Standards for Student Success
- WV College and Career Readiness Dispositions and Standards for Student Success
- WVBE Policy 2520.19: West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Dispositions and Standards for Student Success for Grades K-12
- WVCCRDSSS and ASCA Student Success Standards Crosswalk
Lessons and Resources:
- Career One Stop offers information about career exploration, training and jobs.
- CFWV is a free website from the WV Higher Education Policy Commission that offers college and career exploration and planning.
- cfwvconnect offers an interactive toolkit including career exploration curricula to assist counselors, teachers, and community leaders in integrating the activities and resources of into their work with students
- College Board Career Finder (Grades 8 – 12)
- Step By Step: College Awareness and Planning is a free curriculum for students in K – 12th grade to help students they begin to explore and consider postsecondary options.
- Onet*Online containing hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors on almost 1,000 occupations covering the entire U.S. economy.
- Pathways WV is a collection of resources, tools and people to help students with disabilities, through the journey from youth to adulthood.
- WVDE Career Exploration Resources is designed to support counties in developing their comprehensive middle school career exploration experience.
- WVDE Career Technical Education Portal (Student Portal and Educator Portal)