The High School Level Programming (Grades 9-12) focuses on academic, career, social, and emotional development, and global citizenship. Acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions described in WVCCRDSSS helps students achieve school success and prepare to successfully transition to their postsecondary choices; whether it is direct placement in entry-level jobs, credit-bearing academic college courses, industry-recognized certificate, license, or workforce training programs. These standards will be delivered within the programmatic level in a sequence designed by the school leadership team.
Through a developmentally appropriate, integrated approach, students in high school will begin their transition to adulthood. Students will explore how attitudes, values, and social/emotional behavior have a far-ranging impact that can influence not only local communities but the world. Students will expand their understanding of responsibility and realize actions can have consequences well beyond themselves and their local community. Students will develop plans for the future, learn how the skills and strategies they acquire in school are transferable to college and career, and articulate their needs and interests so they can consider the best options for their individual futures.