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Childhood Hunger Addressed Through Summer Food Program

June 10, 2019|

Charleston, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) kicked off its Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) at Overbrook Elementary School in Charleston today. The program supports child nutrition during the summer break ...

Hundreds of Students Honored for Workforce Readiness

May 23, 2019|

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – More than 400 Career Technical Education (CTE) students from across the state received the third annual Governor’s Workforce Credential (GWC), the highest honor within West Virginia’s CTE programs. Four-hundred and four students ...

School Finance Committee to Meet on April 30

April 29, 2019|

April 29, 2019   CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Board of Education’s (WVBE) committee on school finance and funding will reconvene at 9 a.m. on April 30 in Capitol Building 6, Room 353 (Board Conference ...

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