Common Ground Partnership

A collaborative of 24 organizations with a shared mission to support the success of all West Virginia students.
Common Ground Banner

Areas of Support


Review a summary of the collaborative group’s purpose and a complete list of partners with contacts.


Explore careers of the military, participate in programs which build leadership skills, and learn about contests and scholarships which promote democracy.


Discover resources for parenting, testing, and college preparation. Learn about high school programs which instill citizenship, promote graduation and post-secondary education.


Invite a military guest speaker to visit, apply for the Purple Star Award, participate in Military Signing Week, celebrate the Month of the Military Child, request care packages and learn about MIC3.


Browse a wide variety of resources which support military families, learn about opportunities to apply for a high school diploma, and learn how to become a teacher.

Military-Based STEM Programs

Our Common Ground partners offer a variety of programs to boost student engagement and career paths in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Latest News

People posing for a group photo.
Press Release

Military and Civic Organizations Reinforce Commitment to Students and Schools

Members of the West Virginia Common Ground Partnership met in Charleston to sign the 2024 Compact.
Press Release

Fourth Class of Purple Star Award Recipients Announced

The Common Ground Partnership announced the latest class of 27 schools receiving the Purple Star Award, bringing West Virginia's total to 297 schools.
Common Ground Banner
Press Release

WVBE Recognizes April as Month of the Military Child

The WV Board of Education highlighted support for military children during the Month of the Military Child, alongside educator initiatives and school safety updates.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact our Common Ground Partnership coordinator.

Robert Mellace headshot

Robert Mellace

Phone Number: +13045583119


Information provided on the Common Ground Partnership website does not officially or implicitly constitute an endorsement of any partner, their programs, activities, or online resources. The West Virginia Department of Education is not responsible for the content of partner and resource websites. Visitors are encouraged to review website content and form their own decisions about the value and appropriate uses of this information.

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