool with transportation.  Open enrollment - transportation between counties?  Funding follows student to other county even after Oct 1st enrollment.  Accepting county would be shorted funding after Oct 1 for current students.  Charter schools - Embezzlement? Accredited teachers? Food, Rules, No child behind.  State aide formula? 1,400, class size, custodians, secretary's, aides.  Charter Schools and ESAs disicriminate against other students regardless of enrollment qualifications.   Do away with credit recovery, no accountability for students.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Worst part of Legislature - like Innovation and Zones Expansion, give teachers some freedom and leeway!  Expand preschool - our young people need this today's society  No Charters - No ESA - No open enrollment Keep dark money and legislatures out of educational system.  Leave it up to Educators and teachers Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree  
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) No grade level until studen't s are on a 3rd grade level.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) I'm a firm believer that competition is important fro success.  Giving parents choices as to where to send their children to school is important.  Open enrollment not good   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expanded preschool is a good idea.  I like the innovation zone idea.  I think we need more choice with how we can teach. Charter schools are concerning.  I don't like that they are exempt from rules other schools have to follow.  Why can't we focus on fixing our current schools?  If there are rules we don't like, why can't we change them?  ESAS worry me because there is not accountability for parents.  I have had home-schooled students come to my school way behind their peers.  ESAS and charter schools take away from our schools that we don't get back.   There should be more choice for teachers in our teaching of curriculum.  As long as we are teaching state standards, we should be able to have freedom to use any research-based practices we want.  Testing should be minimized.  There is too focus on this.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Not much as the entire idea of Òschool choiceÓ as you have framed it from Senate Bill 451 which were called public funded charters.  Give real public schools the exact same options that would be utilized in charter schools.  Most research available shows charters are run by management companies with much higher administration costs. Innovate Zones are great and I have been involved in some program.  This zones should expanded as student interest grows. Schools choice is code for separation as students based on race and economic status.  In some areas charters have succeed but the failure rate charters nationwide is 43% so I am not sold they would not be helpful.   Provide small class size in grades K-4 with a teacher and reading specialist for every classroom.   Research says reading at grade level in shores educational success and higher graduation rates.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) School Choice especially with open enrollment and required transportation would be a huge burden for counties.   If regulation in WV were (?) innovation and better student achievement can be accomplished.  If WV cannot find certified teachers where will charter schools find them and what requirements would they have to guarantee higher student achievement.    Taking money away from public schools will not help the areas of biggest need in WV.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Allow Innovation in schools.    That's All. Forcing Charter Schools Allow individual schools to set programs for specific students. Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) The expansion of Innovative Zones could be impactful for our student's learning. Removing barriers from teachers for authentic learning is important. No Child Left Behind has done great damage to our schools.     Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) We need more info - more Details  this is to open policy $$$ Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Flexibility to teach kids what they need to learn. ("learn" is underlined) -legislators should not ("not" is triple underlined) profit form charter schools.    -Why can't existing schools be given freedom from rules & regulations.  Why should we create new schools for that -more flexibility for students to have enrichment, arts, recess  -too "busy" during the school day  need more processing time.  -take away regulations and restrictions from public schools.  -smaller class sizes. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expand preschool -  good idea.  Many children unprepared for school.  Greater success in school with earlier education.  Open enrollment transportation issues/special needs student transportation.   Charter schools - taking money away from public schools.  Requirements for charter schools.  Education Savings Account - how would they  regulated and money will be diverted from public education.     Strongly Disagree   Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded Pre-school will provide opportunity to more young children in WV, provide a good model for education tot he parents & community and SUPPORTS family in Modern education Charter Schools - remove tax $ from citizens    Innovation - State will limit funds to teacher ideas - Levies CANNOT fund everything    ESA - pulls tax $ from citizens of WV & does not guarantee a good education Funds all counties properly  Do not put unrealistic demands on teachers & students Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded Pre-school 4 yo 3 - needs based    Innovation Zone - grants to think outside the box  -need to provide additional funding No ("No" is circled) Open Enrollment - funds go with the child - loss of funds for counties    No ("No" is circled) - use Innovation Zone programs to create programs that would increase performance of existing schools     Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expanded preschool to help 3 year olds to get  Charter schools - Pulling students to create a school for the high achieving .  Creates  a business   to take away from public Education.   Education savings accounts - No accountability, a possible way for corruption to take away from a starving school system.  Community Schools to help involve Community as a partnership.   Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) The only area from this area that I like is expanding preschool.  I feel that this would greatly help our students succeed.  Many students come into grade school very behind and struggle to catch up.  Starting students into preschool at an earlier age will help them learn materials and basic skills from qualified professionals.  Some students never receive these basic skills at home.  I feel that Charter Schools will  be devastating to the public school systems of WV.  I feel that pulling funds will be harmful to a school system that is struggling economically.  If Charter schools open, higher performing students will leave public schools to go to these new charter schools.  As this happens public school test scores even lower.  Lastly, I feel that charter schools are unsafe for students because they don't have to hire qualified/licensed teachers/service personal who have passed a background check.   Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Love Innovation Zone Expansion  -Open enrollment amongst counties would provide school choice -Charter School funding taking away from public school programs.  -Lack of uniform measurement of student achievement in private, hoe, public, and charter schools  -ESA's need to support families that require severe/profound support from public schools.  Public School is open to all, but not effective for all. -High standards certification for educators in all ("all" is underlined) schools. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) pre-K 7 Expanding enrollment to 3yrs old  Early intervention is very important draining of funding for Sp .Ed. Students, Specifically those with significant needs.   Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Helping counties that do not have adequate resources by keeping the 1400 students available to them for additional $. Fraud Re. ESA's    Keep public education $ in public education.  Use that money for innovation zones. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marshall Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expanded preschool is a very good idea.  Early intervention is important.  This helps with evening out the playing field.  Expanding Innovation zones could help deal with some of the issues.  Charter schools are not going to help solve the real issues of education.  ESA's not good!   Mismanagement in the making.    Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) I don't like anything about school choice! Charter schools are not a fair comparison to public schools who have to teach ALL students!! Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) I did not like any of them as presented. They all seem to want to cause discrimination of students and their cultural and financial abilities.  Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)     The charter schools and public schools don't deserve the funding. We should just use that money to make mental/medical health more affordable to the citizens. There are many teens in school who also have undiagnosed problems that could do harm to themselves, their friends, and their family's.            
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Charter schools must be an option our schools must be incentivized to compete.    ESA's parents of special needs students (INCLUDING GIFTED) should have a choice on how funds are directed Open enrollment  overcrowding at our best schools is already a problem.    Expanded preschool   Pre K is early enough Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone  Expanded Preschool Charter Schools  Open enrollment  ESAs Legislators visit schools  Put more money in public schools  Private Schools, Homeschooling are choices  Fund Public Schools! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)     Innovation zones instead of charter schools  Birth to three should be Birth to Four  Public Pre-K for 4 year olds  Head Start and child cares take 3 year olds  No No No to education savings accounts  If 1400 set as limit for funding - then open enrollment could be maybe Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) - Innovative zones need to be built and tried into tied into changes in instruction. We need to allow more flexibility in curriculum to allow electives & specialized classes at elementary & middle school levels as well.    - Expanded preschool is a very good idea as well - as long as we allow kids to be kids - play & nap.  -charter schools - pulling funds from public schools instead of transforming policies for public schools.    - ESAs - not (?) like should be
Hancock Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree  
Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree In reference to #5 I strong agree, but you should include gifted students. 
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Like Innovation Zone - if schools want to do something different, I think they should be able to do so. Charter Schools getting public education money and not being held to the same rules & regs.  Lets all get the money and do what we want with it.  Get rid of rules & regs and lets all be Innovative!   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Love the idea of Innovation-Jones. Our teachers deserve more freedom to teach.  I have serious issues with ESA's and charter schools. I do not believe in taking or redirecting money out of our schools. This only weakens, it does not improve.  I also believe open enrollment will cause serious problems with children changing for sports not academics. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)   1.  I am mainly concerned w/ accountability for parents receiving money to spend on education.  2.  Home-schooling will be more popular so what kind of education quality are students getting.  3.  Too little accountability  4.  Need strict regulations & requirements for Home Schooling.  5.  Feasability, Facilities & funding for expanding PK & open enrollment  6.  Charter schools should be voted o by district - let the public make have the ability to decide   Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Ohio Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Expanded preschool,  Yes! I'd love to help.  Innovation Expansion.   Charter schools, ESAs Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Taylor Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - districts need to be able to determine what is best for their students    Expanded Preschool - choice for parents is necessary Open enrollment - we should be able to keep our own without the department/anyone interfering and automatically granting transfers if this goes into effect we should be funded for all that leave    Charter Schools - do not work    Education Savings Account - no parent should be given advantage over another -knock down the over abundance of rules/regulations that deny our flexibility    -change funding formula it is antiquated Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Love school choice/innovation zones.  Use thousands ("thousands" is underlined) of dollars to change your school.  (total overhaul) taking away public funds to create private charter schools Give us the money & freedom to change  how we reach students. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree #7, statement 4 added "NO charters")
  Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Nothing, sadly the Legislative Majority have an agenda that will drive more qualified teachers out of WV.  If you think there is a teaching crisis now, put them back in.  If you want to truly make a difference in education in WV,  give teachers the tools they need, give students the services they need and give schools the funding they need to be successful academically, socially and emotionally.   ESAÕs Ð I have real issues with parents being able to choose money over sending students to school.  Many parents will abuse this and students will not get the education services they need.  There is little to no oversight for this type of program and little research to prove it is effective.  Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Brooke Wheeling  (Wheeling Park HS - 04/02/2019) Innovation Zone can be good, permits structure for Culture.  Be careful about starting top young.  This was created because of athletics, this could be a headache for WVSSAC.  But it is a   illegible word               tool.  Charter schools are not a WV Education, no savings accounts.  Money will not be used properly Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zones -   No Charter Schools - EVER!  NO ESAs EVER!  No tax Money Should EVER ("EVER" is underlined) go to fund charters or ESAs  -smaller class size  -fully fund Public Education Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion is needed. Charter Schools will take away from all students Community School  can get discussed is ???? ???? Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) innovation zones as part of community schools ("community schools" is double underlined) Our funding needs to go to community schools w/ wraparound services.  Charter schools and ESA's are not the best thing for WV students.  I don not wish to take away parent choice.  Not fund it w/ public Education funds. Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Allowing some freedoms for teachers to expand on childs education by a reteach lesson. No Charter Schools No ESEA's, Reconsider 3yr old's enrolled in school to young at 3 yrs. Keeping the funds in our counties for a chance for the child to be interested in a trade as mechanic - welder - Electrician, etc. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - See Virginia Beach schools - STEAM options in schools ("concerns" is circled)  Open enrollment - inequality amongst school  Charter Schools - pulling funding - depleting needed funding. Lack of  Education Savings Account - again o money being pulled from public education. All counties schools have after-school programs until at least 5:30 pm that is fun and engaging for all ("all" is underlined) schools K-12. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, statement 1, added "within Public ("Public" is underlined) Education
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Innovation Zones  _Expanded Preschool - esp. in conjunction with birth to 3 programs Open enrollment - recruiting for sports, takes $ from counties who may really need it.    Charter Schools - research does not show that they're overwhelmingly not better than public schools, many close due to malfeasance of funds leaving students in the lurch and underfunded, understaffed schools left to fill the void, they're run by out of state interests who want to weaken and profit from public schools.    Vouchers - ESAs - is a lie - not a savings account.  Uses state $ to pay for religious schools.  No ('No" is double underlined) monitoring system in place Birth to 3  Wrap around services  More $ for innovation zones.  Use ("Use" is double underlined) NBCTs. Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) pre-school for 3 yr. olds but with birth to 3 support Charter Schools are not for WV - We are an Agraian Society - Charter Schools do not work well for us! More Nationally Certified Teachers! Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Work with Birth to 3 access to public school    the others no open enrollment    Charter School - not data to support  I see economic in equality  Our demographic doesn't support this choice opening a can of worms for opening enrollment and education savings accounts Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Barbour Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Innovation Zones  -Expanded Preschools' Charter Schools -  ESA's - Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Under # 7 added  -for very specific reasons only!
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion  Expanded Preschools NO Charter schools - pick those they want  NO ESA'S - takes money away from public Ed. fund Public Ed.  Strenthen Safe Schools Act  just give Counties Money for State allocation.  more funding for ALS's Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Innovation Zone Expansion - If done correctly, this could be a huge benefit to our students. Charter Schools - BOE oversight needed, funding for public schools should not be effected by this, should not be able to turn away special education teachers Alternative Learning Center for students in elementary through high school that does not exclude students with autism but helps them meet their needs.
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) I feel Education Savings Accounts should be implemented.  My grandchildren (4 of 5) attend Christian School.  They definitely learn to read ("learn to read" is double underlined) there!!  they get no ("no" is underlined) funding.  My grandchildren do not even have opportunity for a hot lunch - I did not say free lunch - just a hot lunch!  they have no technology & their teachers are very very underpaid.  They stay in Christian Schools so they don't have the stress of LGBTQ issues!         Somewhat Agree   Strongly Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) We already have school choices.  If a school doesn't perform overall then make opportunity for movement.  Legitimate change and not change for non performance egions ("School Choice and Innovation policy ideas" is underlined)  Taxpaying citizens should have opportunity to send their children to school wherever they so desire.    Innovation zones need money. ESA would be ok! Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) ESA's, Charter Schools, Innovation Zones, Anything to help parents make choices for their kids. Other states have ways to help parents.  States help parents with encouraging their choices.  The proposals didn't go far enough. Hold public schools to same standards as private and  homeschoolers  Educate public on what charter schools, private and homeschoolers  standardized measurement of achievement. Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Not much.  But I do agree w/ the idea of allowing more freedom in creating schools w/ certain concentrations like computer science, the arts, etc. Charters fail nationwide & the news hasn't reached WV yet! -Create a magnet school for computer science, inc. programming, Robotics, 3D printing etc.  Due to enrollment decreases schools will close.  Why give corporations public $ to start a charter, and use Innovation Zones under the local BOE's control to education students is what our economy needs. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, Statement 3, Added (Charters?)
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - Allowing schools the freedom to experiment with educational ideas for their population of students.  Funding  needs to be constant from year to year. I have no problem with private/home school - but tax dollars should not (previous word underlined) be used for it. Freedom to experiment with new ideas and relax regulations -   All forms of education (public-home-private) should have to meet the same benchmarks - same test. (previous 2 words underlined) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Will the students @ Charter Schools be allotted funds for transportation even though they do not have to provide transportation?  -How will the funds for Charters affect public schools  -Let's look @ why we have 55 counties now  Charters will only make that worse -   Charters will be dual (previous 2 words are underlined) systems - exactly against our constitution! Think innovation as to provide transportation to extra curricular activities -  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -Innovative Zones - unburden schools from regulations & rules; give schools (public schools) a choice to create programs that work for their own communities.    -Expand preschool - all students, despite their parents income, should have access to early childhood education ESA's - not necessary.  Public funds should stay with public schools!    Charter schools - we don't need a new system (with beuracracy, oversight, etc.) that is not well regulated!     NO CHARTERS!! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) School choice already exists. -Public Funded Charter Schools      -Lack of accountability      -No requirement for teachers' certification  -Education Savings Accounts       -Lack of accountability Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, Statement 4, added "Just change regulations in Public Schools".
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) -open enrollment:  leaving students at their current school due to parents' jobs, care after school, etc.  -access to preschool for 3y/o's -open enrollment:  transferring students & lack of funding after enrollment count, transfers for athletics/academics creating unequal distributions  -3 y/o preschool:  funding, space, teachers  -charter school:  I hate everything about it   Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Lewis Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Open Enrollment - Allow parents to decide where their child will attend school based on the family/parents employment, child care. Open Enrollment is negative in some cases, for example, student enroll I the most popular schools for sports.    We do not have the resources for a 3 yr. old program    I am against Charter Schools!  I am against ESA's. - No accountability Neutral Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded Preschool - access for 3 year olds at parent discretion  Innovation Zones - with (previous word underlined) rules & regulations  -proper waivers/check & balances (concerns is underlined in question #5)  Charter Schools - money drained from public education to fund this business.  -no accountability  -failed charters  Educational Saving Accounts - no accountability  -no monitoring  Open Enrollment - over loading in our school   Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded preschool will be very beneficial for students to be better prepared for kindergarten. Charter Schools - scary to think about the result when the charter school closes.  Where are the kids suppose to go?  Will they be required to keep them the whole year - or will they get rid of students before testing? Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
          Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #7, Statement #2, Parents' discretion is underlined
Upshur Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)
Jefferson   Open up Pre K for 3 yr old     Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)   I believe the idea of allowing charter schools or ESA's opens up our state to external exploitation from groups who are not invested in WV.  Funding being pulled from public schools instead of investing in academic research based ideas is a failing of our kids.  It neglects to understand or address the needs of our kids adequately.     Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation sounds good, exactly what does that mean?  Preschool for 3 yr old - great idea What is an innovation zone?  Where are they?  What is their focus?  What rules and regulations specifically impede student achievement?  what about accountability?  Where does the money go?  Open enrollment without (previous work is underlined) permission?  How is that even possible?  What are the effects on community?  What about ?? of funds? Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Disagree #7, in statement #1, "specific rules and regulations" is underlined.
