Morgan County Data
Demographic Information
Student Enrollment
- Primary: 1 school, 429 students
- Elementary: 3 schools, 583 students
- Middle: 1 school, 461 students
- Secondary: 2 schools, 705 students
Number of professional student support staff:
- Counselors: 7
- Nurses: 2
- Psychologists: 1
- Social Workers: 1.8
Student Support Contact Information
- 21st CCLC Afterschool Programs
Summer Goller - Foster Care: Matthew Griffith
- WV Guideposts to Graduation
Nicole Hiles - Instruction
Elizabeth Golden - Nurses
Gina Mellott - School Psychologists
Nicole Hiles - Social Workers
Nicole Hiles - WV Family Engagement
Kristen Tuttle, Superintendent
Social and Emotional/Behavior Supports
School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
- 40 Developmental Assets
- Body Safety Education
- Botvin Life Skills
- Capturing Kids Hearts
- Minds In Motion
- Mindful Movement
- Positive Action
- Safe Schools Online
- Too Good for Violence
- WV LINKS Lessons
Mental Health/Trauma Supports
- Handle with Care
- PREPaRE Model Crisis Intervention – all schools trained
- West Virginia Expanded School Mental Health (ESMH) – 4 sites
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction
- Signs of Suicide
Support for At-Risk Students
- 21st CCLC Afterschool Programs – 3 sites
- Communities in School (4 schools)
- ESMH (4 sites)
- WV Guideposts to Graduation – 1 school
- Homeless Grant / McKinney Vento
- Teen Court
WV Prevention First – Prevention Lead Organizations
- Botvin Life Skills Curriculum
- Catch my Breath (curriculum)
- GameChanger
- Rex the RX
- SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment)
- Second Step Curriculum
- Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
- Teen Court
- Too Good for Drugs
Community Partnerships/Initiative
- Morgan County Partnership
- Shenandoah Community Health for Behavioral Health
- Starting Points – Morgan County
- Tom & Virginia Seely Foundation
Funding Sources
- 21st CCLC Afterschool Programs
- WV Guideposts to Graduation