- Certification
- Certification Information
Certification Information
Information concerning all certification/licensure requirements is located in WVBE Policy 5202.
- Due to the large volume of applications received by the Office of Certification, the estimated time for processing of applications may be up to 90 days.
- Certificates are no longer printed and mailed to applicants; you may track the progress of your application and review or print your certificate electronically in the certification status. A valid email address is required for each application. All communication is conducted electronically.
- To check the accreditation status of an institution prior to enrolling in a class or program, visit College Navigator, provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
- You may contact the Office of Certification at (304) 558-7010 or
To access application forms and apply for licensure, visit Certification Applications.
Certification Status
To track the progress of your application and review your licensure electronically, visit the Certification Check Website.
Note: “Pending” applications are in the process of being reviewed by a coordinator.
Public Employee License Actions
The State Superintendent is authorized to revoke or suspend a certificate or permit for intemperance, cruelty or immorality if there is a rational nexus to job performance, untruthfulness or conviction of a felony or any crime involving sexual misconduct with a minor or student. W. Va. Code § 18A-3-6 (educators) and 18A-4-8e(j)(school bus operators). OSL investigates reports of such conduct and, if warranted, presents evidence at a hearing before the Professional Practice Panel of the West Virginia Commission for Professional Teaching Standards or another designee of the State Superintendent.
Public Employee License Actions List
Career Technical Education
Career Technical Education programs are changing, evolving, and innovating to better serve West Virginia ‘s students by preparing them to succeed and enter the workforce.
To find out how you may be able to complete an approved program for Career and Technical Education teacher licensure, please visit: Teaching Career Tech (
Career Technical Education (CTE) Endorsements and Testing Manual
To schedule West Virginia Board of Education required testing for Career and Technical Education, please contact the Office of Educator Preparation at 304-558-3119.
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective July 8, 2024
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective May 8, 2024
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective January 10, 2024
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective July 13, 2022
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective September 8, 2021
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective December 16, 2020
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective January 8, 2020
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective April 11, 2019
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective November 14, 2018
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective January 10, 2018
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective October 12, 2017
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective May 18, 2017
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective February 8, 2017
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective November 9, 2016
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective August 10, 2016
- CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual – Effective July 11, 2016-August 9, 2016
Licensure Testing Directory
To schedule West Virginia Board of Education required testing (ex. basic skills, content specific or principles of learning and teaching), please visit the Praxis website.
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective March 12, 2025
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective September 11, 2024
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective July 8, 2024
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective May 8, 2024
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective January 10, 2024
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective November 8, 2023
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective August 9, 2023
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective May 10, 2023
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective April 12, 2023
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective February 8, 2023
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective November 9, 2022
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective July 13, 2022
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective April 13, 2022
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective November 10, 2021
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective September 8, 2021
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective April 14, 2021
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective February 10, 2021
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective August 12, 2020
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective September 12, 2019
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective July 10, 2019
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective April 11, 2019
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective February 13, 2019
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective September 12, 2018
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective March 14, 2018
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective July 12, 2017
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective May 18, 2017
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective March 8, 2017
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective January 11, 2017
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective December 14, 2016
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective November 9, 2016
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective August 10, 2016
- Licensure Testing Directory - Effective July 11, 2016-August 9, 2016
Guidance Document for Adding an Endorsement using Content Proficiency
WVBE Policy currently provides an option for individuals who possess a valid West Virginia Professional Teaching Certificate to take required Praxis content exam(s) to add endorsements to their certificate. This option is not available to individuals based upon possessing a Provisional Teaching Certificate, Student Support Certificate, Administrative Certificate or Permits of any kind. Only endorsements identified within Form 8C Guidance Document for Adding an Endorsement using Content Proficiency are eligible to be added using this option.
When you are ready to apply for licensure, please visit Certification Applications.
Out-of-State Programs/Reciprocity
If you have completed an out-of-state licensure program or would like to apply using a valid out-of-state license via reciprocity, you must meet one of the following:
Have completed a program at an accredited institution which was approved by the public school licensing agency of that state to lead to the issuance of a public school teaching certificate/license in that state, meet all WV Board of Education (WVBE) policy 5202 requirements including all WV-required licensure assessments, and receive the recommendation of the preparing institution. Must complete Form 20A - Professional Teaching Certificate (Out-of-State).
Submit a copy of a valid out-of-state public-school license/certificate. Must complete Form 20R - Professional Teaching Certificate (Reciprocity from Out-of-State)
Official transcripts must be submitted with either option.
Substitute Teaching
Minimum criteria for a substitute teaching permit in West Virginia includes (but is not limited to) an associate ‘s degree (or 60 eligible hours towards completion of a bachelor ‘s degree), a cumulative GPA of 2.0, and completion of county authorized initial substitute teacher training.
- To inquire about employment opportunities, county authorized trainings and requirements for becoming a substitute teacher, individuals must first contact the human resources office in the county school district ‘s central office.
- School districts may direct applicants to complete the WVDE provided eLearning initial substitute teacher training course online. Visit E-learning for Educators for information about registering for eLearning substitute teacher training.
Restricted Short-Term Substitute Permit
Minimum criteria for a restricted short-term substitute teaching permit in West Virginia includes (but is not limited to) an associate degree or minimum equivalency hours. Equivalency in lieu of a conferred associate degree should include a minimum of 60 semester credit hours** or 90 quarter hours**, a cumulative GPA of 2.0, and completion of county authorized initial substitute teacher training. Restricted Short-Term Substitute candidates must have reached the age of 21. **Coursework should provide evidence of competencies in core areas such as English, reading, writing, and mathematics. Courses may include but are not limited to communications, social sciences, humanities and fine arts, analytical and inferential reasoning, and computational skills. These hours must be reflected on an official transcript of an accredited institution.