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Here we go again..... (these words have a big circle around them) ("What concerns do you" is circled in the question)  We need to support our public (previous word is double underlined) schools.  We work so hard to educate all (previous word double underlined).  Help us do that.  We are underfunded as it is.  Teachers were clear (previous word double underlined) about this and nothing has changed re: the effects to public schools resulting from outside interests' $$$ pushing for charter schools again.  Who benefits?! Support our public schools! Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Nothing We must support our (previous work double underlined) public school system.  We have a chance to make life better for the students in our state.  Charter Schools are not (previous work underlined) the answer.  We need to make our public schools stronger. This needs to go away. Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expand preschool - it is never too early. Do not understand zone expansion. The open enrollment should be between the two counties.    Great concern for charter schools.  Take tax payer funds from public schools  No oversight  Many do not hire certified teachers.   Many charter schools in other states are closing. Took many dollars from federal and state funds.  Many "leaders" of schools made many $  Great concern for ESA  if a parent wishes to send children to a private school or home school , they should pay for that form of education  I should not have my taxes pay for these  Do not have to accept children with disabilities   The best  way to improve educational outcomes is to hire certified teachers who are dedicated to teaching the students.  This means that the pay scale needs to be improved drastically to complete with other  states  The benefits need to be improved  PEIA, carry stick days (15) over to retirement  Someone needs to make home visit to find out why students are absent.  Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation Zones  New local school ideas for lunch  Getting more afterschool participation in the arts, sports not just athletes but spectators as well. We closed more that 20 schools in Harrison County during the 90's in order to get a few more schools.  Schools closed citing small classes, low teacher/student ratio.  Now we want Charter Schools to provide small classes and low teacher/student ratio.  US Supreme Court in 1954 said we cannot create dual school system.  Policy 6200 had a long list of criteria to close a school  Lots have criteria to create a Charter School and put it on the local ballot for approval. New ways to make lunch period fun  More student participation in afterschool activities.  3-4 year old Preschool  not Daycare - Naps should not be mandatory Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Barbour Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Nothing.  I want all (previous work double underlined) education funding to go public school systems! If people wish to start Charter schools I this state, they should meet educational guidelines and run their enterprises at private businesses All state funds should go to county school systems only.  No ESAs or charter school funding Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Harrison Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Monongalia Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Expanded preschool  Innovation Zones Non data supports for charter Expansion of innovation zones  Wider use of waiver process for educational opportunities  Waivers can be used for charter ideas in our public schools  NO ESA without much supervision & accountability Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree In #7, at the end of 2, added Phase in -
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019) Innovation zone sounds as if it could be valuable if funded on outcome and merit.  Expanded preschool if affordable Charter school requirements are too uncertain to implement at this time. Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Marion Clarksburg  (Robert C. Byrd HS - 04/01/2019)   (ESA) Concerns that families will select "home" schooling only for the $$.  Students will be removed from public education and be unprotected (CPS) etc.  What happens to following the money.  EXPANDED PRESCHOOL - 3 yr olds entering school?  Concern about the developmental appropriateness of this? Current process in place to allow transfers between counties and intra county transfer works well.  Not sure why the emphasis in bill is withowt (previous word underlined) permission Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree In #7, second statement, parents' discretion is underlined.
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - Innovation zone expansion could free counties to address issues more related to those particular students ie McDowell County needs vs. Berkeley County needs.  Charter schools  - Does someone watch for money laundering?   - What happens to the students if a charter schools folds mid- year as in a recent one in Ohio.   - What happens to the money if the school folds?  - How will we effectively manage more 3 years olds when we do not have the support to do so currently with birth to three students, four year olds, and five year olds in the same classroom with speech IEPS and developmental delays along with often untreated/diagnosed social emotional issues? Pre-K is set up by policy and lacks of adequate support to not be able to meet all students needs to be unsafe.  Require legislators to do quality visits to classrooms and school offices for extended lengths of time to see first hand how schools have changed. School today is not what it was 10, 20, 30 years ago.  We need our representatives to be educated first hand with a public school classroom looks like.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mason Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I had no problems with the open enrollment I have great concerns with the charter schools.  A) There is no guarantee the children would have a certified teacher.  B) I worry about what happens to the children when the charter schools fail, and come back to the public schools behind.  C) Charter schools should have to follow certain guidelines. We need extra stuff for remediation Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zones are not utilized or funded. They are a great idea and have so much positive potential to impact education   - charter schools would waste taxpayer money by siphoning funds from public schools. They would create more layers of burecaury . Allow traditional schools to be innovative.  ESA's would incentivize parents to take students out of schools to receive money that could be mismanaged, wasted, and possibly stolen. Which would result in more cost for law enforcement.   charters are unconstitutional . Period Article 12-10 Allow teachers to network, create, share, test new idea and encourage. Let us innovate. Trust us!  Redesign WVEIS create an analytics Dept. in WVDE and the legislature  for that matter  Enlist FB, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter to help us create the department. We need to go to the experts to help WVDE and schools analyze the immense data necessary to help guide students achievement decisions.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Multiple choice  #4 and #5 they put explanation marks by the strongly disagree that they circled. 
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zone - being able to set up schools to meet needs of individual schools.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ritchie Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expanded preschool for 3 year olds  help kids sooner Give students more choices instead of  ?? coursed (in their current schools)   Assessment should support instruction not drive it  Assessment should Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Multiple choice  #4 they underlined most rules and regulations and put a Question mark over it. 
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Nothing Discrimination  Separation of church and state  Charter schools and ESA's - BAD (Previous word underlined twice) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I think they are harmful to students and clearly meant to be retaliatory.  school choice is a propaganda tactic used to destroy public schools               
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)     Innovative local programming up to 3 years to prove its worth  3 year olds need socialization in "pre-school" public pre- school.  brain drain from rural or poorer counties but as  a parent, I'd like to send my child to the school that has programs  that allow them to reach their potential. Charter schools will pull the best or talented students and money.  - county school cant meet goals. I fear inappropriate Use of the money by parents "home schooling' their children. I also feel that a GED or HS diploma is not appropriate degree to teach. Poor families will divert resources from its intended use to meet other needs or "wants".  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Multiple Choice  #3 Good and Bad
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I do not like the fact of charter schools or ESA's.  Public funding should not be used for only a specialized group of students.  If they (parents) want certain guidelines, then go to private. Here is an idea...instead of making a charter school for the have and have notes (don't try to tell me that isn't how it is can phrase it however you want...but that's the truth) we need a "building" in every county (participant underlined previous two words) that will be a support system for behavioral disorder placement.   Think of it as an "in between" step before they get placed in a detention center.  I come from a school with lots of behaviors.  I have  great classroom management but I still spend too much time dealing with these issues.  We have students that has made a choice to not behave every day in every class.  These students are taking time and attention away from students that do want to learn.  if we had a place to send them where there is no more than 10 students a class but some emotional/wellness classes to help these kids, everyone involved would benefit.   Those kids would get the attention they need w/o taking away from the other students... Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree 3.  Why would they not give permission?
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Need to look into innovation zones to maintain true middle schools. Allow teaming to better meet students needs. We are so tied to state funding formula we are losing ability to function as a true middle school   We have school choice. We have private schools and students have the ability to attend out of district ESA could result in loss of major funding without a reduction of students it private schools take ESA money from public schools.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mason Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zones will allow educators to be more creative and meet needs of students in unique ways. May help to serve students with disabilities better expanding preschools to 3 years old is a good idea as long as class sizes a restricted help students who may not qualify for special ed services to still receive a head start.  WV does have school choice however it is not the states responsibility to use public funds to assist private school students or charters.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I really like the idea of expanding preschool to 3 years old.  I am also very interested in Innovation Zones and intend to learn more about them. I am very concerned about the Education Savings Account and Charter Schools. I am concerned about accountability with ESA (how are you going to know if the parents spent the money appropriately? Are there consequences?).   I am concerned about oversight and accountability for charter schools.   What's the plan for when they shut down over-night and the families are left without a school? Look at decreasing standardized testing and allow teachers more opportunities to obtain certificates to teach other subject areas. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Neutral on pre-school expansion - transportation problems opposed to any unregulated funding of schools or instructional programs without accountability to board of education so no to charter schools and ESAS no funding for private schools. Strict separation of church and state.  Why does state not examine how other countries with rural population handle the education of students. Both Australia and the Western provinces of Canada have correspondence schools run from central office. Very rural areas have students take their entire education by correspondence. Students can also take courses  not offered by their school by correspondence.  Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation is a way forward and should be available on an application basis.  Change should be lead from within the body of stakeholders. School Choice will weaken as a statewide system for a quality education for a short-term small benefit group of students.  School choice is already available through private pay schools and homeschool; Also through location change.   Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zones would be a more powerful tool in the application process and those who received permission would not be as limited.  Allow any school that wants to try something to try.  Needs funding. 1.  Pulls funding from under funded schools.  2.  Undermines public education.  a.  Public schools left with kids that charter schools won't take.  b.  Sets up competition for better education instead of a good education for all. More funding for public schools. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I like the idea to use Innovation zones, but I want this to be part of public schools. I like the idea of expanding pre- school   I have big concerns about education savings accounts because I'm concerned about parents taking the money to homeschool but not doing any education at home. This is especially a problem with our current opioid crisis. We already have students who pull their students to "homeschool" just because we call CPS too many time.  I have concerns about charter schools because of lack of accountability. Teachers should meet the same standards as public school teachers.      Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zone expansion - freeing teachers. 3-year-olds should be separated, not placed in regular pre-k classrooms.  Charter schools won't work.   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expanded pre-school could help prepare kids for learning and to get emotional/social issues dealt with sooner. I like that it is at the discretion of the parents.  Charter schools in this case, are online - too easy to cheat. They also lend themselves to exclude students on account of race , handicap, sex, behavior, etc. People will use the educational savings accounts for things other than education - who oversees this ?? Homeschool teachers need to follow the rules of homeschooling. Keep the same standards, have oversight for teachers and students.  Have alternative schools and vocational trade schools instead of charter schools.  When we begin to deal with the social emotional - behavior issues, more students would be able to learn because the environment would be conducive to learning.  Expand vocational services   Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood         Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Fully fund schools and provide arts programs and allow de-regulation for school (public improvement). No charter schools.  Fully fund public schools and increase pay to enhance to go into teaching people. De-regulate public schools to allow personnel to provide the best pathway. Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)   Sports will receive more than they do already.  Use the $ to fun tutoring for public students who struggle.  Loss of $ in public schools.   Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I am not in favor of using public funds for charter schools or CSA's. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone  Expanded preschool  open enrollment - have students sit out sports for a year   school to school  ESA!! - homeschool accountability  Charger schools should be non profit conversion type schools  Purpose is to share with public schools. Don't compete   fix home school rules Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I think the option for preschool for 3 year olds is good Charter schools don't have to take the students I teach (those with IEP's)  Using the funding at the savings account strictly for the education of pupils.  today's innovations are yesterday's ?? ??  Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone expansion increased funding and allowing flexibility from some rules/regs.  ESA - Not needed - What happens to that those that take money and reenroll into public unconstitutional  Open enrollment  - leave it as it is  Expanded preschool - too young       Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) ESA - I am afraid that parents will take money and then send child back after several days/months. Or may take money and buy stuff.   Children can not change counties every month - change one a year Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) If innovation is good for charter schools - then public schools should be offered also! Expanded preschool should not be put into a 3-5 classroom. Create a 3/4 or 4/5 classroom to give teachers ability to handle problems of little one.  Streamline testing and more time to teach! Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mason Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I like the  open enrollment program   I don't like the charter schools concept or the ESA program. Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - Access to preschool (limited to these with delays)  -innovation zones for additional funding  - giving teacher more flexibility and freedom to increase student achievement   school choice - ESA's - creates a division between parents and teachers the funding  is lopsided-service cost outweigh how much they receive. No clear lines of comparison of having charter schools vs. public school  Open enrollment - discipline issues - they go to new school - no funding for county student has holes in education curriculum because of jumping around.    Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - Awesome!  - School choice - Education savings accounts - NO ACCOUNTABILITY!  - Charter schools - not needed in WV! Fix what we have. We already have choice in WV  - Open enrollment - keep it how we have it. Students will bounce based on behavior (getting in to trouble  so lets move/switch schools), sports, etc.  This will cause problems for these students academically if they keep switching schools  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Nothing That charter schools and ESA's will de-fund public schools under the guise of "school choice". Parents have choice already , the burden of payment for the choice should rest on the family. (Privat school home school etc.)  That charter schools will send taxpayer money to out of state entities  That  ESA's will be ?? ?? ?? for fraudulent spending of tax dollars.    Neutral Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Multiple Choice  #2 - Parents need to be more involved at this critical age  #4 - Charter schools
Jackson Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Nothing about school choice  Innovation zones: increase educational diversity opportunities    school choice - draining money away from public education  innovation - needs more funding   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zones  Still part of the public school system  But acts like charter schools Charter schools and ESA's  Get rid of these ideas and fund innovation zones     Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - charters being available statewide - not in specified areas.  - ESA's ?? made available to assist families without the financial means to see other education options for their children. - Feel that if state mandated where charter schools were to be established and the type of school they would not be successful.  - feel that ESA's should not be limited but available to anyone willing to utilize them.   - provide additional opportunities for students to participate in community colleges/vo-tech programs and middle and high school level.  Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree  
Putnam Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Opportunities for innovation zone expansion ie. STEM Schools / magnet schools - across county lines.  local flexibility   $ funding to "?" up / expand.   Expand preschool for "?" students / social interactions/non academic driven.  - Charter schools should be the result of "?" input - study over a period of time ie. 1-2 yrs. Establish the why or why not.   - Why must provide $ to career and technical schools to be innovative.   - No public funding for ESA's. $ funding. Study module that may be implemented in current career and technical schools.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Why are public classrooms "?" kids' confidence + self esteem? is it a teacher issue, bullying? But all students should have access to great public education, for all students - make it work within the public school system - I do not support tax money for non - public schools - ok to have individualized education plans within public school. What rules would schools be free from- who decides? Teachers should be certified - degreed - NO Charter Schools with less stringent requirements "?" public school for teacher requirements, class size, services for special ed etc we must have strong public schools - improve them, do not do anything to take public funds away from our children. Must have public ie BOE monitoring regulations over all schools - accountability. Transparency with academic rigor - Charter Schools Do not do well with too many kids would be excluded from charter schools.  Do not want to pay for "religious education" schools - no "?" - no education. savings accounts - if people want to educate privately - pay privately. But fund schools by state income taxes, not local property taxes - more physical education, recess, enough arts, music, drama, library, etc.  Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) + allows schools/teachers to try to do what they know "?" would be best for their students (innovation zone)  + Expanded preschool - meet severe needs early & help development that is lacking at home.  - expanded preschool - must have a need or will this turn in to "free babysitting" idea for parents.   - Why ?!?! We have all our public schools on such bare bone budgets with many needs and you want to take away our funds to "try" Charter schools and create a new school?! Support our kids now and improve our schools w/ innovation zones and give us funding.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zone - Flexibility & freedom is good - teachers are creative and we should tap into that.   Expanded preschool - the earlier the better!  Open Enrollment - No it is used to escape truancy and discipline issues!  Charter schools - no  ESA's - no Charter schools - 1) defund public schools 2) cherry picking 3) non certified teachers 4) can kick out students for minor infractions but keep the $ for the child.   open enrollment - would allow a student who is suspended to enroll in another county, may not have access to discipline records, students lose credits by frequently moving.   ESA's - 1) No research supports the benefit of ESA's 2) Parents who get an ESA for child could be taking more $ than what they even pay in taxes. 3) The amount isn't enough to provide quality services. 4) no accountability for spending.  Open enrollment - some students "leave and come back" 4 + times in one schools year. There should be a cut - off Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 4 - No charters  Questions 5 - No ESA's
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)     Expand preschool - yes w/ proper aides, support personnel to help evaluate needs up - front.   Open enrollment - the county should make students go thru approval process i.e. expulsions, behavior, inconsistency, bouncing back and forth; loss of credits.   Charter - No drives a wedge  ESA's - No drives a wedge.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) innovation zone expansion, expanded preschool, open enrollment > all seem good! There are too many unanswered questions about the success of charter schools. I cannot support charter schools and ESAs that take dollars away from our public schools. Who will staff? Where did this legislation and push come from? Who will be accepted/not accepted? Certified professionals? Who will benefit financially? Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) You have public, private, homeschooled, military, "?" No or very few charter schools. No ESA's Too many tests.          Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expanded preschool. All children should have the opportunity benefit from preschool.  Study rules and regulations and change them if they hamper the educational process.  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expanded pre school for all WV children with qualified teachers.  Education saving account - $ needed in classrooms, not for homeschool or private school. Charter schools vs public schools rules and regs for all need to be set to benefit students.   Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)   Open enrollment w/o permissions will create issues IEP's & Athletics will be reason for too many transfers. Charter schools will not work well in our smaller WV communities É and that's all we have are smaller communities. Profit motive will lead finances in the "cut cost" direction not maximizing product value.  Charter Schools - Value Added to community should be measurable no one should profit individually. Limit ESA's to input or something near, like tax credit --- should never be a possible income stream --- proof of usage - some method Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) The 1st thing that we need is to properly fund out teachers & schools. then when we have sufficiently accomplished that. Only then possibly consider other school innovations.  Why even consider charter schools - Michigans students scores were found to be lower when involved with charter schools. A friend was teaching in N. Ohio in charter school - it closed misused funds - Ohio has had nightmares with their charter schools. I am find with a private schools as long as they fund themselves - Not my tax money Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 2 - When you have the money to pay the extra teacher then ok!!!!!!
