About Us
The Office of Network & Infrastructure’s handles a variety of tasks, including:
- Maintaining data center infrastructure including servers, routers, switches, filters, and firewalls;
- Maintaining statewide network and internet access to K-12 schools across the state;
- Maintaining WVDE phones and computer-related equipment;
- Providing digital forensic analysis;
- Office 365 management;
- Providing web application development and web server support; and
- Refurbishing office computers for new use in K-12 classrooms (secondlaunchWV).
This office also provides professional development specializing in Office 365 tools and onsite desktop support for the WVDE staff.
Contact Us
Building 6, Suite 550
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0330Phone: 1-833-627-2833