WV Division of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Children and Families
Phone: 1-800-352-6513
As of July 1, 2019, legislation requires all school personnel will be required to complete a cumulative four hours of sexual abuse education and prevention training, with a skills renewal every two years thereafter. The mode of delivery for the trainings may include in-person or e-learning instruction and may include a series of trainings or modules. The county shall be responsible for providing the training for all school personnel.
To assist with the mandated requirements of WV HB 4402 (2018)/WV Code §18-2-41, relating to the education and prevention of sexual abuse of children, the West Virginia Department of Education has developed optional e-modules that may be used to meet this legislative requirement. The county shall track and provide the West Virginia Department of Education a certified list of personnel who successfully complete the training. A process for submission will be shared with the districts in coming weeks. Certificates of completion will be provided by the West Virginia Department of Education.
Required Standards
Should counties choose to utilize other training resources, county and school administration must ensure the training includes comprehensive instruction on the following:
- Recognizing sexually offending behaviors in adults, questionable behaviors such as boundary violations, and signs in adults that might indicate they pose a sexual risk to children.
- Recognizing, appropriately responding to, and preventing sexually inappropriate, coercive or abuse behaviors among children and youth served by schools.
- Recognizing behaviors and verbal cues that might indicate a child or youth has been a victim of abuse or neglect.
- Supporting the healthy development of children and youth and the building of protective factors to mitigate against their sexual victimization by adults or peers.
- Recognizing and appropriately responding to student infatuations and flirtations with adults in school.
- Recognizing appropriate and inappropriate social media usage by adults and children.
- Responding to disclosures of sexual abuse or reports of boundary-violating behaviors by adults or children in a supportive and appropriate manner which meet mandated reporting requirements.
- Understanding of the age-appropriate, comprehensive, evidence-informed child sexual abuse prevention education which will be offered to West Virginia students.
- Research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACESs) and trauma-informed care.
Online Training Modules & Resources
If you have trouble streaming the above youtube videos, you may access them through your k12 account on Microsoft Stream. For more information, please email Stephanie Hayes or Charlene Coburn, or call the Office of Leadership & System Support at 304-558-3199.
Mandated Reporting
To make a report of abuse or neglect: please visit the WV Division of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Children and Families website.
WV Support Organizations
- Child Protect of Mercer County
- It’s On Us WV
- Prevent Child Abuse West Virginia
- Shield Task Force
- Southern Educational Services Cooperative
- West Virginia FREE
- West Virginia Child Advocacy Network
- WV Foundation for Rape Information and Services
Links to resources outside the West Virginia Department of Education’s website do not constitute an endorsement by the WVDE. Users should vet linked resources to meet audience needs.