Third Grade Success Act

House Bill 3035 addresses early literacy and numeracy development in kindergarten through third grade by establishing a holistic statewide approach.

Bill Summary

This bill encompasses aspects of education such as teacher training, additional support personnel, assessments for dyslexia and dyscalculia, multi-tiered support systems, intervention strategies, parent communication, and extended year programs. In the following sections, we will explore the key components of this legislation and illuminate how it aims to enhance the educational foundation for young learners.

Third Grade Success Act Components

  • Codifies the definition of “Science of Reading” as evidenced-based reading instruction including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension plus writing.
  • Requires assistance be provided to county boards for training and implementation for all K-3 teachers, ECCATs, paraprofessionals, aides, and interventionists in the Science of Reading.
  • Requires county boards to adopt high-quality instructional materials aligned to the science of reading and content standards.

  • Establishes an approved list of screeners/benchmarks in English Language Arts, dyslexia, and mathematics for K-3 students which must be given in the first 30 days of the school year then repeated at mid-year and end-of-year.

  • Creates individualized reading or mathematics improvement plans for students identified as having a deficiency in grades K-4 with input from school personnel and parents/guardians.
  • Provides intensive supports to students with a substantial reading or mathematics deficiency.
  • Requires an extended year program in literacy and numeracy for students in K-3 who have not met certain criteria.

  • Notification of parents or guardians is included in the creation and implementation of the reading or mathematics improvement plans.
  • Provide regular updates to parents or guardians as well as ongoing communication on child’s reading and math progress.
  • Provide strategies to parents or guardians to use at home to help their child succeed in reading or math.

  • Ensure educator preparation programs prepare candidates to implement reading and math instruction using high-quality instructional materials, effective instruction and intervention, data driven decision making, and characteristics of dyslexia and dyscalculia.

  • Instruction regarding the administration and analysis of data from benchmark assessment or screener tools.
  • Participation in comprehensive training on the science of reading and numeracy instruction.
  • Understanding the characteristics of dyslexia and dyscalculia in students.
  • Implementing effective instructional strategies that benefit students with indicators of dyslexia or dyscalculia.
  • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of classroom assistant teachers, aides, paraprofessionals, and interventionists in supporting literacy and numeracy alongside the classroom teacher.

  • Establishing a list of dyslexia screeners to be administered no less than twice per year in kindergarten through third grade and any time students with identified deficiencies are not responding to intervention.
  • Providing annual professional development for educators to ensure students are screened and provided appropriate evidence-based instruction and intervention strategies for students at risk for academic difficulty including students who exhibit possible indicators of risk for dyslexia or dyscalculia.
  • Ensuring appropriate accommodations for students who are at risk for or may be diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia.
  • Using the terms dyslexia and dyscalculia in IEPs and evaluation reports by professionals qualified to render a diagnosis of dyslexia or dyscalculia.
  • Require a list of screeners, assessments, instructional resources, informational materials, and professional development to address the identification of students with dyslexia or dyscalculia be made publicly available.
  • A list of screeners, assessments, instructional resources, informational materials, and professional development to address the identification of students with dyslexia or dyscalculia will be publicly available.
  • Conduct literacy screenings for students transferring in grades 3 – 5 from another school that does not utilize screeners.

  • Phase in ratios for classroom aides or interventionists (more than 12 students) beginning in 2023 for first grade classrooms then second and third grade in the following two years unless other funds are already supporting 1st grade aides in the county.
  • Submit a proposed implementation to LOCEA by July 1, 2023
  • Provide a report on literacy and numeracy to LOCEA, Joint Committee on Government and Finance, and the Governor by November 1, 2023 and annually thereafter.
  • Require the retention of third grade students not meeting standards in English Language Arts and Math to begin July 1, 2026 with a few exceptions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our printable guide answers some of the most commonly asked questions from districts including issues related to funding, staffing, benchmarks, screening, extended school days and years, professional development, dyslexia, dyscalculia, strategic planning, and systems of support.

Approved Screener List

Scroll to the right within table for more information.

Assessment Name 
Assessment Type 
Administration Type 
Frequency of Assessment 
Meets  Classification  Accuracy Criteria
Meets Validity Criteria
Meets Reliability Criteria 
Literacy Component 
Numeracy Component 
Dyslexia Screening Component 
Acadience Reading & Math K‐6 
Learn More (PDF)
Universal Screener Voyager Sopris Learning Manual or Digital Entry 3 times per year 5‐10 minutes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 
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Universal Screener Istation Digital 3 times per year 30 Minutes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 
i‐Ready Diagnostics for Reading and Math  
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Universal Screener Curriculum Associates Digital 3 times per year 45 Minutes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) GROWTH
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Universal Screener NWEA (HMH)Digital 3 times per year with optional summer administration 45 Minutes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 
mCLASS ‐ DIBELS 8th  Edition
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Universal Screener Amplify Manual or Digital Entry 3 times per year 1-5 Minutes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 
Star Assessments (Star Reading Star Math and Star Early Literacy)
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Universal Screener RenaissanceDigital3 times per year15-30 MinutesYesYesYesYesYesYes
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Universal Screener Pearson Digital 3 times per year 10-35 Minutes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 
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Universal ScreenerIXL Learning, Inc.Digital3 times per year30 minutesYesYesYesNoYesN/A
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Universal Screener HMHDigital 3 times per year8-18 minutesYes Yes Yes Yes N?AYes 

Approved Screener Cut Scores

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