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High-Quality Instruction

January 17, 2020|

High-Quality Instruction episodes focus on providing teachers with research-based professional learning and resources on high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials, best teaching practices, and learning environments that will lead to student success. ...

Extended Learning

January 17, 2020|

Extended learning episodes focus on research, resources, and programs to support students when they are not in school.  The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading emphasizes the need for summer programming in order to reduce the ...


January 17, 2020|

Attendance episodes focus on research, resources, and programs that work towards reducing chronic absenteeism in the early grades in order to establish good attendance habits and combat chronic absence.  We believe that attendance habits ...

School Readiness

January 17, 2020|

School Readiness episodes focus on the research, resources, and programs that highlight the importance of ensuring that children have access to the best available resources prior to entering school and that schools are ready ...

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