About Us
The Office of Assessment manages test development, administration, scoring and reporting of results for the statewide comprehensive assessment program. These programs currently include the West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) for grades 3 through 8, the SAT School Day in high school, the West Virginia Alternate Summative Assessment (WVASA), the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and various international assessment administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). These assessments are designed to provide information about the performance of students, schools, districts and the state. The office is responsible for implementation of West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2340, West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress.
West Virginia, as a state, has always sought high standards through the state’s accountability practices, and research shows data from a broad array of assessments can better inform educators of various areas of growth and change. Therefore, educators are better prepared to meet school and student needs. Statewide consistency is our goal as we work toward school improvement and the improvement of student learning for all students.
Contact Us
Building 6, Suite 700
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0330Phone: 304-558-2546
Fax: 304-558-6268