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Parents have a right to set the educational goals for their own children and to pursue whatever educational program they deem best. However, if the decide in favor of an option that is other than public education - they should pay for it - NOT TAXPAYERS. NO TAX MONEY FOR PRIVATE/CHARTER SCHOOLS.  I'm concerned about the emphasis being put on instituting charter schools.  We might think about having public "magnet" schools.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 1 - public schools - yes.
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) More funding for innovation zones, let schools individually at a local level decide what works best for them. No preschool for 3 yr olds unless the state is going to fund it without taking money from other programs.  Using public money to fund charter schools, no accountability for money spent. Is all money going to school in a lump sum. What makes you think a charter school will do more to increase achievement for all students.  Limit you charter to underperforming students only.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Nothing Ed. Savings acct. Giving money to families to "home-school" children and have no accountability that children are learning & successful for future. Charter Schools have If private school = private funding don't take funds from public ed.  Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Jackson Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zones; why = cross curriculum opportunities are increased.  We currently have school choice. SB 451 "school choice" is about allowing poor use of public funds. No to charters, no to ESA's > I have to sent emails to legislature "?" why.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zones are great. Open Enrollment across county lines is already in place with board approval. Will counties have to provide transport? Preschool is a great idea.  ESAs should be limited to a credit for what is paid in. No one expects children services funds to pay for private mental health costs. Counties too small for charter schools. Education should be equitable & subject to board of education.  more choices within public schools. Work Release. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expansion and funding of innovation zones could help address many problem areas that are holding our schools and students back. expanded preschool could provide for needs that some of our kids have, but it needs to be separate from 5 year olds.  Charter schools do not fix our problems!! Innovation zones address the problems for all students (not a select few that can attend charter schools). Education savings account do not provide enough money for private school. I am very concerned about abuse of this program.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wirt Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone - good idea, fund a schools' ability to create the best learning environment. Extended pre-school w/ age appropriate grouping 3 year olds. Do not add another layer to public education - no charters. Be sure to provide community informative responding Birth to three programs - physicians & health carecenter to help eary enrollment. No research to support Charter Schools - give us the freedom to do what you think a charter school can do. Open Enrollment - current system seems to work asking from one county and going to another.  Be creative     Pay teachers to work with kids more days to improve achievement Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree question 4 - current system works
Pleasants Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion! We must be able to meet one students where they come w/o the restrictions like FUNDING. These work! Charters, ESA > They are not working! Look at the surrounding state. Ohio has multi-million dollar lawsuits with their "?" "voucher" and "online" schools. Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) open to 3 yr. pre K I taught pre K & some students would benefit. Innovation zones allow flexibility focus more on students' needs recruiting for schools = further social or economical segregation. ESA - the $ is not clearly regulated/ who will be accountable/ it's their choice why should I pay for it. Open enrollment - don't like 1 teacher = switch there's already huge lack of continuity in education due to mobility & switching schools. No way to compare if regulations are not the same one reason our testing scores are lower is because we test all if we only tested AP or Honors we will be higher national too. Cut off on transferring schools. School choice already in place but at the parents' expense not the tax payer. transferring to avoid truancy action. This is not a need for WV! Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zones. Allowing more flexibility for schools to accomplish their goals.  Reduced funding for public schools. Charter schools do not have to accept everyone. They should have to follow some rules as public schools.  Fund out current schools. Give us more support to meet the needs of our children. More vocational training. Arts. Music. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zones - would like to see more of them & how successful they are - would they not benefit kids all over the state? - taking $ from public for private ed. Stop micromanaging teachers & treating us more like students than professionals Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree      
Tyler Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Nothing! Parents choose to home school they foot the cost. That is their choice & they accept the cost/consequences.  Streamline testing! Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) 3 year olds could benefit from developmentally appropriate curriculum like social skills 3 year olds do not need all day long schooling - becomes free babysitting. Need more information regarding innovation zone expansions. Call ESA's vouchers - that's what they are. Dig into ESA's - misleading, deceiving. Innovation zones & charter schools seem awfully similar.    Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation zones have worked and will work again. The local school knows their teachers and students better than anyone. Allowing communities to address their unique needs is incredibly important.  ESA are unproven, lack research, and have not seen positive results in other areas. Charter schools lack necessary oversight to be effective.  later start times to school days. Research has prover starting later in the day improves test scores.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Roane Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Preschool  Open Enrollment - Why? can do now with permission All schools should be allowed Innovation - reduced rules that aren't working. WV cannot afford charter schools anyway Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expanded preschool (voluntary!)  Innovation zones No charter schools! Free public schools from rules and regulations if that's the issue! More vocational type programs in middle and high school Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Jackson Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)   Chart Schools What happens to money if a charter schools "?" Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Roane Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) I love the expanded preschool to 3yr  I aso support innovation zones & funding these - More calrity in the guidelines about open enrollmetn is needed.   - Charter schools often result in class segregation and inequity. We aren't properly funding our public schools as it is.   - Education Savings Accounts are WRONG. Public money should not go to individuals who are homeschooling or sending thier kids to private school. If I choose not to use a public service, that is my choice, but I should't be reimbursed for that.  Expand course choices &programs within public schools. For example, more CTE options in middle school.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Roane Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Any effort to expand access to younger students or students pursuing career our college (CTE, work-based education, etc) is good. Period If "innovation" is that great, it should be avaliable to all without need for special goverence structure(s). (?), fail quickly & often, then diseminate the results.  Encourage system-wide innovation and policy improvements Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expanding preschool to 3 years because the earlier. Diverting funding from public school to charters and Innovation Zones takes away from a public school where we can offer more options and choices in the public schools. Allow more freedom and less restrictions on the public schools first to see what difference it would make.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Tyler Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zones -   A. Need Funded  B. Need Data from previous IZ's to buttress argument for IZ vs Charter  C. Need WVBOE Policies/Code IZ's that have been waived to support IZ expansion and gain support Open Enrollment  1. Loss of local funding  2. Inability to reject student transfer - due to behavior/suspension etc.  Charter  1. Loss of local funding   2. Student Population - Selectivity  3. Will create a demographic sivision of future adults(an elite if you will)  ESA   1. Local loss of funding  Legislature (A) needs to maintain funding for a period of time not reduce / (B) smae for code - quit adding stay the course for a period to Judge improvement with current code. 
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone - allows counties to decide what is best for them & thier students.  - Expanded Preschool - allows our children who may not be receivng attention at home that opportunity to catch up with their peers.  Charter Schools - too broad, no regulations, outside people profiting from our students. If you are going to lesson restrictions on charter schols, why don't you do that for public schools?  ESA - I want my tax payer money going to public schools. I believe some people will use the money to feed their drug habits.  n/a Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - There is a place for innovation within the public schools. Allow public schools to have the freedom to be inovative 1. Public Education should not be for profit. Who is going to make a profit from charter schools?  2. Talk to surrounding states that have charter schools. What worked? what didn't? Would they do it again?  3. There seems to be no regulation of charter schools. They should be held accountable for student learning/growth the same as public schools.   4. While it is true that people (professionals) in other disciplines may have the knowledge to teach, there are other aspects of teaching - such as classroom management/academic modifications/learning styles that they may be lacking.   5. Statistics that are being quoted about "the state of WV schools" is not accurate. We ARE NOT 49th in the nation.   6. People can find statistics to support whatever agenda they wish to promote. Enter into big changes carefully and cautiously. There already is school choice... Pople can choose public or private schools. Public school funding should not be used for that if the state can not regulate how the funds are used.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wirt Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zones are great but more counties should be allowed to participate. If rules can be relaxed for these why can't that happen for regular schools. Less regulations!Let schools decide what is best for them. PreK expansion to 3yr. olds needs to include more funding for teachers & classrooms. Getting into PreK should not be a competition All students have equal access to PreK services. The students who need it the most should be first in line to get services.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion Charter Schools / Educational Savings  Accounts takes funding from public schools If charter schools can be exempt from most rules & regulations, then public schools should be as well Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wirt Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion Innovation can be done through the zones. Charter Schools aren't necessary.  Education savings Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Jackson Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)         Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) - Innovation Zone Expansion  - Expanded Preschool         Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Expanded Preschool yes! Charter Schools will lower over all attendance for students by virtue of diminishing pooled resources - ecconomy of scale Career track appropriate Math and Enlish courses rather then inappropriate coursework            
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Not much Charter Schools taking public funds  Education Savings accounts takes public funds Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Open Enrollment - not an issue Totally aganist ED Savings Account. No Rules, Regulations, accountability, etc. on how money is used  Innovation Zone - need accountability measure  Charter Schools - should not be EXEMPT - Should meet the same accountability standards as public schools Attendance, testing.  What happens to Sp Ed students (speical needs) Problem w/entire section is no Avvountability  Is Charter School idea specific to subject target area. Such as Engineering, The Arts, etc. Somewhat Disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Open enrollment-- makes it eaiser for working parents to get their students in a system that is located in the county which they work. This could enhance parent engagement.  Educational Savings Accounts-- worry that more students will get lost in the shuffle. Parents choosing to "home school" to get the funds. In most cases the best place to educate a student is in a school system - public or private. Would the criteria to home school a student and get the funds be made strict then they are currently. Should someone (or is someone) with a GED or high school diploma "qualified" to provide a robust home school curriculm? Make Pre-k (4 year old) manadorty  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
  Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Jackson Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone - allow the public schools freedom from cumbersome regulations to explore opportuities "outside the box" to improve student achievement.  Charter Schools - MUST elimate ability of elected officeials to profit from charter schools.  Teachers and public NEED TO KNOW what the rules and regulations are that charter schools & innovation zones are able to bypass Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Neutral
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Charter Schools if modeled on a successful version that would accommodate students with speical needs. Charter schools for specific areas of student interest/talent if modeled on a successful version. ESA Program Home - School instruction not regulated. Parents not required to demonstrate students' progress, grades, curriculum, yet will be provided funding.  Provide more information regarding Innovation Zone Expansion and have schools apply and specify how funds will be used. Flexiable scheduling would be helpful for some.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree   Strongly Disagree  
Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Charter schools Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019)   My concerns of school chioce are...  - Will "out-of-district" students prevent in-district students from attending due to high population  - Will this be abused to build up an extra curricular activity to win state/championships  - Does funding follow and by giving school choice how does this help student @ a struggling school or the school itself. Seems like passing the buck to me  - Why are we giving all these concessions & waivers to rules to a private school? Why not do this w/our public schools - Free them to be more innovative...  - Will there be accountability ?? I do not have a problem with innovation in schools or for districts to "pilot" programs if the school, parents, and staff agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Local taxes pay for schools - no charter schools are taking the entire population for a select group.  The charter/Innovation schools should be vetted the same way as public schools too much $ lost. Oversight by the local school board of ed should watch what goes on academically in the public schools to get (?) success in the education process Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - allow all schools to participate  Expanded PreSchools - if remove regulations for charter school - allow all public schools to work under the "new" removed regulations   Open enrollment - needs regulation  Charter Schools - enroll in charter - money stop w/charter school - student leaves charter school - who gets the money  ESAs - money will be used for something other than "educational" needs Allow all Schools exemption from rules & policies, not just the "charter" non public schools who will suddenly "appear"  - Needs to well studied  - and regulated before beginning the "charter" school. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wood Parkersburg  (Blennerhasset MS - 03/25/2019) The option of having a choice is very exciting to me as a parent. We really don't feel that we should have to buy a $300,000 home to be in a decent school district, or have to pay out of pocket for private school if our school district is unsatisfactory. Homeschooling is an affordable option, but why should I, as a parent, have to feel I would even make that kind of decision when the funding stays within the school system.  The biggest gripe being heard at my level are rumors and misinformation being spread by certain organizations that stand to lose potential funding as a result of direct competition.
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)   No to Charter Schools No to ESA.  Monies taken from Public Schools To fund these programs would be detrimental to ALL students. Seperate Testing for Vo-Tec and College. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree   Strongly Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone idea could be good in certain circumstances Charter Schools and ESA would do IMMENSE harm to WV ED  Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) - Innovation Zone Expansion to provide what is necessary for specific places/specific students.   - Expanded preschool could be positive in some situations (providning those students who are ready to receive this service). However, I DO NOT believe that the magic number of (For example:2-3) necessarily means it is great for all children. - Charter Schools: lead to small schools shutting down. Not all students have access. There aren't stipulations for those teaching there - not held accountable.  - Open enrollment: Sports could be a huge issue. Moving all "athletic" children to one school to create the best team. Schools become too crowded, which could lead to smaller schools shutting down. Each dollar that is taken from one school to another hurts school job.  - Charter Schools must be held accountable to same regulations as public schools - - ran by BOE! Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree    
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - provide learning environments to meet specific needs of students. Charter Schols - schools should be held to the same standards.  Give public schools more freedom. ALL students should be given the same opportunities. Teachers should be certified.  Somewhat Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I like the idea of an innovation zone especially if it allows for testing flexibility so that every student would not take a college entrance exam.  I don't like the open enrollment policy. I think it would lead to students being able to transfer without the receiving county being aware of problems. I am strongly aganist charter schools. I think in rural communities like I live in the public schools are the heart of them. Lift rules and regulations on public schools just like you will for charter schools.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) providing PK for 3 year old ESA - there is NO accountablity for Homeschool parents. They do not have to provide an end of year assessment in every grade level except grade 3,5,8 & 11. Therefore, who knows what is really going on in the home. Are these children safe? Many go to homeschool because parent dosent want to get in trouble for truancy or the student has got into trouble at school.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - local schools & BOE know the needs of their students best. Expanded Preschool could be very helpful to students and their families; but can't be magic # of 3yr old. It should be bosed on emotional needs & develpomental nedds of students. Charter Schools will not be avaliable to ALL students. Monies/funding taken from public schools for these charter schools would be detrimental to the success of the public school & its ability to educate their students.  Charter Schools should follow the same rules & policies as public schools. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I like Innovation Zone Expansion. I feel there are students who could be successful in many areas, but those areas may not be offered in a regular educational setting. Charter schools and ESAs will pull public funds away from schools. This will result in school closings and loss of jobs for school employees. Public funding should not be used for privitization of education. The money taken can be used for any purposes, but if a student returns to public school, there is no funding that returns to the public school. Charter schools are selective and will not educate all students.  If charter schools are allowed they must follow the same rules as regular schools and be overseen by the Board of Education Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Schools choosing what to do for innovation based upon what their particular school population needs.  * 3 year olds that are not potty trained in classes of 20+ students  Smaller Prek class sizes * require charter schools to be under same regulations   * research successful charter school strategies Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Pay raise Accountability of the money  Not having goals of students to achieve  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #4 they wrote "Allow public schools to be exempt from most rules & regulations placed on us and LET US TEACH!! We feel like we're trying to teach with our hands tied behind our backs and blindfolded. NO TIME TO TEACH!!!
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation zones - it gives the teachers the flexibility for teachers and students.  I am concerned that ESAs will take away funding from public school and provide no accountability for parents. What happens when the student comes back within that year and the parents keeps the money? Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation zone expansion to include "magnette" courses that is divided by student interest etc... welding, vocation trade education as early as middle school - Charter school in theory is nice   open enrollment should already be in place  Expanded preschool should be offered  Education savings acct could assist children attain greater achievemeents.  ESAs too problematic esp w/the current opoid crisis & humans tendency to take advantage  Charter School misuse of funds or otherwise failing Teachers are stresssed, overworked, unappreciated & underpaid. Until that changes system may continue to fail.            
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Mandatory school starting at 5 instead of 6, continue optional 4 y.o. ore-k. All 5 y.o. should participate in a screener that will establish in they have the necessary pre-requisite academic and social learning skills to begin k. If so, they go to k. if not, students should participate in a highly focused mandatory pre-k that concentrates on identified needs with targeted instruction. Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)     School choice sounds wonderful until you realize funding oges with the child. Where does public ed. get additional funding? Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation zone expansion would allow schools more flexibility to create programs that would be the most beneficial for their students.  Expanded pre-k could be beneficial for students that need a play-based school setting Our public schools need properly funded and maintained before anything else is ever considered, but I am 100% charters and ESA's  ESA's would not cover the amount services for a special needs services cost InnovationZones Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)   That funding will go to parents to home school their students and the money will NOT be used for that child's educational purposes. There would be a system of checks and balances for parents who home school to insure that the students excels in their studies and do not fall behind.  Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) NOTHING Charter Schools - Where is the evidence that it is successful? It's not been proven that it has higher success rates.  Open Enrollment - I'm already in a county with declining enrollment. This will make it worse.  ESA's - taking away from public education. On what terms will it be decided who gets the accounts? if you believe public education is a failure, then provide resources to make it better instead of taking more away. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) NOTHING Charter School - Do not have them. Money maker.  Education Saving Account - Encouraging Charter School   Expanded Preschool - Children are too young to start at 3.   Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I don't like any of these policy ideas Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion do what is necessary to help students learn  Charter schools just take funding from public schools.    Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Innovation Zone - yes  Expanded preschool - yes   charter schools - no regulation - cash cow with no support for education  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Innovation Zone  good idea  Expanded Preschool @ 3  an excellent idea  open enrollment - check  charter schools need to hold to the same standards ESA - No!   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion, Expanded Preschool, Open Enrollment are already being implemented in some format NO CHARTER SCHOOLS  It creates a system of the "haves and the have nots"  NO ESA's  You can not prove that the money will be spent on the child. Items may be bought for education and then traded to support opioid addiction.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I wish students could have more access to internet sources that were deemed "blocked" for research opportunities Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Only is monitored to see if it is done correctly. 
