Members of the Common Ground Partnership participated in a ceremonial compact signing in which their organizations agree to support all West Virginia students and give special focus to those who are military connected.
Charleston, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) hosted members of the West Virginia Common Ground Partnership for its 2024 compact signing in Charleston at the West Virginia Culture Center. The compact requires partners to re-sign the agreement every three years as a display of solidarity.
The Common Ground Partnership Compact organizes the resources, initiatives and programs of 20 government, community and military organizations working together to support all West Virginia students and provide opportunities for success. This year, four more partnering organizations joined the compact and pledged their commitment to students. By connecting West Virginia schools with each organization and its resources, students learn about leadership opportunities. Partnering organizations also provide resources and guest speakers that address topics including substance abuse prevention, the importance of graduation and career exploration.
Additionally, the Common Ground Partnership recognizes schools and districts that are committed to providing dedicated support and services to students of military-connected families with the Purple Star Award. Students with family members in the military may experience unique circumstances and stressors due to the unpredictable nature of military deployments and relocations. Proactive communication between schools and families can help address social-emotional problems facing children and their families. The Partnership recognizes the importance of schools supporting students and ensuring that they are aware of the exceptional resources available to receive a high-quality education.
“The West Virginia Department of Education is proud and honored to partner with the dedicated military, community, and government organizations to support all students in public schools,” said State Superintendent of Schools Michele L. Blatt. “The Common Ground Partnership is a core part of the services we offer students and families throughout the year. Education requires more than instruction, as we meet the needs of the whole child. Schools cannot do this alone, and this program is one that has offered consistency and high-level support to our children.”
Common Ground Partners Include:
- West Virginia Office of the Governor
- West Virginia Board of Education
- West Virginia Department of Education
- West Virginia National Guard
- 338th Recruiting Squadron of Write Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
- West Virginia American Legion
- US Army Recruiting Battalion, Columbus, Ohio
- US Army Recruiting Battalion, Richmond, Virginia
- Beckley, West Virginia Military Entrance Processing Station
- West Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers
- West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance
- US Marine Corps Recruiting Stations, Louisville, Kentucky
- US Marine Corps Recruiting Stations, Frederick, Maryland
- Military Officers Association of America for West Virginia
- US Navy Talent Acquisition Group, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- US Navy Talent Acquisition Group of the Ohio River Valley
- Prevent Suicide West Virginia
- West Virginia Task Force Miner
- West Virginia Veterans of Foreign Wars
- West Virginia Wing, Civil Air Patrol, US Air Force Auxiliary
New Partners to the Compact Include:
- West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Office of Veterans Education and Training Programs
- United States Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Huntington
- Department of West Virginia Marine Corps League
- West Virginia University Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math Technical Assistance Center
To learn more about the Common Ground Partnership, please visit the WVDE website, and photos are available in the online photo album.