The Common Ground Partnership is a group of 24 government, community, and military organizations working together to help all West Virginia students succeed. Partners team up to conduct a variety of activities to support schools throughout the year. The Partnership shares information about their resources, programs, and initiatives to inspire students, help teachers, and support military families.
Topics In Common Ground
Student Career Exploration
Student leadership opportunities and learning about careers of the U. S. Armed Forces.
School Staff Resources
Assisting school administrators, teachers and counselors in helping students experience success.
Military Family Resources
Information about programs and websites designed to support military-connected children and their family members.
Purple Up Month Toolkit
Resources to Promote Spirit Week and Purple Up Day during April, the Month of the Military Child.
Military Based STEM
Programs that help teachers engage students and explore careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
Care Packages
Request a care package to support military-connected students experiencing the deployment of a family member.
Common Ground Partnership Compact
Compacts have been signed by a variety of partners since 2011. Below is the most recent Compact action:
- On November 12, 2024, an updated Compact was signed.
2024 Common Ground Partnership Summary
Download the Common Ground Partnership summary (PDF).