What is ReClaimWV?

  • Mission Statement

    To advance the wellness and resilience of West Virginia students so they may become lifelong learners, productive citizens, and successful individuals.

  • Vision Statement

    In response to the Opioid Epidemic, the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) will support and collaborate with local education agencies, schools, communities, and families to address the physical, social-emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs of our students.

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More About ReclaimWV
Reclaim WV Resources

ReclaimWV Resource Topics

Woman school psychologist teacher mentor talking and helping student, girl teenager, in office near bookcase. Mental health of adolescents, psychology, social issues, professional help of counselor
Teacher & Students reading together

Substance Misuse

Teacher helping a teenage student at their desk.

Mental Health

Emergency Resources

WVDE Disclaimer

Please Note: Links to resources outside the West Virginia Department of Education’s website do not constitute an endorsement by the WVDE. Users should vet linked resources to meet audience needs.