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Neutral  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) i support the reinstatement of the innovation zone policy & increased funding for the related grants Charter schools will take creditable resources from our public schools & drastically compromise the quality of WV's education.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) IZ - better choice than charter schools as it helps schools w/ (eligible) addressing solutions.  charter schools - data has NOT consistently shown increased student achievement.  #1 validate affecting student achievement w/ a quality teacher. With charter schools not hiring qualified teachers, the student achievement will suffer.  (Eligible) consistent funding for IZ w/ best practices approved to support student achievement. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) using innovation zones - ones that are successful - as pilot schools Relieve public schools of restrictions and "have to's." Allow some flexibility in meeting the needs of schools and community. The study revealed that schools were "over regulated" - the most regulated state - lets not let that money be wasted.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) We need to expand preschool. We need to teach these kids sooner (age 3).   See open enrollment as an issue because it will take away from our county enrollment. We don't need charter schools. They take funding away from public schools. Educational Savings accounts allows funding to be distributed to charter schools.  We need more certified PreK teachers parents are a child's first teacher, but they are not certified.   Student achievement is essential.   If we had the flexibility to relax rules for charter schools, why can't we do it for regular traditional schools.  Innovation can work for the kids.   Education savings accounts only help middle & upper class families with tax credits.   Education Saving Accounts can be abused by home school parents.  Innovation Zones needs to be expanded. More grants needs to be written. We need to be adequately funded for Innovation Zones.   In bedded credit needs to be offered like they do in Mercer County.  CTE courses offered.  Alternative Programs use Innovation zones funding.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Special Educational School need to include and address special ed. needs. 
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Innovation Zones, expanded preschools and open enrollment (with limits) work.   *Advise tighter coupling of Part B IDEA  with Part C (DHHR), * See the UVA 2017 Study on vouchers for more information on family social dynamics   the part on student development! Vouchers will be helpful to some families, but the best research indicates it won't benefit the students educational outcomes STATEWIDE.  Core Stanford, etc.   Charter school research consistently shows states like WV are hand scrabble environments for charter success. State is better served focusing resource room public school innovation. 
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Allowing for increased opportunities aloud funding for additional opportunities for innovation zone programs. Do not understand the push for charter schools. Most research indicates charter schools tend to be about as successful as public schools. They simply become a drain on funding from public education.  Relief for public schools from rules and regulations that maybe hindering the increasing of student achievement instead of competing charter schools.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Increased funding for Innovation Zones I believe charter schools would NOT benefit the students of WV in the long run. Money to revamp our public schools and less legislative mandates would be beneficial. Since that is what Charter schools can do.  Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Nothing *Charter Schools are a big no-no  *If passed - charter schools should be privately funded by parents State aid funding more support financially for public schools Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Optional on Expanded Preschool - not required at age 3 but optional - up to parents Against charter schools due to no rules or regulations, don't (teachers) have to be certified  Totally against Education Savings Accounts State Aid funding - need more - it is a necessity  Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Providing access to preschool for 3 year olds ONLY at parents discretion No school savings accounts. It would not benefit our children.  No charter schools. teachers aren't required to be certified or even have a high school diploma.  More state aid for public schools Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wyoming Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) We would like to see more expansion for innovative zone schools. We feel that schools with more flexibility could be more creative in their curriculum.  My concern with ESA funds is that students may be subjected to abuse if not regulated carefully.  We need funds to help (eligible) graduates to go into the field of teaching.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion   Expanded Preschool Our public skills need to be fully funded before creating more. I am not for Charter Schools in the near future.  I am not for ESA's due to accountability and structuring. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) The only choices were Charter & ESA's. ESA's allow homeschool parents (who have no accountability) to cash in on public funds.  Choice & Flexibility needs to be extended to schools.   Love the ideas of innovation zones and expanded pre-k.  Open enrollment will create chaos!   Homeschool & ESA's need accountability! Money (ESA's) does not make these better! There is no way to police this funding  Open Enrollment between districts will create chaos and WVSSAC issues.   There is no direction for charter schools.  What model is the legislature following?  Charters cause segregation  Allow districts to develops courses that are innovative and cover CSOs, but are non-traditional in design. For example, a shop class that teaches a skill and covers reading, math, engineering, art.   Let's rejuvenate educators & students - give them pride in learning & the state.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)   Being reimbursed by the state would give the state the right to tell you what & where you could spend that money. It would not be a choice.     Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I think innovation zones would be great. It would be great to share what works in different places across the state. I think that if we are given a chance to explore with new ideas we will find great ways to improve education.  The research I've seen on charter schools as a whole hasn't been positive. There are a few that do well but many close and the kids have to go back to the other schools with no funding. They will be taking the money from the general population to give to a select few. Test scores don't go up with charter schools. Charter schools are used to segregate.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)   What is the accountability for the ESA?  Not for ESA, Charter Schools, or out-of-county students Make home schooled students (ESA) be tested at school level instead of having to turn in portfolios Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Fayette Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Not much 1- Innov. Zone - sounds like away to let schools "off the hook" for solid requirements  2- Pre school- we need to do better delivering the Prek-12 we try to do now before we take on m ore in school. Expand Birth to Three to "Birth to Five"  3- Open enrollment - problem would be where "parents' pd taxes? What about sports?  4- Charter schools - for NAS, ect. not just gifted not the same as magnet.  5- ESA - no accountability- how to parents prove the "pd" for educ. who credentials non public choice Innovation- is not what this is-  Innovation is a new angle, a new method- not just a word on same old thing  magnet is innov.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree added this note to #2 we don't do a good enough job w/ what we try to do.  #5 under the word parents -so many don't have parents  under nonpublic school- who accredits them
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)   Transportation!  The cost of students transferring to different schools; cost of added teachers Take (eligible) for schools and let state BOE run our schools Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) *teachers should be allowed to share with other teachers, what works need to be shared.  Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Innovation zones lost funding and were even given a chance to grow and be shared.   Innovation zones trump charters and are fair. School choice pulls money from cash-strapped public schools. Fund our existing public schools fully.  If charter schools receive public funds they owe accountability to the public.   A charter, if established, should assist at-risk populations  *children affected by the opioid crisis  * children hampered by poverty  *children in foster/adoptive care  These kids deserve added supports to make them successful.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) We have choice. We need more ways to meet the needs of our students.  Fraud will result with the current direction of policy. Additionally, charter will destroy funding and not provide any benefit.  Lower middle/high school class size. Push post secondary field to tech students  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Charter Schools - Forget them altogether  ESA - Discrimination against ALL children Neutral Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - Flexibility - Not Charter Schools -  No ESA - Will be poorly spent and no education for students.  No three year old head-starts - have programs for parenting to have kids home and assume responsibility - social services need to do their jobs - take burden off teachers!   Innovation Zone Expansion - I think it will work well in McDowell Co.   No charter schools  No ESA Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Webster Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I like the idea of expanding innovation zones, because it brings in fresh ideas that improve our CURRENT education system.  *Instead of spending money on new charter schools, ESA's & allowing students to transfer to other counties, time, effort, & money should be spent to improve public ed.   *I think school choice expansion would create situations where counties "recruit" the desired students, ie athletes, top students, etc.  Developing an innovation zone - academy type setting for certain groups of students, like at risk students or even gifted students.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) As a coach I fear the open enrollment plan would cause parents to transfer kids for only sports and not academics.  Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) *McDowell has a severe need for staff (certified) & have no interest losing additional funding to aupport charter schools/savings plans.   *Figure out a way to educate families as well as children   3 year old preschool is awesome! We have 3 yr olds we cant service & are on waiting list w/ HS Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree *worried about already declining enrollment  *we would lose even more teachers than the ones we already have  22 vacancies we can't fill
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) pre-k, 3 year old enrollment to help children get a good start Private schooling will take money away from the most needy families and students Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I don't think they are innovative -  it reads like a political catch phrase.  Accountability  Transfers - follow WVSSAC rules     Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Expanded preschool to include 3 yr-olds.  Open enrollment Parent responsibility w/ 3 yr. olds  Charter schools - taking funds from public schools  QUALITY avaliable in rural areas  ESA's will (eligible) eliminate teachers.  Provide the funding to meet the needs of the kids through more family support opportunities. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Concerning innovation perhaps we could remove some of the rules and policy coming from WV Dept. of Ed. and the WV legislatures.  Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone expansion  More education and info on it Charter Schools -  they take funding away from public schools - disadvantage for most kids in county  ESA - No accountability for how the fund will be spent * Put more funding into public schools instead of focusing so much on charters. Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) I like getting kids in pre-school earlier. (#2) However, there needs to be a goal oriented system designed and implemented. I think getting them started earlier will result in earlier successes.  Accountability with homeschool! Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Allowing school and Districts Freedom form specific Rules & regulations is a good choice.  Expanded pre school at Parent's Discretion is ok Open enrollment is not ok, that would allow for unaccountability for parents and students and schools.  Charter Schools not ok, take away funding form regular schools.  Education savings accounts not a Good Idea parents will use kids & system to get money that they Don't have to pay back. Take care of the schools we have and quit listening to outside influences. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I enjoyed the feedback and discussion in this forum Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree added to #1 No Charter
          Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree added to # who is responsible for transportations?
Nicholas Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I like education saving accounts for special needs students  Expanded pre school may help poor students   open enrollment for border areas  I like innovation zone expansion  I want XQ schools in West Virginia so I favor some form of Charter School Children may be too young
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) The innovation policy is a perfect way to allow counties to be "innovative" in instruction. The process should be simplified a little so more counties/schools would take advantage of "zones" School choice is Ok IF (previous word is underlined) they have to follow the same "rules" as public schools-including ALL (previous word is underlined) students, i.e. all aspects of special education students. If money is diverted from public ed., then the same rules must apply.   Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Nothing Charter & ESA's - Funding taken from County BOE's State Aid - Increase  Fund County BOE Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) innovation zones are a good idea, but it should apply to a broader audience. Giving students an opportunity to learn earlier is great! It can help support kids that might not get it elsewhere. Open enrollment can provide positive school choice.  Charter schools are selling our students education and future! JUST SAY NO!!! ESA's are good in theory, but accountability is lacking.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Not Much! School choice should have been done on a trial basis with input.    Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) The only idea i partially agree with is Innovation Zone Expansion. I might feel differently, one way or the other, if I knew more about it.  Losing money as a county is my biggest concern Delaying the age of school to eight, based on readiness.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) 1. FOR PROFIT charter schools are a disaster. Check the experience in Ohio -- Most perform much poorer than public schools. Many have closed. Quite a few are in court because of fraud.    2. Innovation must have research support and it must show the ability to improve learning.     3. Charter Schools must beheld to the same performance standards as the public schools.      Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Nothing! Taking taxpayer $ to put into charter schools will destroy the public school system.  Money should be saving and improving our public schools.  Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) We need preschool for all-universal-I am not negative about all school choice - parent need choices  - I agree with open enrollment - I do not support for profit charter schools. They will destroy our public school system. I do not support ESA's. The parents cannot be held accountable and it could be money down the drain.   Charter schools that are for-profit are in the business for the money, not for students. Change our school systems from within to meet the needs of all students.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Strongly Disagree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Nothing. They are too vague, they allow for the probability of moving public money to private hands. They have not been shown to improve education or student achievement.  School choice & innovation are not inherently connected. Grouping them together is a disservice to innovation.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)   -Accountability to monitor funds to those who would receive Education Savings Accounts.  - Charter Schools if removing regulations for those school why not remove for our public schools   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) NOTHING!! No rules?  No boundaries?  Taking away from public school funding and job opportunity in the county.  parents too often do not have the education to prepare their children for job market and professionalism in society.  It only will lead to undereducated society  How many self proclaimed doctors, lawyers, nurses, computer technicians, secretaries, business owner-operators are there? Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) nothing Everything - Iancre the (eligible) policy improve our public schools and educate/train our teachers. Strongly Disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Greenbrier Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) * Concerned about funding  * ESA unconstitutional - do not use public tax funds.  * Make all schools charter schools  * Do not need outside interests  * Charter schools are not needed because they discriminate aganist those not eligible  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I wasn't sure about charter schools but I felt as an educator that changes to the way I could present the material could be made. I also wonder if by high school, students could choose which core content they would want to study so I would have more students in classroom wanting to learn my curriculum. (Magnet School?) I am concerned as a educator due to changes in schooling (charter Schools) as far as pay/benefits, ect.     Somewhat Agree        
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Nothing! Reduces funding for public school and decreases the quality of education The Education savings accounts are one more taxpayer generated handout. Education funds should be used to support Public FREE Education Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) New ideas are good  expanded preschool  open enrollment  Give public schools opportunities to side step the rules! ESA's & charter schools suck they aim to make $ from kids taking public money for private people's profits- not the idea of our civilization  I think there need to be some montoring of LSIC's so they become true agents of change as intended Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree # 2 they wrote " some parents need less discretion"  #5 they wrote "Public $ is for public school not for profit making!! Immoral
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I think freeing existing public schools from the "lockstep" patterns now established is a good idea I am concerned about taking funds away from public schools to benefit a privileged fin. "Charter Schools" have a bad record in other states   Research does not (previous two words are underlined) Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Fayette Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I think expanded preschool could be very beneficial to some families and students. From an educational and financial standpoint it could help WV families. Innovation zone expansion could be a good thing. Charter schools because they don't benefit every child. This would create an elite situation for 10% of the students in WV. In WV public schools, we may run a bus with an aide for one child. From a budget perspective not cost effictive, but from a human standpoint, it is the right thing to do. ESA's - How many people will take the money and children suffer? Recruit bright young people with loan forgiveness - college costs to hire and staff with great teachers. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Options are always important but I am cautious to jump into charters. I believe  in innovation and we do innovate at our elementary schools. Please do not ump into new just because. I have been in Elem. Ed 21 years. I have seen many things come and go. I do not want fraudulent companies coming into WV. Reform is needed. Success is needed in small ways first. Baby steps first with results. Schools need some freedom to make decision according to their community and population.   Fast flood of SB451  All items on a bill need to be separated. Not the large bill shoved through fast wit no questions - Out of state does not need direct how we change local WV making decisions. Not out of state.  Do what is the best interest of the children.  ?? environment w/our input. Socioeconomic status, teacher in the classroom   Not adequately addressed. Listen to us! Give us input. ALL or NOTHING RUSH thru BILL.  What Innovative  Accountability     Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Multiple Choice Questions  #2 - Too early for 3 year old's (not potty trained)  #2 - will need diapers and toilets for children  #5 - Why not allow the public schools to do this. Why do charters get to do it but not our  #6 - Accountability. I am a product of private schools. I homeschooled my children. Then I taught in the public schools still do. Am nationally bound certified.   
