Mingo County Data
Demographic Information
Student Enrollment
- Elementary: 1 school, 155 students
- Middle: 6 schools, 2680 students
- Secondary: 2 schools, 1047 students
Number of professional student support staff
- Counselors: 12
- Nurses: 4
- Social Workers: 2
Student Support Contact Information
- Communities In Schools
Sabrina Runyon - Director (Support)
Lesia Sammons - WV Guideposts to Graduation
Walt Cline - Foster Care
Rocky Hall - Nurses
Tonya Hagy - PERC Coordinator for Family Engagement
Christie Tilley - Substance Abuse Block Grant
Sabrina Runyon - WV Family Engagement
Donald Spence, Superintendent
Social and Emotional/Behavior Supports
School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
9 schools
- Body Safety Education
- BABES Curriculum for K-3
- Liberty Counseling
- Safe Schools Online
- WV LINKS Lessons
- WV Health and Wellness room at WPK8
Mental Health/Trauma Supports
Support for At-Risk Students
- Communities In Schools (CIS)
6 sites - WV Guideposts to Graduation
2 sites - Homeless Grant / McKinney Vento
WV Prevention First – Prevention Lead Organizations
- CATCH My Breath E-Cigarette & JUUL Prevention
- Not On Tobacco
- Ripple Effects
Community Partnerships/Initiative
- Active Parenting Training
- Liberty Counseling
- STOP Coalition
- WV Family Engagement Grant
2 sites - WV Health and Wellness Medical and Social/Emotional services
Funding Sources
- Communities In School
- WV Guideposts to Graduation
- McKinney Vento Federal Grant
- ReClaimWV Grant Funding
- RUS grant
- Substance Abuse Federal Block Grant
- WV Family Engagement Grant