Ohio County Data
Demographic Information
Student Enrollment
- Elementary: 9 schools, 2632 students
- Middle: 4 schools, 1108 students
- Secondary: 1 school, 1533 students
Number of professional student support staff:
- Attendance Officers: 0.5
- Counselors: 18.5
- School Nurses: 7
- Psychologists: 1
- Social Workers: 2 (contracted)
- Truancy Diversion Specialists: 0.5
Student Support Contact Information
- Expanded School Mental Health
Jessica Watt - WV Guideposts to Graduation
Leah Stout - Student Services
Raquel Welch McLeod
Social and Emotional/Behavior Supports
- Early Childhood Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports: 9 schools
- School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS): 7 schools
- Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (APPI) Presentation
- Body Safety Education
- Caring School Communities
- Character Counts
- Common Sense Education: Cyber Safety
- Conscious Discipline
- High School 101
- Leader in Me/7 Habits
- Learning for Justice
- Life Skills/Overcoming Obstacles
- Safe Schools Online
- Second Step Curriculum
- The NED Show
- Trauma-Informed Social-Emotional Toolbox
Mental Health/Trauma Supports
- Grant funded mental health spaces in every school
- Expanded School Mental Health (ESMH): 6 sites
- Handle with Care
- Trauma Informed/Sensitive Schools
- Achieve Behavioral Health
- Mind UP
- Mind Yeti
- Signs of Suicide
- The Change Journals
Support for At-Risk Students
- WV Guideposts to Graduation: 9 sites
- Healthy Grandfamilies
- Homeless Grant / McKinney Vento
- YWCA Healthy Relationships/Domestic Abuse Counseling
Substance Abuse Prevention
DHHR Region 1 Prevention Lead Organization
- D.A.R.E.
- Drug Free Club of America
- Keep a Clear Mind
- Not On Tobacco
- Second Step Curriculum
- Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
- The Change Journal
- Too Good for Drugs
Community Partnerships/Initiative
- Community Impact Coalition
- House of the Carpenter
- Ohio County Family Resource Network
- United Way Alliance of the Mid Ohio Valley
- Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce, Partners in Education
- WV Division of Rehabilitation Services
- WV Division of Health and Human Resources
- WV Judiciary Family Treatment Court
- Youth Service Systems
- YWCA Wheeling
Funding Sources
- McKinney Vento Federal Grant
- Title I, II, & III
- WVSU Healthy Grandfamilies