Distance Learning
Practice Name and Description | Example(s) | More Information |
Retelling a story: After reading or listening to a story, the child retells the story by identifying the characters, setting, and sequence of events, leading to improved listening and reading comprehension. | As the child listens or reads the story, have them complete a graphic organizer identifying the story elements. Following the story, have the child verbally retell the story. Older children may write summaries of the story | Supporting Your Children's and Teens’ Home Learning: Retelling a Story Using a Graphic Organizer |
Self-regulation support: A common challenge for students with disabilities; help students to adopt habits such as organization and on-task behavior. |
Use rewards to motivate your child. | |
Home–school communication: Communicate through e-mail, phone, or video conference to share progress and discuss concerns. | Parents and families are encouraged to contact their child’s teachers with questions and concerns about assignments and progress. |
Reading (Literacy)
Practice Name and Description | Example(s) | More Information |
Phonological awareness activities: Activities that promote awareness of the sounds in words. | Clap syllables in words Sing and read nursery rhymes | 9 Ways to Build Phonological Awareness in Pre-K and Kindergarten |
Partner reading: Parent and child take turns reading aloud a brief text and discuss text- based questions to improve reading fluency. | Select a text, decide when to pause to ask reading questions, and develop text-based comprehension questions. | How Do I Engage in Partner Reading With My Child? |
Ask and answer questions: The child develops his or her own questions about a text and answers the questions after reading to improve reading comprehension. | Prompt the child to ask and answer specific questions about characters and events in the text, as well as broader questions about the overall meaning of the text. | How Can I Help to Improve My Child's Reading Comprehension? |