Summers Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) *supportive of Inn. Zone expansion.   * Open enrollment might be positive but home county should still be notified by Parent & Incoming county as a means for Tracking/Truancy/Discipline Dodgers. *Expanded pre-school É not supportive. Children need to home w/ the parents to be nurtured. Sometimes we push "little one" to much & not using or following the natural development.  *School may not have the facility space & transportation overload could be a factor.  *No need for Charter Schools - put efforts into public systems  * ESA.. Private schooling is a choice & shouldn't take $ from public system Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)     3 yr olds @ Headstart  4 yr olds in Public Schools Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Fayette Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone sounds great but needs funding! * Innovation zone - expanded preschool needs funding - not grants - funds!  * ESA - unconstitutional * Charter Schools - Mountaineer Challege Academies!  * Educational reform ideas should come from WV stakeholders
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone - needs to be funded   expanded preschool for preschool special needs only Open enrollment - Diverts funding from home counties   Charter Schools - Public money for private profit   ESA - take money & Later send child back to public school $250.00 tax break for parents that choose private schooling Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Mothing (previous word underlined) Allowing public monies to be given to Private Secular & Religious Organizations without any accountability to the Public monies given to Public institutions must be spent in accordance to Policy. If monies are going to be given to no-public, either home schools or Charters, they should follow the same guidelines of the public or remove the policy restrictions on the publics. Being a Baptist Minister, I especially disagree with monies going to Religious Schools. I believe religious schools have  right to exist & parents the right to send their children there. But I disagree with the state support of them because eventually the state will require of them to follow their ideology. A religious school should & must keep itself unspoiled from worldly organizations. Jefferson to the Danbury Association said it best "a wall of separation" should exist between the Government & Churches. Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - need funding but ideas are good and help w/ choice Expanded Preschool - Not glorified babysitters - programs are already in place for Special Needs Students  Charter Schools - where is accountability  ESA - accountability? Fund Innovation Zones - Keep them avaliable   Exchange ESA $250 tax credit Neutral Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Preschool expansion is good for special needs programs.  Innovation Zones would be great if they were funded. Open enrollment would be a budget & transportation nightmare.  Charter Schools would not work in rual areas like WV  ESA's would not be good at all! No taking money away from public schools.  Do not divert public funds for private profit. ALEC should not dictate what happens in our state Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)             Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zones - Will help needy counties fill holes ??. It wouldn't allow ??  ??, you will ?? what works?  ?? Do not want to ?? to ?? schools to preach instead of teach. Has preschool for 3 years old's really been shown to be effective    charter schools do not have a good record nation wide. Why would WV schools be expected to beat the national trend? Those that show some achievement ?? ?? to pick and choose ?? and ignore the needs of students, who need more support.  Would WV charter schools have to ?? and fully support all students?  Would low population ?? counties ?? ?? one? Then money would be ?? for them. Why id the prevision to make ??legislators ?? ?? from charter schools got stripped?   - Give teachers more choice and ??over their curriculum and what happens in their classroom. If they are held responsible for it. they should ?? it.  - Evaluate them on ??, how much students improve.  Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Greenbrier Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation zones need to be funded.  3 year olds are too young to attend school  Charter Schools are not appropriate in most of WV   Education Savings Accts. are not good for most parents. No accountability for parents. Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - WV has some great teachers w/some very innovative ideas. The freedom of specific rules would allow us to offer many different tyoes of classes to cater to needs of our area.  Charter Schools - taking funding away from public schools will destroy some like the southern part of the state (high poverty) - - we don't get enough funding now as it is. Teachers not certified? No!  Educational Savings Accounts - worried the parents will not use the money for the intended purpose  Open Enrollment - just why? this makes no sense! I can see this really cousing problems with sports programs!!! Poorer schools will lose students to bigger off schools.   Expanded Preschool - - 3 year olds? This would end up being free day care! So many parents already have "choice" with homeschooling, etc. What we really need is to fund our current public schools so that teachers can do their job effectively. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)   Charter schools are for the priveleged   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation zone expansion Expanded preschool is not the answer.  Open enrollment will allow schools to cherry pick students Quit taking money away from public education! Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion   Expanded Preschool  Open Enrollment Charter Schools - Prove it works  E.S.A. - Dumb, Dumb, Dumb Students should have chioce as to classes they can take Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion   Expanded preschool - 3 yr olds at head start Charter schools - NOPE  ESAs - Absoluty NOPE Less influence from legislative decisions Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #3 they wrote " with 1400 student enrollment passage
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Great idea. We need funding & time to allow these programs to work I fear that charter schools will take funding away from public schools  I think it can also ezacerbate teacher shortage problems. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zones  Expanding preschool I support parent choice but not at the expense of public schools. ESAs will RUIN WV! Parents often homeschool for the wrong reasons & this will exaserhate that. Many parents homeschool to avoid discipline, truancy, or DHHR referrals. Homeschool rules have been laxed to the point that counties cannot deny homeschool. We have parents who cannot write a complete sentence that we must approve for homeschool.    Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Education if it was funded 3 year olds are babies. They need to be at home or with a caregiver in a smaller setting. 3 year olds with speical needs already have pk.  Charter schools & ESAs are an attempt to distract from public ed to private entities. There is no accountablity   Open enrollment - transportation Atheletic might more recruting Tax break for parents who have students in private/home schools Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Lincoln Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded preschool. Thee are children that need the extra help from the early start with social skills and so on ?? rules on schools to raise achievement  By allowing schools to do this it will open can worms that you cant help student and teacher ?? on what they doing.   Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Neutral
Summers Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)     Remove it as a option. School choice Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zones would be great! Place 3 year olds in classes with other 3 year olds. To me its a saftey concern to put preschool special needs 3 year olds w/ a typical 4 year old/ mature 4 yr old Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I support expand preschool to include 3 year olds. It needs to include typical 3 year olds, so our PSN 3 year olds have a typical peers.  Innovation Zone Expansion allowing schools to meet the varying needs of our children's Open enrollment - taking qualified students and teachers from struggling communities   Charter Schools - should have highly qualified teachers - the same as other schools   ESA's - needs strict requlation. Parents need to prove to use money toward eduactions   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Monroe Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) nnovation Zone Expansion - Could work if planned out and defined b/f put into place! with teachers on board!   No charter schools Period! Public or Private  Education saving accounts are a no!  No plan for accountability - More ESAs - $ spent children come back to public schools no $ to work with.  Teachers are qualified to teach!  We are trained to teach!  Let us teach our students first!  Get us to this point!  Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Fayette Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone sxpansion & Ezpanded Open enrollment, charter schools & ESA Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -I liked the house version and the idea of 2 charter schools beginning in failing/struggling schools. If charter schools can turn around struggling schools, other school will be given more freedom and options to innovate and create "new" learning environments  -I like the idea of change, reform is needed, but that includes reform to legislation and policies that restrict public education.  -I want to see success before we change everything.  -Create and adapt to schools needs  -ALL ITEMS NEED TO BE SEPERATE - STAND ON THIER OWN MERIT! - Money taken from public schools and given to charters  - Out of state companies/legislative group running charter schools  -Speed of legislation was being steam rolled through   -Teacher certification or lack of teacher requirements   - standards for all schools not equal for charter v public  - NO INPUT BY EDUCATORS!  Let all schools benefit from less restrictions  let public schools have the same opportunities to innovate  Limit class size!   Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Monroe Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Fix what we have - If there is money avaliable to start new initatives - use them in public schools Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Monroe Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone for public schools are good. More funding needed for that process     Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded preschool (But needs to be mandatory)  Innovation Zone expansion Open enrollment - transportation nightmare  Charter schools - if you want it then you fund it! don't take from Peter to fund Paul  ESA - See above   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 2 on the multiple choice they wrote in Mandatory.  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - Flexibility Expand Pre School because too many children need care (food, love, rest) due to our drug epidemic, foster care & grandparents rearing young children. ESA- opens our state for the posibility of curruption if not monitored properly. Reduces funding for Public Ed  Charter Schools should not use public funding & should be held to some standards. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)       Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zone - Yes  Expanded preschool - Early Education is important Open Enrollment - will take away from bordering schools  Charter schools - good idea for some, yet no all. This will be taken advantage of by those with ulterior motives.  ESA's - these could be seriously abused by certain people.  Policy to prohibit elected officials from profiting from charter schools.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mercer Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) innovation zone expansion Charter Schools, open enrollment, ESA, expanded preschools are not good ideas. We need to fund & help public schools and not take away Offer tax breaks for students that attend private, homeschool - Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wyoming Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation zone to allow different testing - Example: No all student next to take college entrance Exam - Let them take Vocational Cert. testing to count Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Monroe Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I'm not aganist school choice. However, not through public funding We would seperate childrens opportunities based on income   Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019)
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) NOTHING NO ESA'S  MOUNTANIER CHALLENGE ACAD  TYPE CHARTER SCHOOLS ONLY 5 MOUNTAINEER CHALL. ACAD.  MAKE ALL WV SCHOOLS CHARTER SCHOOLS Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Pocahontas Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Vague, but ideas are great...  Innovation Zone - a good theory but having just moved here in from out of state, I am not sure of the procedures. Great potential (Similar to magnets like Montessou, Reggro Emelia small classes, etc)  Expanded Preschool - every child should have this opportunity. A special need for children caught in the opiod / other drug crisis.  Charters are problematic. In Indiana over 30 have clased since 2011 (and that's only the ones I know personally)  No transparency whatsover (schools close in the middle of the night when money has been embezzeled.  We had little time to discuss charters. I feel time was hyjacked by a man who was sent in to send discussion in a pro charter / account direction. I actually attended a second session to make my points. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) Innovation Zone is long overdue. We are taught to teach the individual, but too many policies shoehorn the students into the same box. Open enrollment - Undue stress on bus drivers.   Attend   Charter Schools - NEED QUALIFIED TEACHERS!!!  ESA - Once it's spent, it's gone! Student can come back unfunded. Magnet Schools - It gives parents a choice & is s funded public school. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Raleigh Beckley  (Woodrow Wilson HS - 03/21/2019) I feel very strongly that public schools are doing the best they can, given what they have to work with. There are so many different interests and levels of learning coming into classrooms every day. I totally APPROVE Charter Schools and ESA's - instead of dividing funds - put more into the existing schools. However, I know this will be frowned upon, but, have brighter more movitatied students work together, have middle workers have their classes and lower functioning to taught a skill. My concerns are based on research and 38 years as a teacher in NY State schools and then in Raleigh & Mercer Counties. School Choice is just not the answer - this will become a "presteage" issue - children will not learn any better. Also, since Charter, home schooling and any other label are not required to be accountable for time, money spent on the acheivements of thier students. Last thought- Do we meed to hire more people to "supervise" or should funds be spent where they belong- on getting our best educated and others with a trade or skill that we will all benefit from.  Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like the innovation zones because all the money stays in WV. We wont need charter schools if these innovation zones are funded.  I have done a lot of research on charter schools. They need strict regulations. States without these regulations have lost millions in tax payer money. Before introduction of charter schools there need to be mandated regulations.      Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)       Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Charter Schools - bad idea for WV, our public schools are already under-funded, why take tax dollars away to create charter which have not been "the answer"  to education problems nationwide, in may areas they create more problems.   ESA's - terrible idea, these will not help low -SES kids who are struggling, they will also drain public funds  Innovation zones -  - Great Idea! they have been successful in WV more of these will improve student achievement.   Innovation zones - fund these    Charter schools have not proven to work in mostly rural district like WV, where the majority of our education problems exist - rural ears. Our more urban counites have fewer problems attracting quality teacher and have more resources, why open charter there? Parents have school choice; public school, private school and home school. Innovation: more partnerships with businesses/universities for extended learning activities. Apprenticeships with local trades (job shadowing, etc) to get students looking at non-traditional education opportunities.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Charter schools waste of money  Spend I zones are good     Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I did not like it at all. I can see a place for charters, just like magnet schools and private schools, but there should be a totally separate funding source. I am concerned that simply taking away per pupil expenditures would devastate our public schools as we know them.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded preschool - ESA's are no good  - Open enrollment siphons students money  - charter are not a good idea  - listen to the teachers   - legislators can not profit from education  - training ??  - Pay for testing   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zone expansion. It has been proven in WV innovations has increased student achievement. Expand preschool for 3 year olds Charter schools only taking funding for public education. Education ?? account will take funding from public education. Fund distracts in other ways then per pupil. Legislators should not profit off of charter schools.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
          Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
        Allow schools freedom of ? schools under the inclusion as a county school w/out relying on charter schools to meet county goals.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanded Preschool is a great idea.  There is no (double underlined) credible research indicating that Charter Schools in a state the size of West Virginia would be of any (underlined) community benefit or increase student achievement Read my previous comment.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Trying to get more "innovation" into schools.  Charter schools! (written largely and underlined 3 times)  I have worked in a charter school. I know how they work or more importantly don't work. They attack the absolitely most vulnerable students and people.   In this (underlined) particular bill the senarots pushing it were able to beneift monetary from charter school.. "School ChoicE: is jusr a way to say they will take money away from the public system to give to private people Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Circled "without" in question 3
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded preschool  Keep legislators out of it Strongly disagree with Open enrollment, charter schools  ESA  Lack of accountability for home schooling     Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation zones are a way to help benefit students. These zones could be used to give students educational foundations that they need and are missing. Expanded preschool would allow students the chance to gain knowledge and socialization skills they may not Charter schools will hurt our students. There are not enough facts that will benefit students. ESA's have too mamy ways to be misused.  There is too much emphasis on testing.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) No charter schools  No ESA's No profit from charter schools No charter schools Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Senators can not profit from charters! No charters  No ESA              
Boone Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the prospect of school choice options, especially ESA's, so that each child's education may be tailored to what's best for that child.   - Parents pay taxes, they should choose where tax $ go. The biggest concern is that many home schooled and provate schooled students were left out. Every (underlined) student should receive the money allotted for her education and it should go directly to her education.  Promoting a cohesive environment that supports students not (underlined) institutions (underlined).   Set up a phone line to address parent concerns suggestions without fear of being targeted.  Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I don't think there's enough positive research to support ? charters at this time. It is also not an idea formed well enough.   I support innovation policy expansion See above More research - into open enrollment Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 2: "- How do we have funds for more teachers when we can't pay what we have?!" 
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded Pre-school is a great idea.  Innovation Zones have the potential to be a great increase to student achievement/graduation rates, etc.... no profit from charter schools among legislatures. No regulation for ESA's  ESA' could lead to more truancy since lack of accountability.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I agree (double underlineD) with the Expanded  Preschool access for 3-yr. olds, because parents are not teaching their children in the home before they enter school.  I disagree (double underlined) with taking public funds to provide for charter schools and/or ESA's, especially when the public schools do not (underlined) have the funds that they need.   Transportation issues??    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like open enrillment. I like giving schools freedom to implement new and innovative ideas without being punished if you don't meet all goals. I like the idea that parents can find the best environment possible for their children. I lke that innovative educators have the opportunity to try new education ideas and have the freedom to do so.  How can we fund innovation and choice if we can't fully fund existing schools? Where is thhe money coming from? Are educators who are innovative, pursue additional cerifications, and putin the time going to be paid commensurate to their work and experience?   ESA's - I have had parents take children out of school to "homeschool" them and they are doing chores and watching siblings. Without stronger oversight, ESA's are a terrible (underlined) idea. * use innovation zones  - fund them  - revamp them  - let educators and schools decide how to lead those zones  - community members/businesses must be involved Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded  preschool would be ok . would help - Charter schools are a horrible mistake for WV - lets fund the schools we have instead of letting rich ?? get more money to legislators. Charters have no accountability.   - legislators should not be able to profit from charter schools  - not funding per pupil for budgets, just budgets  - ESA's are a horrible way to spend money - waste of $ - spend it on schools and teachers and counselors and supplies  -  more training for teachers  need few regulations to limit teachers innovation  teachers need more freedom   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the zoning expansion idea  I like the zoning for preschool  I am totally for (underlined) charter schools  Yes and for the the education savings acct.   Let the money follow the student See comments aboce. Parents have the right to choose where their child is is educated, whether home, private or public. I believe it will incentivie public schools to do better. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) If specific rules are the barriers to increasing student achievement, the first thing is to ask who made these rules? Federal Government, Legislature and state department. It would seem that the legislature and state departmenr - to go through their rules of regulatopms amd eliminate those rules that impede student achievement.  Will there be any standarads developed before we even think about charter schools.   Absolutely NO ESA to be used for religious schools  Where would you get the funds for charter schools, would take from public schools If you fix the opiod crises, obesity, high smoking rate, low number of professional ? adults with advanced degrees, low nu,ber of people working, then you have fixed WV schools.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Nothing because what was presented caused mor eissues than solved "School choice" at this point isn't regulated enough - and too many will profit from it at the expense of student  The idea that our system is broken and needs to be fixed is flawed because no one is telling us what is broken - yes we can improve but help us not insult us  - I don't feel that if we are providing ? education to students with our tax dollars that we need to pay for type of education unless we are going to give it to everyone - instructional minutes   -  Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 1: "Only is all schools have this option and it helps students" written next to choice  Questions 2: "Need to fit the needs of the age group" next to choice  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)       Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) 1. I like the innovation zone expansion concept. It would help to relax ? of the restrictions pon teacher activites to help student education.   2. Expanded preschool might also be helpful. Some 3-year olds might be ready to start preschool.  1. Charter schools, in my opinion, are not (underlined) an idea whose ? has ?   Charter schools are in a ? to suck valuable resources awau from the public school... Schools that already do not have enough resources, as it is. And if one small group of schools don't love to "obey the rules," then, ? should ? (undertemined word is underlined) school have to obey the school.   2. Education Savings Accounts, again, are not a good idea. ? students to a nonpublic venue in my opinion is not a good idea.  Give teachers the freedom to teach subjects in a way they know will work with the pupils they teach.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the idea of choosing curriculum without rules and regulations. I believe if parents feel free to send three year olds to preschool. I would hope they would be potty trained. I like open enrollment. To go to schools close to them even in another county. I am against charter schools. and I am afainst education savings accounts.  I am greatly concerned about charter schools and Education savings accounts.   Public money to public schools.   There has to be rules.  No other suggestions Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Boone Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation Zone and Expanded Pre-School Charter schools are unnecessary. If rules and refularions are so burdensome that they impair student achievement then public schools need to be freed from them.     I don't like my free, public park. The state should give me money for a provate park pass. ----> Taking money from public (underlined) schools to pay for private (underlined) schools is wrong.  We are too heavily regulated and that needs to be addressed.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Boone Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation Zone - possibly, but I need more information on what rules and regulations are flexible  I am okay with open enrollment as long as the receiving county can disagree ESA - money will be abused by some    You can't get money for a gym membership from government because you don't like the local, free community rec center.  I believe in  oversight, but propritues need to be realligned  Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Like - Expanded Innovation Zones - allows flexibility w/ proper accoubility measures           - Expanded preschool - research proves early intervention works    Neutral - open enrollment    Dislike Very much - ESAs Charters > Nationwide, there have been countless charter schools abuse taxpayer funds, close mid-year etc. ESAs have seen same.  Expand and fund innovatino zones   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I liked hearing what this lady had to say about how kids learn differently and why she's for charter schools. However, I believe that if we tried hard enough, we could have education that's flexible AND public. Why don't we mix the ideas of charter and public schools?  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Clay Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Increased use of Innovation Zone grants, as a writer of an innovation zone grant to turn an extremely rural elementary school into a community school. Increading opportunities for schools to use the community school model.  - ESAs being abused - not enough accountability      - also as a person who is child-free by choice, why can people who have children get a say as to where their tax dollars go, but I don't? I'm fine with my tax dollars going to public (double underlined) education, but I am not ok with my money going to religious/private schools.   - Charters schools may help a select few counties with more money, BUT it will not help counties in the most rural of counties.  - Schools should reveive more funding for more teachers at the high school level to offer more elcetives for the upper level students.   - More $ for Innovation Zones AND (double underlined) time for teachers to write and research for the grants.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I admire the expanded preschool program as it give the opportunity for parents and teachers to identify learning problems in students at an early age.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation zone expansion  Expansion of preschool -  foundation of early education Charter schools and Ed. saving account say aside to non punlic education.   Public funding should be directed to punlic education.    Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) The expansion of innovation zones allows for contextualization of curriculum and methodology.   Part of the innovation should be increased CTE - making it the rule instead of the exception. Increased availability of CTE for all students.  Educational savings accounts and private school choice should not (underlined) be at the expense of WV taxpayers.  CTE much be imbessed at each high schools 0 all high schools.   Even college bound students benefit from the availability of courses within the CTE offerings. The programs must begin at 9th grade, not the end of the high school experience.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanded preschool   Open enrollment - as long as it doesn't involve sports (underlined) recruitments (underlined)   Innovation zone expansion - somehwat but it rules aren't good at innovative schools  Why do we have them CALL   Why can't we get rid of them (last 3 words double underlined) Charters and ESA will cut money to public schools and not provide adequate education to those students who are at charter or ? homeschooled. I think programs like IB at SCHS should be expaned to other schools. It's a wonderful program that many more HS should have an opportunity to participate in this program. I think this is an important part of school choice and innovation that is already in place but is being neglected. I have a son who is about to graduate from HS ? an IB program  Diploma he has loved school every year is both pre IB and IB  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Question 4: "No charter!" next to answer  Question 5: "If this is a parent's choice they should pay" next to answer
