McDowell County Data
Demographic Information
Student Enrollment:
- Elementary: 5 schools, 1348 students
- Middle: 2 schools, 240 students
- Secondary: 2 schools, 1014 students
Number of professional student support staff:
- Communities in Schools Coordinators: 9
- Counselors: 11
- Jobs for WV Graduates Specialist (JWVG): 1
- Nurses: 10
- Psychologists: 1
- Social Workers: 2
Student Support Contact Information
- Boost Afterschool Program
Amanda Peyton - Communities In Schools
Aaron Lester - Expanded School Mental Health
Katie Williamson, Southern Highlands Medical Ctr. - Foster Care
Aaron Lester - Guideposts to Graduation
Dr. Kristy East - Lawyers in Schools
Melissa Lilly - School Psychologists
Dr. Kristy East - Student Support Services
Aaron Lester - WV Family Engagement
Amanda Peyton
Social and Emotional/Behavior Supports
- School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
10 schools
- Body Safety Education
- Common Sense Education: Cyber Safety
- Life Skills/Overcoming Obstacles
- Safe Schools Online
- Too Good for Violence
- WV LINKS Lessons
Mental Health/Trauma Supports
- Expanded School Mental Health
1 site - Mental Health Services in All Schools
- Grant funding for mental health spaces in all schools
- Handle with Care
- Telehealth (Mental Health Services)
Support for At-Risk Students
- Boost Afterschool Program K-12
(8 Sites) - Communities In Schools (CIS)
8 sites - Guidepost to Graduation
- PreK-12 Home Visiting Project
- Summer Learning Camp PreK-12
- Tutoring Services after School
- Workplace Exploration
WV Prevention First – Prevention Lead Organizations
Community Partnerships/Initiative
- Abby’s Closets
- School Based Health Centers
2 sites - SMILES Mobile Dentistry
- Tug River Health Association Mobile Health Clinic
- Universal Pre-K Partnership with Head Start
Funding Sources
- Communities In School
- Guidepost to Graduation
- Home Visiting
- ReClaimWV Grant Funding
- Stronger Connections Grant
- Substance Abuse Federal Block Grant