Student Support Conference
Join us for this free professional development opportunity in Charleston, WV!

Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center (map)
November 12-13, 2024
The West Virginia Department of Education is pleased to host the 2024 Student Support Conference: Collaborating for Student Success in Charleston, WV. The conference will include a wide variety of useful breakout sessions, opportunities to connect and network with other student support professionals and community partners, and an exciting lineup of keynote presenters. This professional development opportunity is appropriate for student support professionals including Communities In Schools Coordinators, county-level directors, homeless liaisons, school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, school mental health providers, afterschool program directors, and other community partners. There is no cost to attend the event; however, travel, lodging, and meals are the responsibility of the participant. Questions may be directed to the Office of Student Support and Well-Being at 304-558-3199.
Training and Continuing Education
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Social Worker, and Addiction and Prevention Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
CEUs are approved by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Behavioral Health Training Collaborative for sessions meeting the approved criteria.
- Preconference Sessions: 2 CEUs Approved
- Conference Sessions: 5 CEUs Approved (Not all breakout sessions meet the requirements for CEUs. If you are seeking CEUs be sure to attend the approved sessions.)
Certificates of Attendance
Certificates of Attendance will be provided to all others attending after completion of the online evaluations for each session. The evaluation links will be emailed to attendees approximately two weeks after the conference.
Note: To receive a CEU certificate, or certificate of attendance, attendees must sign-in to each session (sign-ins will be in each room) and complete the conference evaluation, which will be emailed to attendees approximately two weeks following the conference. After completing the online evaluation, electronic certificates will be available to print.
More Information
Agenda At-A-Glance
Tuesday, November 12
Time | Topic |
9:00–11:00am | Pre-conference workshops (Topics coming soon) |
11:00–1:00pm | Registration (Lunch on your own) |
1:00–2:15pm | Opening Keynote |
2:30–3:30pm | Breakout Sessions |
Wednesday, November 13
Time | Topic |
7:00–8:00am | Registration Continental Breakfast |
8:00–8:15am | Morning Keynote |
8:30–9:30am | Breakout Sessions |
9:45-10:45 am | Breakout Sessions |
11:00-12:00pm | Breakout Sessions |
12:00-12:45pm | Lunch (provided) |
12:45-2:00pm | Closing Session |