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation zones My concern, we are not allowing public schools the freedom from all the rules and regulations but we are willing to give it to unknown entities.   It should be the WV Public school and community initiative" Then let us apply with the community and the school system to innvate and be free from all the rules Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Love the concept of 3 year old's ability to attend.   Innovation Zones expansion needs to be include robotics and curriculum changes. Methods and hands-on support/activites. Integration of thecnology to engage in content.  Outside companies should NOT (underlined) get funding for compter-based experiences that provide little support beyound content.    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) The Innovative Schools afford WV students a way to learn where their career choices/desires may lie. They also give our students ways to gain valuable experiences that prepare them for careers/further schooling.  - Charter schools pulling from public funding   - Lack of legislation - some of the policies/laws are in place to protect the children Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)     DIVERSE/TRAINED  TEACHERS... PEER TEACHERS (double underlined)  ? "STANDARDS" Neutral Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Charter schools good idea  - Open enrollment - not a bad idea, but concern about management.   - Expanded preschool good idea - Make sure that everyone gets a choice.   - Over population of specific schools. Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I didn't hear of anything that I liked during the legislative session.   At this forum, Expanded Preschool is osmething I like.  I 'm concerned about the disparaty that I feel these ideas may lead to    Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation zones: room to grow outside the box. TRIAL & ERROR (capitalized and underlined)  Expanded preschool: sets agenda for academic career. ? otherwise ? time with the basis for learning.  Addition of afterschool care in early education Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Putnam Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Innovation zones providing the flexibility to focus on something specific to be able to increase student achievement. This would be very specific and still follow most public school mandates and regulations you aren't changing the public spector, you are just enhancing it.   - Expanding preschool could not provide an opportunity to diagnose developmental delays earlier and ? and help more kids before kindergarten.  - Educational Savings Accounts could become an epidemic. I worry about who might try to use them because not all parents are equipped to teach their children. And the money could be used for somehting other than education and then the students are re-enrolled in public ed later, but have lost a lot of learning time.   - Charter schools do not follow comparable standards, mandates, or regulations. The language is far too vague. We don't really know what they will be. Transportation? Teach certification? State testing? Special Education? A charter school would never be a choice for a low income kid living out in the counrty. It is not fair and equal to all.  All of these issues needs to be addressed and voted on sepeately. Public education was created to provide a fair and equal education for all. Many of these issues (charters, ESA's) do not follow this idea. Taking or diverting money away from our publis schools can not be the answer. What if we tried to provude flexibility and increased funding to all our schools?  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I think the Innocation Zones could help make students more relaced and wanting to achieve. And early pre-school helps parents find a way to take care of children throughout the day. Open Enrollment is good for those who can't find what they want in a specific county.  Where is funding coming rom for a savings account and charter school. Do we have the ecconomy to do this.  Needs for those in which need a way to support their children and help them be able to succeed in life and education.  Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)     State-funded for innovation zones  3-ys. old preschool  -likes  -concerns,   -suggestions Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Nothing This will take money from schools who are desparate for funding now.  Our public schools are the answer! Fund them!  Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Increased access to preschool - the younger the better as far as interaction is concerned.  - If school rules and regulations are so ? that they are causing low achievement then why not get rid of them? Why would you allow some schools to operate without them and keep them for other schools? That doesn't make sense.   - Students should not be able to flip from county to county for no reason. If the reason is valid then get permission.  Charter schools and ESA - these might improve the educational opportunity of a very small number of students but it would hurt the education of many more at the same time.   Home school needs to have more oversight.   Students need to show yearly growth and improvement.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree First question: crossed out"exempt" and wrote "less regulation"
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation Zone does work.  School Choice does not work for most (underlined) of our students Rather than fond school choice, give schools full authority to meet the needs of all students.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Education Savings Accounts: Allows parents and families to be entrepeneurial in Molding the education that best firs their child's Needs and Aptitudes.   Open Enrollment: w/o exiting the system as it currenctly exists, allows families to find the school that best fits their needs.  Innovation zones: revealed preference that innovation will only occur if additional resources are provided. - As they've previously operated. (to my knowledge)   Why must there be new resources flowing into the system? Why not be entrepeneurial with existing resources?  Examining state code to discover what structures are put upon the ed. system by law, and which of those the state and its ed. professionals could shed w/o detriment to student achievement.  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) If innovation zones are started again, we need to know the results of the one's we already did.  were there any good innovations & if so, why haven't any other schools adopted them? Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)     No Charters  No ESAs   Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Like Innovation Zone expansion, we need to look very seriously at this and fund the current zones 1.  No to open enrollment.  we need communication & accountability of students.  2.  No to Charter Schools.  We need to correct our current situations and properly fund education.  (Our State Const.)  3.  NO to ESA's, needs accountability Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Boone Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Nothing I think that the charter school & ESA are just a front to get low level students both from economical challenged and intellectual challenged out of the school system   Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I think that innovation zone expansion is an important thing we should do Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Expansion of Innovation zones; more freedom based on the needs of our students  _ Pre-K expansion, if there is separate classes for the 3 year olds -Charter Schools - no check & balances & accountability  - ESAs - where is the cap?   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation Zones -high chance of fraud  - no check & balances  - no accountability  - bankrupt public ed - ie - charter school closes - where does the money come from to support hose students then in public ed? - smaller class size  - more variety of classes for high school students Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation zone expansion - allows schools to try different things that may or may not work @ different schools. * Oopen enrollment takes away from schools that may already has low enrollment.  recruiting would be high for sports.   * Charter schools are not for WV period.  Those who were for all of this have no idea what our (underlined twice) students deal with.  So lets push these students to a different school and separate all of them.  Also, teachers wouldn't be required to have a teaching degree.  Not to many out there that I would want teaching my children in the future if they didn't have a teaching degree.  Theres some that couldn't last ten mins in the classroom much less a full year Bring back classes that can help those students that may or may not have a college bound  -shop classes  -home economics Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation zone expansion because it gives schools the freedom to implement ideas without having to follow specific rules and regulations. * Open enrollment would just open up recruiting amongst schools for sports  * Put the funding into the current schools and not into charter schools  * Every child deserves equal opportunity for education Bring back home economics and shop classes so students have a variety of choices. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) -Innovation Zones  - Expanded preschool for 3 year olds - separate classes for 3 year olds. - open enrollment encourages recruiting for bigger schools - single A schools will be even more disadvantaged than they already are.  - Charter schools take money from public ed & give it to the upper tier of families -- excluding students w/ special needs or who are lower performing   - Charter schools have little to no accountability  ESAs have a serious lack of accountability and could easily be taken advantage of - if legislators are more concerned about the money lining their pockets & those paying their campaigns then WV students will always (underlined twice) come out last.  - stop selling off public ed! Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * Expansion of innovation zones would allow for the traditional public school to expand and offer * Provide information on current policy / proposed policy - Questions could not be answered  * oversight of charter schools needs to be clear improve innovation zones would remove the need for charter schools Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation, best practices from good (underlined) research should be implemented in all schools with those decisions made by the parents & teachers in the school.  Love expanding preschool! Open enrollment, charter schools & ESAs take away from existing schools. Pre-K though 8 - small, local schools - unconsolidated! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanded Preschool  Charter Schools  Loosening restrictions on some schools Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Expanded pre-school to 3 year olds - provides students & parents a (illegible) start @ younger age (younger age is underlined)  _ Innovative zone expansions - currently work at innovative schools (SAHS) seen success to our approach to education - Charter Schools   - students attempting to move between schools (charter / non-charter) could be difficult    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation zones - give schools freedom to try new things, give them $ to implement  Expanded preschool - the earlier children are in learning, supportive environments the better Charter Schools - I worry that only parents with resources will enroll students.  what about kids in foster care?  If they don't provide transportation, how will families with less resources get kids to school?  ESAs - public schools are already underfunded - I (illegible) limit only to low-income families encourage more year round schools elementary - middle & high schools in same area Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation Zone !!!! Charter Schools & ESAs will take money away from our students!  (our students is underlined)   Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the idea of school choice helping and allowing children with issues that public school.  Massachusetts #1 in the US has charter schools.  I think the language made need to be reviewed.    I have had a child in a charter school sand it was great for her. Nothing Look at other states that are working and find language to help build the charters & ESAs Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) My fear, unrelated to taking public money from public schools, is education could become/create narrow-mindedness in our populace.  Small groups who have limited experiences, promoted biases and a lack of general knowledge well-rounding. Public  funds need to stay with public schools!  Families who choose private or home still benefit from public schools via community programs, community ranking, a populace educated for the future.  I pay taxes for all roads, even though I don't drive on most of them.  Mary C Snow is always an example say can go to private.  however, I doubt that would have significant impact due to the overwhelming familia troubles Address the Trauma! Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) and innovation to (these words in the provided question was circled multiple times with an arrow pointing to them) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Flexibility for the school districts to meet their unique needs.  Needs to have funding. How parents will use the ESAs.  I do not want to see charter schools that would be a parallel school system receive funding when public schools are so underfunded.  Studies do not reflect achievement gains.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree with funding attached (written next to Question #1)
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation zone expansion - this is great giving more control @ local level   Open Enrollment -  Charter Schools - NO! greatly disagree w/ this idea whey do we want to start a new parallel program that is failing in many other states.  For-profit charter schools are just a business not designed with best interest of students  ESAs - No! - fund innovation zones from state level to allow all counties equal opportunity Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)       Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I would like to see a study of charter schools and how we could use the best ideas. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * Innovation zones allow for greater flexibility  *3 year old access to preschools IF:      *Funding has been provided for more critical areas      * curriculum is play-based Charter Schools & Educational Savings Accounts take $ meant for the public (underlined twice) education of children & pay for private education. * Reduce classroom sizes!!  * Provide more funding for flexibility within (underlined twice) each school - i.e. field trips, hands-on learning, community speakers Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * I like the earlier access to school  * take the kids back to preschool 5 days a week.  Many single parents do not have anyone to keep their children on Fridays.  the children suffer because their parents cannot leave work to get them early.   * I am all about expanding districts freedom in regards to rules to improve student achievement.  Our students are our future.  they need to be guided and helped more to become productive members of society. I do not like the idea of charter schools.    Our state is to rural many students in rural counties will be penalized for living in rural communities * 5 day preschool days  * allowing preschoolers to attend afterschool  * specialize public schools and allow students to attend without being penalized.  Educate them on their options Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation Zones are ok - but we need accountability on some level.  - Completing (illegible)     Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) -No education Savings accounts or charter schools  - fund and fix and innovate with the current structure of our public school system.  - fund more pre-schools Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Preschool expansion yes!  Innovation ideas like magnet schools and innovation within schools with input from students and staff not just leaders. I am concerned that if open enrollment were allowed coaches would be recruiting.  Schools would become overloaded in some areas and then there would be low enrollment in other schools.  There must be accountability. Ideas like the magnet schools that Kanawha County has in place are great, but funding and overall support are a must.  I strongly disagree with allowing public money to be provided to parents for private schools.  Charter schools are not what WV needs.  We need to fix our problems at hand not create new ones. Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) end goal of charter schools?  what is gained? Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)   Why put focus toward charter schools (charter schools is underlined) when public schools are struggling?  The funding should go toward bettering what we already have.  Funding more opportunities for bigger and more programs.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanded Preschool Open Enrollment - They could switch between counties and counties would have less funding.  Charter Schools - We need to keep the funding in public education.  Teachers need to be certified.  Education Saving Accounts - No!  Who will oversee where the money goes and how it is being spent.  We have Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * innovation zone expansion can reach what chart school cannot  * support 3 year old enrollment an innovation zone should be chosen based on need Innovation zones are charter schools without the negative stigma or need for segregation from the general public Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanded Preschool   3 year olds need to be in school to learn and explore their environments, and learn how to interact with others. We need to have classrooms set up differently, based on need.  Preschool standards need to be expanded upon to meet the needs of 3 year old children.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - ability for schools to include ideas & strategies that they want to focus on  Expand Preschool enrollment to 3 year olds - this will help close the gap with Birth to 3 & preschool - but there needs to be guidelines in place (guidelines in place underlined 3 times) Charter schools - other states are now moving away from charters so why would we want to open up to this - it will make public traditional school a poor place for students  ESA - public $ to public schools only   Expanded Preschool - would have to have strick guidelines there is no way for a teacher to teach a 3 year old & a 4 year old and provide (illegible) with the skills they need at that level Encourage teachers to teach the standards in what form they think is best allow teachers to design engaging lessons that may deviate from the curriculum but still focus on the standards Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanding preschool for 3 year olds - so many of our students are coming from high-poverty households and could use the support & structure of preschool.  We know that these are formative years are so key.  Open Enrollment - I worry that this could drain funding from counties - especially smaller counties  Charter Schools - we don't want/need schools with uncertified teachers.  Also, these schools can subcontract out services to for-profit (underlined for-profit) companies and I am deeply opposed to these companies profiting off our students.  ESAs - public $ should not be used for private schools (first sentence underlined).  In addition, the $ is not enough to actually afford private school tuition, so all you're doing is subsidizing private school education for wealthy families.  And what is to keep private schools from raising their tuition by the ESA amount? Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) There is nothing I like about so-called "school choice", which is a euphemism for school privatization.  However, expanding preschool to 3 year olds is a fantastic idea! (underlined fantastic idea) We already have school choice - it's called private schools and home schooling.  If we want to make education the absolute best we can for every student need to properly fund our public schools, not drain them of funding through charters & ESAs.  Education should not be a profit-making endeavor.  Why would we let shareholders profit off our kids?  This idea could be improved by scrapping it.  (underlined scrapping it.)   Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Educational savings accounts would have been a nice option for my child had we qualified. Bulling was a severe issue that would have provided an option.   Charter schools would allow for students with different learning styles to have an opportunity to go to a school that has more flexibility.    Expanded preschool - putting students in school too soon creates boredom by the time they get to the 1st grade.   Having 3 year old's in school with older children is a concern to me.  Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) 1) There needs to be technical/vocational high schools combined. So innovation zones are good.  2)  1) I strongly disagree with charter schools Vocational/technical high schools Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) - Formative assessment  - Freedom to keep innovation zones Funding charter schools Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I really like most of the ideas on a conceptual level. My concerns are all about the ability of the legislature,  Dept. of Education, and local school boards to create the best system possible.  History has shown that they usually don't get it correct.  Restructure curriculum, increase standards, and expectations.   Overhaul the actual structure of how education works in this state.  Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expansion of Innovation Zone Funding. Allow our public schools to increase student achievement. Charter schools will not service our most needy students, students living in poverty and rural areas will not have access or the opportunity to attend. Eliminate charters and help support our public schools making them model schools for our nation. Eliminate ESA's or provide legislation to monitor how funds are spent.  Stop condemning our public school students. We have many talented students in our state and their accomplishments deserve to be noticed. I am a parent of 2 children who attend(ed) public schools and have had a quality educational experience.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) The expansion of Innovation zone funding would allow for learning to be adapted to a different environment or group of kids.  Other counties would suffer due to the moving of students, this would cause schools to look over their students. We should be focusing on improving each of our schools rather than move the students somewhere else.  I feel that we need to focus on improvement for our schools rather than starting over. Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) -These should not be charter schools they add nothing to public education  -When charters are successful, its only b/c they have advantages public schools don't.   charter schools create problems   poor policy process choices and too fast/forced process  How could the policy ideas be improved? talk to teachers regularly.    Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) No public tax dollars to charter or private schools
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Schools work as innovation zones Extremely concerned about ESA's and how it would impact students with disabilities. There is no way $3400 would begin to cover the needs addressed in an IEP plus you give up ? process rights.   - Should talk more about school choice beyond charter schools. the other options were lost in the "noise"/worm hole of charters ie innovation schools.  pre-k expansion   Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral    
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * No charter schools.  DO not take public education money for private interests.    * No educational savings accounts Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Headstart is a wonderful program (participant wrote next to Question #2)
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) It would allow people to move school to school more easily w/ open enrollment Where would funding come from for charter schools Students who switch through open enrollment should be allowed to play sports in same year Neutral Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Neutral  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Pre-K Expansion       Access to foundational skills early so that it would lessen the likelihood of being unprepared for more challenging studies and would be less likely to dislike school because of frustration. ESAs       If homeschooled children receive access to public school benefits (ie. speech therapy) in public schools, why the need for a voucher?  If homeschooled children have the ability to be part-time public school students and can choose curriculum, while requesting county materials (texts etc), why the need for vouchers? Funding into public schools to fix what's already there that needs to be fixed Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) The whole idea of Innovation Zones needs to open up to include all schools.  local communities should choose school policy including classroom sizers, scheduling, etc.    Teachers, principals, parents, local officials should have the freedom to deregulate school policy My concern is that innovation zones are only very limited "solutions" to Charter Schools.  This is a separate issue.  Public Schools need maximum funding and maximum choice concerning local needs - i.e. curricular choices, schedule choices, etc. Small classrooms (# of students)  More creative scheduling  Allow teachers more freedom to build the curriculum with the students  That is a real learning community Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * Expansion of Innovation Zones & provide funding to support the innovation.  * I support preschool / early learning programs to support students * ESAs a concern due to defunding public school.  * WHile I'm not against parenal choice, it needs to be accompolished without defunding public schools.  Public schools are tasked with educating and supporting all (underlined twice) students.  * If exempting charter schools from rules / regulations is desirable, the same approach should be applied to public schools. * Due to the increased tasks assigned to public schools over the years, the length of the school year should be increased to allow for academic gains and increased social/emotional support for students.  * Provide more (illegible) learning experiences for students. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) The only item I agreed with is innovation zones School choice will drain public funding! It will stretch the monies too thin. Fund the public schools we have.  Schools need support and funding. We need more innovation zones.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree #5 on multiple choice - they wrote Charter schools? Absolutely not!
