Marion County Data
Demographic Information
Student Enrollment
- Elementary: 11 schools, 2931 students
- Middle: 7 schools, 2244 students
- Secondary: 3 schools, 2229 students
Number of professional student support staff:
- Attendance Officers: 1
- Counselors: 24
- Nurses: 7
- Psychologists: 1
- Truancy Diversion Specialists: 2
Student Support Contact Information
- Attendance Officer: Tricia Maxwell
- 21st CCLC Afterschool Program:
Sallie Morgan,
Mindy Brown - Curriculum Specialist:
Kathy Jacquez,
Stacey Oliver,
Kristin DeVaul - Foster Care: Stephanie Travelstead
- Community In Schools: Gina DeLorenzo
- Lawyers in Schools: Melissa Lilly
- School Nurses: Mandy Boylen
- Substance Abuse Federal Block Grant:
Kathy Jacquez,
Stacey Oliver,
Kristin DeVaul - WV Family Engagement: LD Skarzinski
Social and Emotional/Behavior Supports
- School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS): 19 schools
- Social Workers: 2 schools (Watson Elementary and East Fairmont Middle School)
- Alternative Behavior Educator (ABE)
- Body Safety Education
- Character Counts
- Common Sense Education: Cyber Safety
- Leader in Me/7 Habits
- Life Skills/Overcoming Obstacles
- Love Note Curriculum
- Safe Schools Online
- Second Step Curriculum
- SHEILD Taskforce Presentations
- STOPit
- The Fourth R: Strategies for Healthy Youth Relationships
Mental Health/Trauma Supports
- Grant funding for mental health spaces in all schools
- Handle with Care
- PREPaRE Model Crisis Intervention: 1 professional student support staff trained
- Trauma-Informed / Sensitive Schools
Support for At-Risk Students
- After School Tutoring – 19 sites
- Community In Schools
- Interventionist (Reading and Math) – 19 sites
- Graduation Coaches – 3 Sites
- Community/Outreach – 2 per attendance area
- Behavior Interventionist – 2 per attendance area
- 21st CCLC Afterschool Programs:
3 sites - Homeless Grant / McKinney Vento
- Healthy Grandfamilies
- United Way Flip Side – 3 sites
Substance Abuse Prevention
- DHHR Region 4 Prevention Lead Organization
Community Partnerships/Initiative
- Active Parenting Training
- GameChanger
- Lawyers In Schools – Legal Aid of WV
- School Based Heath Centers – 4 sites
- WV Family Engagement Grant – 2 sites
Funding Sources
- 21st CCLC Afterschool Program
- Community In Schools
- McKinney Vento Federal Grant
- Neglected and Delinquent Grant
- ReClaimWVGrant Funding
- Substance Abuse Federal Block Grant
- WV Family Engagement Grant
- United Way
- Cares Act: Round 3