- Individuals who hold a restricted short-term permit may substitute teach in the same classroom, at any grade level, for 10 consecutive days or less. A person with a restricted short-term substitute permit may substitute short-term throughout the year as long as they do not exceed ten consecutive days in the same classroom.
Restricted short-term substitute permits are valid for one year and expire at the end of each school year.
Short-Term Substitute Teaching Permit
Individuals who hold a short-term permit may substitute teach in the same classroom, at any grade level, for 30 days or less.
- A person with a short-term substitute permit may not substitute for more than 30 consecutive days in same classroom. A person with a short-term substitute permit may substitute short-term throughout the year as long as they do not exceed 30 consecutive days in the same classroom.
Short-Term Substitute permits are valid for 3 years.
Long Term Substitute Teaching Permit
A long-term substitute permit allows an individual to substitute teach within a specific endorsement area at specified grade levels for more than 30 consecutive days in the same classroom. Applicants must meet additional coursework criteria as demonstrated on their college transcripts, which includes (but is not limited to) at least 12 semester hours of credit with a grade of C or higher in the subject area for which they intend to substitute.
- Those seeking elementary education endorsements, must have a minimum of 12 semester hours which includes at least one college level mathematics course and a combination of core content coursework in English, science and social studies. (One course related to child development, early learning, or reading and writing may be used in lieu of a core content course other than mathematics).
Long-Term Substitute permits are valid for 3 years.
Substitute Permits for Nursing
Minimum criteria for a substitute teaching permit for the endorsement of nursing includes (but is not limited to) a Nursing Diploma/Associate Degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 These individuals must hold a valid registered nursing license issued by the West Virginia Board of Examiners, and have completed 12 hours of initial substitute teacher training related to school nursing and 6 hours of clinical time with a certified school nurse who is a registered nurse. Nursing substitute permits are valid for 3 years.
Substitute Teaching in Areas of CTE
Contact school districts to inquire about substitute teaching employment opportunities in areas of CTE and review the state-minimum eligibility criteria for the Substitute CTE Permit which includes the following:
- Age 18; good character; physically, mentally, and emotionally qualified
- Meet the identified education level (ex. high school diploma, GED, etc.)
- Hold identified industry credentials for the endorsement
- Meet identified wage-earning experience requirements
Candidates must receive the appropriate recommendation from their employer and complete initial substitute teacher training. Endorsement specific requirements may be accessed in CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual.
See Policy 5202 review the complete requirements of licensure. For more information on licensure pathways, please visit Recruitment and Licensure Pathways.
Teacher Performance Assessment Voucher Request
The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) offers a free, one-time voucher to cover the cost of a Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) for teacher preparation candidates in state-approved programs at West Virginia institutions. Candidates must register and complete the TPA as required by their institution and the testing company, but they should not register before receiving the voucher. The voucher cannot be used for past registrations and will expire 18 months after it is issued or activated. Lost, expired, or misused vouchers will not be replaced, and each candidate is only eligible for one.
To request a voucher, use the Voucher Request Form.
Course Code Guidance
A list of course codes for scheduling and the required endorsement for the assigned educator may be accessed at the WVEIS Support Center. This information may be used by administrators and school district personnel to ensure that the correct endorsement is being requested on an application for licensure.
The following informational resources are made available to school districts, institutions of higher education and stakeholder organizations that collaborate with the Office of Certification and Office of Professional Preparation, Recruitment, and Retention.
- Office of Certification Updates/Flexibilities July 14, 2020
- Office of Certification and Professional Preparation – Personnel Director Meeting – April 24, 2019
- Initial Teacher Certification Webinar (for individuals completing traditional teacher preparation programs) – April 25, 2018
- Office of Certification and Professional Preparation – Certification Updates – February 13, 2018
- Office of Certification and Professional Preparation – WVASHRO Conference – October 25, 2017
- Office of Certification – WVASHRO Conference – December 7, 2021
- The Pathway to Licensure and Welcome to the Profession – April 7, 2017
- Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure Webinar – March 16, 2017
- Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure Webinar – January 24, 2017
- Alternative Certification – WVASHRO Conference – October 19, 2016
- Alternative Certification Implementation – Technical Assistance Webinar – July 15 & 19
- WV School Personnel Association Conference — May 12, 2016
- Alternative Certification Program Technical Assistance Webinar – February 4, 2016
- PowerPoint (PDF File)
- Career and Technical Education and Adult Education Webinar — November 5, 2015
- PowerPoint (PDF File)
- Certified List Training. Certification Updates – July 30, 2015
- WV School Personnel Association Conference – October 28, 2015
- WV School Personnel Association Conference – May 13, 2015
- WV School Personnel Association Conference – October 22, 2014
- PowerPoint
- Sample Documents (ECCAT)
- WV School Personnel Association Conference – May 14, 2014
- Roster of all licensed educators
Certification Training Webinars
- Certification Webinar III – Code, Policy and Procedure Updates – January 28, 2014
- Agenda (Word Document)
- PowerPoint
- Audio (enhanced for clarity)
- Blackboard Collaborate Video (Requires updated Java and Elluminate software)
- Certification Webinar II
- Certification Webinar I
Educator Quality Reports and Data
- Critical Shortage Report U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, Teacher Shortage Area Nationwide List.
- Quality of Teacher Preparation
- 2014: No educator preparation programs designated as low-perfoming in West Virginia.
- 2013: No educator preparation programs designated as low-perfoming in West Virginia.
- 2012: No educator preparation programs designated as low-perfoming in West Virginia.
- 2011: No educator preparation programs designated as low-perfoming in West Virginia.
- 2010: No educator preparation programs designated as low-perfoming in West Virginia.
- 2009: No educator preparation programs designated as low-perfoming in West Virginia.
- 2008