Putnam Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * Expanded preschool - I support this - it would help some students who are experiencing issues with the opioid epidemic.  However, the teachers of these students need to have the necessary training to provide the best support for them. - Charter Schools - I have concerns about how these would affect our funding sources for our already strapped systems.
Jackson Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I love the thought of the innovative zone expansion.  This could really give schools the opportunity to help achievement of students in anyway they possibly could My concern is that if we can make a school better with less rules and less regulations, then why are we not doing that for all schools. I think you really need to think about some of these options.  You could be opening a large can of worms that could cause many more issues that have not even been thought of yet!  * We need for Technical Schools!!! Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I believe in Innovation Zones - the program we had before was working.  Schools were writing grants to meet the needs of their specific student population and geographic needs.  1. Refund innovation zones!  2. Expand CTC program statewide! WV is not crying out for additional school chioice.  Private schools are available, homeschool is an option But (underlined) allowing public funds to be used without the same requirements, policies, and expectations is unacceptable!  (Underlined) -Bring back Innovation Zones  - Expand CTC programs  - Allow public schools the flexibility that you would be allowing charters Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like the idea of allowing counties to enroll students from other counties because this would allow for better educational opportunities and cut down on transportation time, thus allowing more instructional time.   Charter schools take the best and brightest from public schools. Students overall benefit from discussions with fellow students/peers and teachers. Charter school also deplete the funds for public schools because school funding is based on enrollment in public schools - not the private sector.  Allow local school improvement councils more power to innovative issues. Local student teachers know needs of the students and should be allowed the freedom to teach to student "needs" not to "tests" Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the innovation zone expansion because every school is different, and has very different needs.  The school's goal is to meet the needs of the students, and with a set rule, it makes it almost impossible to customize the rules.  With this, there should be guidelines for how much freedom schools can have.  I also like the idea of expanded preschool because bright students want (underlined) to start learning earlier, and they shouldn't be stopped because they're too young.  This should encourage learning at a young age. Charter schools are a very bad idea for West Virginia.  We are a smaller state with a lot of students who struggle both at home & in school.  This would allow underqualified teachers to be hired, and our students wouldn't be getting a class A education. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - Expanded Preschool - 3 year olds able to attend without qualifying with deficiencies  - Creation of Innovation Zones w/ guidelines & oversight - Oversight on Charter Schools - there should be no financial gain in opening charter schools  - How will state monitor the progress in charter schools  - statistics on how chart schools are bettering student progress Magnet schools being supported - within county or contracted between smaller counties Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) innovation zone expansion   - creative education flexibility  open enrollment for academic focus on 4/5 preschoolers  open enrollment - home school shouldn't base decision on losing funding  charter schools - protect funding if student returns to public school  - not taking existing schools and turning into charters ensure accountability w/ ESAs  Small classroom sizes Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)       Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Charter Schools - I like the idea of allowing students the freedom to choose their path. Charter School legislation allows each county to decide what is best for the students in their county.   ESAs - provides some families a choice by providing an economic boost needed to afford options that currently exist for those who can already afford it.  my concert is that the government entities will restrict school choice options too much and not allow the freedoms to be successful.  - Eliminate standardized testing as the ultimate measure of success.  - Allow students to go to the closest school regardless of county line proximity  - Allow high school student to go to school half days and do dual credit virtual classes on their own at home. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) - I do like the innovation zone expansion, but I do have some concerns about how would be making those decisions; a suggestion to fix this would be for each school to have a "board" of unbiased individuals w/ different perspectives to elect what's best for the school. - I have a concern w/ the Education Savings Accounts b/c I think public school themselves need more funding & need to be taken care of before a student's personal education @ home - I think we can use funding to expand school courses specializing in different careers & conforming to the needs of the students Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Open enrollment across counties   Expanded Pre-school (better staffed) Why not have Innovation Zones within the schools themselves? How about transportation to magnet schools within a region?  I.E. Capital has Arts magnet, So. Chas. has IB - If have a hub (north Carolina model) for transportation, it is feasible. Neutral Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Depends on how it is set up (participant added to end of Question 1)  School within a school (participant added by answer to #1)  Question #2 participant underlined parents' discretion and added the word mandator
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) It was not thought out or useful. we have to fight for funding in public schools. We need to deregulate public schools to meet the needs of students. Let teachers, who know the child, decide how to teach them.  We need to "pilot" a school with teacher rate of 15-1 - put aids in K, 1st, & 2nd - student achievement, social and academic will improve we do not need charter schools or ESA. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the idea of innovation zones and would be excited to explore the idea I'm very concerned about ESA's & charter schools being drains on the funding for already struggling public schools. Allow current structure to be exempt from rules that would be applied to Charter Schools.  Why not!  (not was underlined) Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)     Blend charter school ideas into current school system Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * I am against charter schools and ESA's! Public schools are for the public good.  Charter schools funding should not (underlined) come from public school stream.  * IF (underlined) Charter schools were to pilot in this state -   - the funding needs (underlined) to come from another stream - not (underlined) public school funds.  * ESA's in the form they awere presented by the legislature are not an appropriate way to distribute funds  - the money should only go to the school or supplies that qualify - NOT (underlined) a check to families w/ no (underlined) oversight! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation policy ideas should be implemented in all school with time for outside opportunities, programs.   ? learning in the classroom for all science  This does not need "special"/charter schools - it needs funding. Students in rural areas will not have opportunities to travel to charters - no bussing.   Charters are essentially economic segregation   public school can provide opportunity for all students                
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanded Preschool (underlined previous 2 words) - good foundations w/ low student/teacher ratio and (underlined and) services for special needs students in the classroom Charter schools and ESA (illegible) it takes time and effort and funds away from public school education combined small counties to lower superintendent #'s / have districts where children go to closet school (may n ot be in same county) Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)     We have innovation zones now - enhance those public school options  Concern - Charter schools will pull funding from our educational Somewhat Agree       Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I am in favor of providing access to preschool for 3 year olds. My concern with allowing pre school opportunities to 3 year olds is that attendance should be mandatory and will new building be built?  - We need to be able to separate 3 year old preK students from the preK four year old students  Need a lower teacher ration with the preschool 3 year old program Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like the idea innovation policy which opens up our students their path not a preset path. I see it as schools for white rich kids. Put standers that keep community schools together and work on what works with poor students.  Taylor policy to the student who do not want to go to collage but either work or trade school Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree #1 on multiple choice - Innovation not charter schools
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) The $5 million for Innovation Zones is a positive start. The lack of information provided about Innovation Zones is very concerning. Policies need to represent All (Participant underlined All) Students.  We cannot leave students out.  Innovation Zones need to be expanded before we look at Charters. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Only if they are Innovation Zones (Question 4 above, Participant did not circle an answer)  In favor of tax break only (underlined only) (Question 5 above, Participant did not circle an answer)
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) expanding preschool age  open enrollment - I complete agree the out going county should have no say ESA - need to be open for all not just special needs   Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Pair counties (illegible) through teacher & student exchanges and mutual visits build appreciation of others. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanding Zone Expansion - let the teachers have some flexibility to try new things.  Open Enrollment - School to school and County to County No (participants underlined this several times) to charter schools - taking funding from the public!  No ESA (participant underlined No several times) - Don't want to fund Private Schools (participant underlined Schools) Less emphasis on testing more emphasis on allowing teachers to innovate & teach (participant underlined teach a couple times) Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I love every idea on list.  this moves WV forward in trying to make the necessary changes we need in our state. I have no problem or concerns about what is listed.  However, I would be curious about too much freedom.  Stop using what isn't working and try new things.  Explore what is working around the country. Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) * 3 year old pre-school expansion - yes w/ restriction and some guidelines (participant underlined some guidelines) * 3 year old pre school expansion would need with smaller classes and perhaps specialist (behavior, reading, math, special needs).  * No charters due to failures nationwide Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zone expansion - this allots the schools the   Expanded preschool - provides students with a opportunity for more structured intervention before beginning school.  Open enrollment - within county charters - schools should all be allowed to have the freedom of charter schools with oversight  ESA's do not account for those who would not be able to get access or the possible abuses.   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanded preschool for our 3 year olds is so needed (participant underlined the words so needed) - many children need a stable, positive environment that our schools can provide.    Innovation zones need more funding (participant underlined the words more funding) - at least (participant underlined the words at least) one innovation zone per high school feeder zone will allow school choice within districts while keeping our funding within the local district. As a pecial education teacher, I admire that the legislature wants to provide school choice and options for special ed students.  I fear that charter schools will drain funding for special ed programs and only provide the illusion of choice, as charter schools often do not have the trained staff on hand to meet their needs (and can dismiss children for any reason, including behavior linked to their disabilities)   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like expanded preschool I would like to see more people in the classroom to help build the foundation -Charter Schools taking from public education  There needs to be amore teachers in the classroom & less talking about it. -lower teacher ratio  -community building  -Accountibility of behavior Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)       Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expand on innovation zones - with full input from educators - those on the front lines know it best Charter Schools - research shows there (illegible) corruption.  there will be the "haves" but other will be left behind.
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Expanded pre-school - safe zone for young children -Removing funding from already struggling schools.  -Public Schools become dumping ground for those who don't have involved families or can't afford to get kids there Take class size restrictions 15:1 on Charter Schools and apply them to public schools Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) expanded preschool  Innovation Zone -Charter Schools - why do we need these?  Why can't we change public schools be like charter schools?  If we change regulations to make charter schools successful then why can't we do that for public schools?  -Education Savings Accounts - Who benefits?  is $ taken from public schools?  If so why?  Public schools needs the $  -Allowing county to enroll out of district would almost be like recruiting students - it should be agreed on by both county remove regulations & rules on schools (public) to give same rights to public schools as you would charter schools.  Why do we want to remove rules & regulations?  "If it works in charter schools then bring it to public school" Quote from high school student at our table (this last quote was circled by participant)  give parents that choose to send kids to private school some type of tax credit, but not ESA Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) School choice give West Virginia options. More choice is healthy for competition. I believe it would give our public schools healthy competition. What we currently have is clearly not working in our state.  I do not see a true need for free 3yr old preschool. I do not believe earlier is better and there is no data to support this. *  "At parent discretion" could be a free daycare situation  *There is data from Denmark that shows later start to education is more productive.    Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) innovation zones:  these could allow for students to grow & develop specific skills needed for a geographical area.  expanded preschool:  kids should be allowed to start preschool early, because one can never start too early in their education Open enrollments:  this policy might "steal" students from districts, in effect causing their previous schools to get less opportunities.  This overall would cause poorer schools to lose students & cause other schools to become overpopulated It would be great if, instead of moving to charter school programs, schools were allowed to take what works in charter schools & adapt them to public schools Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)   Charter Schools & ESAs take public monies & use it for private education.  Public schools are required to do more & more for students.  Monies taken away from public schools will equal less teachers, materials, technologies.  If those students return to public school we will be required to educate them & be judged on their test scores in spite of our lack of involvement.   Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Closing the gap between students of top of student achievement and special needs students and at risk students.    More accommodations for special needs students   Get at-risk students back in school classroom  Decrease class sizes  Do not use ALEX data or laws: this is not Texas certified teachers in counties where needed Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Boone Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)       Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Boone Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Putnam Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) The house version of the SB451 stated that the pilot charter schools would be existing low income elementary schools.  Also no politicans can personally financially gain from the new charter schools No requirements for transportation in charter schools will exclude low income students   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I believe in Parental Rights & Educational freedoms.  I do not believe that all students fit into a one size fits all mentality.  students need choices that best fits their needs. Currently only students whose families can afford to home educate, send to private school, or more have that option. I want to see it for all children.  Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Question #5 - they wrote chargers  Question #6 - they wrote ESA's  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I like the idea of open enrollment, but I believe they should still get permission before they just decide to transfer schools.  I think the schools should have shorter days so they can just focus on school and be able to do 4 hours of homework while still getting a good amount of sleep.  School should be more innovative and creative I don't think we should have charter schools.  I think the funding that would go toward those schools should go toward the schools we already have I just think we should focus on the needs and how it works for the students (participant underlined previous word).  If the adults want to change what schools are like, they can go back to school, then they can talk.  -Also the county discipline policies should be changed :) Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree For Question 3 participant circled the following part of the statement: without permission from the county of residence    For Question 4 the participant circled both Somewhat disagree and Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) The only thing I might like about school choice is that subjects might be teach in a relative manor that shows kids how the subject related to real life. I do not like schools that do not answer to anyone about what they teach or how it is taught. Too much put into one bill. All the subjects in the bill should be considered on it own merit.   improve vocational schools. more students will work in fields taught there than will make it in professional fields. Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) -Preschools for 3 year olds - Earlier Exposure=Better  Innovation Zone Expansion - More connections w/ community & businesses -Open Enrollment - I see a potential problem with WVSSAC.  NOT all students will move for academic concerns/conveniences.  Might destroy a sense of community - along with charter schools  -No Charter Schools / No ESAs   Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like the idea of public schools being allowed some freedom to create/adapt solutions for their unique populations needs.  I even like the idea of local community based organization being involved with these innovations and changes.  - Out of state companies and legislative groups do not need to have  a hand in how we steady our education system.   There needs to be a more controlled and regulated approach to creating these charters if they are to happen  - No protections to be sure employees of charter schools would receive benefits and proper pay.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019)     Innovation zone expansion with specific care providers depending on students needs Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) Expanded Preschool - Extend to a parent training to accept responsibility for their child's education.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) I support school choice, open enrollment, charter schools and education savings accounts Expanded preschool Look at what other states are doing Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) expanding preschool to 3 year olds Charter Schools - impact on students with disabilities, lack of certified teachers  ESA's - impact on schools overall, opportunities for all without creating barriers / limitations to the current system & negative impact on students in public education  Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Putnam Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) WV needs change - we need charters and ESA's what we have is not working at least not for most students.  Each student learns differently and at a different pace we should have choices for what works for each student I have concerns that the BOE will be in charge of charters. They are part of the problem Allow Charters, ESA's and any other type of school choice Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Along w/ charters (this was added beside the selected answer to question #1)
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) School zones expansion   Open enrollment     These ideas are good, parents should be able to enroll their child in public schools at their discretion as long as its reasonable travel and not a burden.   Charter schools  Expanded preschool  Educ. Saving Account    -I don't like the idea of charter school, period!  -Sending children to school at the age of 3 is not a good idea! Good parents can teach their child at home.  -Funding parents to educate their child is not a good idea if it deals with money.  Main ideal is there should be no child left behind, we must provide the opportunity to develop their education at a high standard. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Putnam Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Charter and ESA's, our PS schools are not one size fit all.  Parents should have a choice even if their financial status is low. Expanded preschools.  Our current system is already too rigorous, why would we even consider starting kids earlier NA Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) ESA - provide educational freedoms for families to seek the best education for their children.  Charter Schools - gives counties choices for providing the most efficient and effective education.  Allowing local control of this decisions is best. My concern is that the union influence will impede the needed changes to move WV forward or that the legislators will unduly restrict good ideas like charter schools to the point that the flexibility is lost. Increase on-line educational opportunities.  Perhaps go to school part-time and takes classes from home in the other times. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
McDowell Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019) There is nothing I like about it! Concerns over the idea that teachers in Charter Schools do not have to be certified or necessarily trained in the field they would teach. also the amount families would be given for transferring their child to a charter school.    Strongly Disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Charleston  (Capital HS - 03/20/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - Although I need more info. - possibly for allowance of mindfulness to be implemented, for alterative programs (focus on Career - Tech, Arts, etc.) to be expanded... (I realize these are not complete sentences :)) I have concerns about accountability regarding school choice.  I also have concerns regarding what happens to the students who "fail" at the school choice assignments. I support allowing 3 year olds to be included in preschool, with the understanding that they will not be "evaluated" at the same level as the 4-5 year olds, but more on a social aspect. Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Welch  (Mount View HS - 03/19/2019)       Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I do not think WV is prepped  or ready for charter school. I believe any funding that is taken away from public school (existing) will be harmful to our student's.  Why not "fix" our current public schools instead of starting something else parallel to our current schools.    I believe ESA's will be used in a way that "cherry picks" students and or creates an "easy" avenue for parents of students with disabilities/exceptionalities to escape the system out of frustration that their schools are not adhering to IEPs and the parents are looking for "greener pastures"    Input from local teachers. Support personnel and parents before any legislation is proposed.  Focus groups such as these should have happened before Better Qualified staff specifically for Special Education Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral
Lincoln Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded preschool Charter Schools - not allowed  ESA's will - education for the wealthy  Open enrollment can take away bordering towns. If regulations are not helping take them away.  Policy of conflict of interest in politicians  Profiting from the charter or ESA's   Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) "innovation zone - but concern @ "freedoms/data collection" like expanded pre-k but concern at funding.  concerned at open enrollment concerned at money flow  vouchers and charters - take money away from public ed for all students.  Public ed - needs to have more freedom and more funding to provide wrap around services.    Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zones in schools  Allow public schools to be relived from restrictive rules specifically related to testing.   A focus on diverting public school funds to private businesses to run charter schools and ESA's. Little or no restrictions connected to these ideas. Massive amounts of listening (by many legislators) of out of state groups that stand to gain monetarily . A complete disregard for supporting public schools.     Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like the idea of allowing schools to work more like innovation zones that would give schools and teachers more freedom.  Expanding preschool   -charter schools: I am worried about pulling funding our already struggling public school system.  If  people like things like smaller classroom sizes, more education freedom, etc. then allow it in public schools.  ESA's again pulling funding from public schools Is not the answer.  Listen to educators about what they want and need. Trust them as professionals.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation zones - more funding I have worked in a school that had these and the flexibility.  No charter schools  No ESA's   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation zones need to come back and be funded and determined by individual schools. Major concerns about ESA and charter schools not being regulated - improve public schools instead of giving money to parents - who are always the best educated on most informed to choose.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) The open enrollment seemed find with me as we often share students in Mason County with Putnam, Jackson and Cabell Counties. I like innovation Zone especially at the local schools.  I really have major concerns with ESA accounts and charter schools. The ESA accounts I can see parents taking the money, and not using it for the actual education of the children. I have read numerous cases where charter schools have been horrible failures.  Charter schools need to have standards.  I honestly think we over test our students as a kindergarten teacher we give 2 ELRS, 3 diebels evaluations, 4 grade cards, do evaluations for CFA's mandates. Children on IEP's need to be tested on their level. Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree On item 2 the multiple choice questions:: "The 3 yr. olds and 4 yr. old should be separate."
