Distance Learning

Practice Name and DescriptionExample(s)More Information
Retelling a story: After reading or listening to a story, the child retells the story by identifying the characters, setting, and sequence of events, leading to improved listening and reading comprehension. As the child listens or reads the story, have them complete a graphic organizer identifying the story elements. Following the story, have the child verbally retell the story.

Older children may write summaries of the story
Supporting Your Children's and Teens’ Home Learning: Retelling a Story Using a Graphic Organizer
Self-regulation support: A common challenge for students with disabilities; help students to adopt habits such as organization and on-task behavior.

  • Create a well-organized physical learning environment.

  • Reduce distractions and disruptions during learning time.

  • Identify the behaviors that you want your child to engage in (e.g., work for 20 minutes at a time without interruptions).

Use rewards to motivate your child.

Home–school communication: Communicate through e-mail, phone, or video conference to share progress and discuss concerns.Parents and families are encouraged to contact their child’s teachers with questions and concerns about assignments and progress.

Reading (Literacy)

Practice Name and Description Example(s) More Information
Phonological awareness activities: Activities that promote awareness of the sounds in words.Clap syllables in words

Sing and read nursery rhymes
9 Ways to Build Phonological Awareness in Pre-K and Kindergarten
Partner reading: Parent and child take turns reading aloud a brief text and discuss text- based questions to improve reading fluency.Select a text, decide when to pause to ask reading questions, and develop text-based comprehension questions. How Do I Engage in Partner Reading With My Child?
Ask and answer questions: The child develops his or her own questions about a text and answers the questions after reading to improve reading comprehension.Prompt the child to ask and answer specific questions about characters and events in the text, as well as broader questions about the overall meaning of the text. How Can I Help to Improve My Child's Reading Comprehension?