The West Virginia Department of Education is working with a committee of educators from around the state to host a unique event, Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching WV (ECET2WV), to celebrate West Virginia teachers and elevate the teaching profession. The two-day event follows a national model for teacher-planned and teacher-led convenings that provides an opportunity for exceptional teachers to learn from one another while celebrating the teaching profession.
These convenings harness the power of teacher-leader networks to improve and enhance teachers’ professional learning; reduce their sense of isolation and enhance their voices as leaders and advocates in their classrooms, schools, districts and communities. ECET2 WV 2020 will be held in Charleston on the evening of Friday, March 20, 2020, at the West Virginia Culture Center and continue throughout the day on Saturday, March 21, 2020, at the Charleston Marriott Town Center.
Because of its strong emphasis on teacher leadership and effectiveness, ECET2 convenings are invitation-only events. The West Virginia convening will accommodate 150 highly effective teachers and will strive to have strong representation from around the state and from all content areas including CTE and grades pre-K–12. To accomplish this, the planning committee has opened a call for participant nominations. The call for nominations closes December 31, 2019. Selected nominees will be notified on or before February 3, 2020.
Teachers may be nominated by county or school-level administration, their peers or by self-nomination. Please share information about the event as well as the nomination link with educators in your county and from around the state. Multiple nominations are permitted by the same educator. Participants will be selected based on their effectiveness and expertise in the areas of leadership, collaboration and instructional practice. To nominate a teacher, please complete the nomination form below.
Contact Info
Dr. Andrea Lemon
Office of Middle & Secondary Learning
Phone: (304) 558-5325
Additional Information
To learn more about ECET2 convenings across the nation, visit teacher2teacher.education/ecet2/ or k12education.gatesfoundation.org/blog/ecet2/.