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I don't like much at all. Charter schools will not work in this state. I am in favor of innovation zone projects. I was part of the 12 projects in Cabell. We had many success stories. 12 must have support of the community.  Do away with all charter schools ideas.  I think the survey that was sent out is bias and incorrectly worded towards the addition of charter schools. The forum was a good idea but disappointed in the focus. It sounds like minds are already made up. Charter schools are failing - researched based - read the news.  Make students accountable. Students need to know consequences of their actions.  Unfunded legislatiors Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree On item 2 of the the multiple choice questions: insert "free" before preschool.  On items 5 and 6 of the multiple choice questions: "No"
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like the idea of expanded preschool - gives parents an option to give their child access to a quality education to help build their skills physically, emotionally and educational.  I have concerns about charter schools. I am afraid students will not be taught standards that give quality education -from certified teachers. I also have concerns with Education savings accounts. In the area of Cabell county - I do not believe that those funds will be used appropriately.  These ideas can be improved by getting rid of charter schools and education savings account.  I believe that WV Department of Education and Teachers (all personnel) should be the ones that develop these policies.  We are the ones that teach - not the legislatures! Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like that innovation can be localized to help in ways that children can benefit.  Charter schools not requiring a teaching certification. Not having to meet requirements or standards.  Lowering class size  Aides in K & 1st Grade Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) So many issues are localized. same with innovations. Need better communication between legislators, school boards and teachers so that teachers are better informed on all issues.  Innov. Zones - restrict academic growth - adhere to a lot of policies  charter schools - does not have to adhere to any policies need to have a set of standards to be able to survive.    Try to do what is best for the children, re testing at the child's grade level.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Neutral  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation - What policies do you have freedom? US what rules a regulations does a charter schools.  Innovation Zone - has to follow all WV rules and regs. unless they prove they hinder the students education.  Charter schools - do not have to follow any rules and regulations.   Innovation Zone and Charter schools - Can we bridge the gap? charter schools have no standards if that school fails then the students aren't on level to where they should be.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) There were some good points Have a good explanation as what is going on not rumors.    Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation allows school systems to create programs/instruction that meets the community needs. Cabell county has been successful in creating innovation zone grants - local level issues bridge the expectations.  School choice/charter schools. teachers not being certified, lack of instructional understanding, teachers not having training on how to support student learning/behaviors.  Policy exemptions for charter schools not same as public. Why cant public schools have policies to support learning>  Equity - same playing field  However, concern w/WV not large enough to support revenue and how it will fluctuate will hurt public schools.  -Standards  -Accountability  - Pathway to success  - Re-look/Analyze all current state policies ask are they working or hurting our studnets   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) The open enrollment from other counties. This would provide parents the choice according to their needs.  I am concerned about the charter schools and how the funding is being taken from the public school.  I am also concerned about the education savings account. I feel that some parents would take advantage of receiving money and not educate their child.  I would like to see the number of evaluations be reduced and make testing meaningful to the child.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Neutral Strongly Disagree
          Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Allows specific districts the opportunity to take advantage of their strengths and improve issues unique to their county. Innovation zones would be a great resource.  Mandate 4 year old PK  Open enrollment might lad to open recruitment   Loosen legislative control. Allow more flexibility at the school level.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Lincoln Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Please do not take funding from public school I feel with charter schools all children will not have access to the needs that public schools provide.    Strongly Agree   Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) It was terrible. It is merely an attempt grab public money which should got to public schools.  It was written by ALEC and out of state interest and will to help WV. They can be improved by to robbing public school funding. Those who prefer to not send their children to public school should do it on their own.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) They put a Zero with a line through it beside each one of these:  charter schools  ESA"s   Open enrollment     Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) That every student is different and every student learns different.  WV students need school choice. WV parents want school choice.  I don't have a lot of concern we have to try something what we have is not working we have to try something. Do any type of schooling as you can think of Each child learns different - each child should have an opportunity to learn. how they learn best. ESA's are needed also.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I like the idea of charter schools and would like to learn a lot more about them.  I think we all need more education on them. Basically I see it as privately run schools provide competition for each other and competition benefits the consumer which in this case is the student. I am not in for of expanded preschool. I think 4 yrs. old is to young to be away from mom much less 3 yrs. old.  The charter schools or voucher method appeals to me also because parents can choose what school they want their child to go to and privately run schools would probably not keep their personnel just because of seniority but based on performance.   Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zones are an excellent idea to make improvement in individual schools.  School choice is not something new. Parents have a had a choice for years, that choice should take funding from all see above smaller class sizes  less assessment (summative)  more parent involvement  if you would like to hear more detail than this 30 minutes allows, email me at These questions are worded to skew my opinions - I will not do multiple choice. These questions are worded to skew my opinions--I will not do multiple choice.  
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Nothing, we already have school choice Money being taken away from public schools  who runs the schools?  Who decides who gets to go the charter school?  What right do teachers have in these schools? Teachers  should be the ones in charge of charter schools. Not x-teachers but teachers that teach in the school should be in charge.  Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Choice is good Tax dollars should not be used for  a private choice/school or home school.  flexibility/choice is good; however parents pay (not tax$) Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Almost nothing, though I do support the expansion of innovation zones I think it's telling that every other state which has experienced teacher strikes in the past 2 years has cited charters and vouchers as being a chief source of strife which lead to the strike Listen to Josh Weishart and Sean O'Leary (WV Center for Budget and Policy)    Questions 1-6 - These questions and statements are worded so that school privatization advocates can use our complaints as "evidence" that people  attending these forums support charters and vouchers, when they actually oppose them.  Somewhat Agree         These questions and statements are worded so that school privatization advocates can use our complaints as "evidence" that people attending these forums support charters and vouchers, when the actually oppose them.
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zones and local school options provide the opportunity to address issues while maintaining the integrity of the public education system the  ?? of public education must be maintained. more local control of issues. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation No charter or ESA's Innovation for all schools            
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation zones, if executed effectively, can negate the need for charters and ESA's. Local people making decisions for local schools. Relax control for flexibility and individual learning experiences.  Charter schools and ESA's take tax money from public schools and give to institutions with no accountability or proven effectiveness.  Preschool, parent education, intervention, measures for at risk students will "fix" public education.  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Kanawha Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I support charter schools and ESA's choice and competition improve everything - education is not different. Parents deserve choices.  we need to have more charter schools. We need to have ESA's available to everyone.  Charter schools and ESA's for everyone is a great start. Home schooling needs to be easier for parents to chose, as well.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Like -   Innovation Zone - achieve flexibility of charter while ensuring quality of education  ensure no profit corporations enter into public education  if innovation existed... no need for charter & ESA  Ensure local and teacher /parent control   Even if not funded; ease restrictments especially with push for local control ESA - Dislike - drain dollars away; if it going to be done it needs to be across the board don't feel it needs to be a subsides for private school.   Charter - If this works then apply it to public schools...see instructional zone above, high failure rate - corporate educaiton Fully fund and expand innovation zones  follow magnet school model  instead of charters  smaller class sizes  as a teacher I can be for more effective with 10-12 then 30-40  officers in all high schools Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Was not presented at all and was written without input from educators. Pre-school needs to be mandatory but standards need to be written to fall in line with kindergarten.  Policy introduced separate.... Student achievement is horrible we need to address the needs of our students emotionally, physically and mentally. Talking about the needs would open many eyes.  Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) IZ expansion - yes! My school, Explorer Academy, benefited from it. Expanded pre school - yes! And make it mandatory. Open enrollment - no opinion Charter - I have visited over a dozen. At all of them there is great inequity based upon socioeconomic status.  Also, discriminate against children with special needs (IEPs)  ESSA - nope. My tax dollars should not support private schools - especially not religious areas.  Come see my school - explorer academy.  We are the only EL education school in WV and we are a public school. It is very possible to innovate as a public school.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Like the innovative zone expansion and expanded pre school to 3 year olds Do not need money being spent on Charter School or ESA's   Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I.Z. expansion - one size doesn't fit all expanded preschool - good for low income students I think all schools should be afforded the same concessions as charter schools Open enrollment - recruitment for sports, not academic concerns.  Charter schools - 1) Why not same accountability?  2) should only be at the approval of county boards ONLY! Since funding would come from county funds.  ESA - NO!NO! - Takes funding away from strapped counties LOCAL CONTROL with accountability curricular flexibility.
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation zone expansion - with monitoring   expanded preschool - developmentally appropriate activities for childen Open enrollment  Charter schools  Education savings accounts  the way these ideas were rammed through the senate seemed highly suspect at the time. Parent accountability  smaller class size  reduce/remove regulations that bind current public schools Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Expansion No Charter Schools! because the defind public schools, not enough overview/rule, why separate "good" schools/"bad" schools.    Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded preschool - "developmentally appropriate pre-school" ESA - funds aren't transparent and cant be followed  Charter schools - take funds from public schools (Public schools educate "public" the whole public" Neutral Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)   Dislike: charter schools - they are for profit, that is the a priority, not education. Create and support social segregation rather social integration   Allowing schools to separate certain classes by gender in middle school esp. math and English Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Allowing freedom from  rules and regs. to improv. ach. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I really liked them because I think a parent should have as many options as possible regarding what kid of education their child receives. Education should be the parents responsibility, not the goverments the limitations on ESA's freedom should not be limited to a few people. Implementing an ESA style system in determining how much money public schools receive. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zones increased funding  less restrictions (Legal mandates)  local control Monies shouldn't leave public schools for things that can be attained within current structures. Remove the legislative mandates and every school becomes a charter school for everyone.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)       Strongly Agree Strongly Agree   Strongly Agree    
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zone - allow choice - this could allow focus to meet needs of students in the county education saving account - how to monitor the use of funds Create a two track education system.  1. Career - curriculum designed and tested for this option.  2. college - curriculum designed and tested for this option  have students tested each year and must pass to obtain stamp of approval Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Neutral
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded preschool Charter Schools - regulate and keep under county control              
Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Early Ed for 3 year olds (expanded preschool)  Expanding innovation ones The county (local board) needs to have control if a charter is started in that county. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Agree Neutral
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded Preschool  Expanding innovation zones, but with limitations not relaxing to charters and faculty backing. Support for teachers not just parents.  Company  School needs to support  Charters - teachers and all students  ESA's - need to be extremely limited, to extreme/special circumstances.    Ask educators  Use charter ideas with in public schools. Allow teachers to make decision with freedom from state restrictions without creating charters. Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Charter schools: the unknown exemptions. What will happen to students who cant be transported or rely on free/reduced lunches.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) I fully support expanded preschool and expanded innovation zones (with limitations)  I see some good things about open enrollment, but I'm concerned about how it would affect funding in counties that are already struggling. Charter schools do not work in rural areas. This has been proven time and time again.  (keep companies out of school decisions) ESA's need to be considered very carefully and restricted to special circumstances.  Hear the voices of educators n their state  Keep charter schools out of WV  give more freedom to trained educators Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Putnam Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation zone expansion  Expanded preschool Funding should not be taken from public schools to fund "public-private" schools. If this funding was given to the public schools, as well as the flexibility charter school are given, public schools would meet more students needs, improved student outcomes.  Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Lincoln Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Expanded preschool - Lincoln county students would benefit in my opinion and likely see more students entering kindergarten ready to learn. Funding curriculum staff credentials  Not for profit entity   charter school commission  diverting funding away from public schools while not following same policies. If charter school are better, then all schools should be charter schools. again, diverting funding away from public schools with little accountability.  As an educator from lincoln county, charter schools and ESA's are not in best interest of the large majorty of our students  no share holders       Neutral Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree On item 5 of the multiple choice questions: "Change policy if inhibiting progress"
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zone Expansion - it's great to allow districts an opportunity to design their school according to their needs. Held accountable to some degree.  Charter School: You are at the mercy at someone to open and run a school, interpret the federal laws appropriately and in the interest of the children.   ESA for Special Education: special education students need an opportunity to socialize and learn to be and work with others. Severe cases can be educated at home through the public education. I think innovation zones need to be looked at and taken into serious consideration. Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mason Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zone expansion preschool access at age 3 innovation school expansion would give system more access to choice with regulation. Chief concern was the method in which the bill before the legislature was presented without any educator input outside agencies and not west Virginia residents are not stakeholders in WV.   Until the state addresses poverty and the crushing opioid crises lack of jobs that provided a living, education cannot improve. Take a look at the entire chapter of education law.  Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Wayne Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation zones, b/c it lowers or rids the "need" for charter schools and local control, even if not funded. Public funds removed with continued student withdrawal for charters*use successful methods in innovation zones.   Open enrollment - *afraid education will become second to sports transfers.  Private schools are already available, some offer their own funding and discounts.   Important for higher achievement students to be offered innovative education ideas and not only lower achieving students. Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)   ESA's - Incentive for students to not receive thorough education; for fraud.  Open enrollment - in certain cases, will be a death blow to some county BOE's; transportation across county lines could be costly to state budget - think step 4   Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) We should invest in public schools. STOP STARVING them to make charter school look good. Every child deserved a fair and caval education. That is only possible in a strong public school system.  Without that a fair democracy is not possible They are proposed by people who are going to personally benefit from charger schools - especially Putnam county reps against the will of 90% of WV Citizens. DW representatives represent their campaign donors. not the will of the people.   Fund public schools and stop finding ways to give corporations our tax dollars. Forget it. We don't want it. Our reps wasted the whole session trying to force charter school on us.  Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree On item 2 of the multiple choice questions: "as long as it is for 3 year olds not adding them to the 4 year old cluster"
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Innovation Zone expansion and expanded pre-school are all good for every one. Charter schools will siphon funding away from strapped schools - it will segregate the "haves" and "???" from the rest and result in lower quality of education for most.  magnet schools Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree  
Cabell Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) Allowing local control and decision making would be a welcome change. Charter schools and education savings accounts should be a non standard for any education reform package.  Question #5 below is extremely misleading. More partnerships with universities and local businesses Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
  Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019)     Expanded Preschool  Innovation Zone Schools Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree    
  Ona  (Cabell Midland HS - 03/18/2019) No charter schools, no ESAS especially for students with disabilities. Innovations are good.                
    Innovation Zones - allow students, teachers and schools freedom to be creative.   No charter schools - public funding should go to public schools. No educational savings accounts - every child receives a free, public education from age 3 to 12 grade. If you choose private education, you should have to pay for it      Somewhat Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree  
Innovation Zones - Allow for creativity and new ideas. Many of the claims of charter school can be accomplished in innovation zones.   Expanded preschool - that it would become daycare, and overwhelm current facilities.  Open enrollment - transportation issues, "brain drain" of one district.  Charter schools  - the research does not support charter schools. We have difficulty funding public schools now, and this would siphon money to a weak idea. ESA - parents and children have the right to a fee, public (public is underlined 3 times) education - you  choose a private, you should pay.  Innovation Zones allow for the same opportunities as charter schools, but with the added advantage of reaching all students. if rules and regulations are the problem, why not remove some of the rules and regulation in public schools? Preschool or daycare> We don't have enough facilities now for the current preschools, where would we put more children?  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Number 2 on multiple choice they put It depends.