E-Learning for Educators

This page provides instructions for WVLearns account creation, out-of-state educator access, WV educator course enrollment and course syllabi.

Canvas Catalog and Information

Beginning January 1, 2021, all individuals who serve as a coach, including any licensed educators or professional personnel who may not hold a Coaching Authorization, shall complete CPR and AED training provided or authorized by the county board of education where the individual is employed. Individuals shall maintain this training current and valid as per county board of education policy at the time of each 2-year renewal.


Enroll in the Coaches Training

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) WVLearns Professional Learning program provides a Driver Education Part I course and then a Driver Education Part II course for individuals seeking Driver Education authorization.

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) provides training in evaluation skills to administrative personnel who conduct evaluations. This training is required of all personnel who hold valid administrative certification and Evaluation Leadership Institute (ELI) certification.


The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) provides Praxis Support for individuals as they prepare for one or more Praxis exams. These are not credit bearing courses. Upon meeting the minimum score of 80% on all course assessments, individuals are eligible for access to the ETS Praxis Practice test for that content.

Enroll in the Praxis Support Study Guide Courses.

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) WVLearns Professional Learning program provides HB3530 Third Grade Success Act courses.

Enroll for PK-3 Paraprofessional, ECCAT and Aide courses 

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) provides training as a means for SLPs to earn CEUs. These are not credit bearing modules. The SLP Professional Development modules have been developed through collaboration between WVU Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the WV Department of Education.

Enroll in the SLP Training Modules

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) provides paraprofessional training as stipulated in Policy 5202. Coursework is available for first-time substitutes, substitutes renewing their permit, and long-term substitutes hired in elementary schools who are in need of literacy/reading training.

Enroll in the Substitute Training Courses

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) WVLearns Professional Learning program provides one-credit hour self-pace non-facilitated courses for educators seeking recertification or salary advancement. All course participants must hold a bachelor’s degree and have access to students and administrators to complete course assignments

Enroll for WVDE One-Credit Hour Courses

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) WVLearns Professional Learning program provides three-credit hour self-pace non-facilitated courses for educators seeking recertification or salary advancement. All course participants must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.

Enroll for WVDE Three-Credit Hour courses

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