School counselors are vital resources in preventing violent incidents, intervening when concerns arise about potential violence and responding when violence occurs. Through the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program, school counselors promote school safety, assist students engaging in unhealthy or unsafe behaviors and make referrals as needed. School counselors are familiar with the school community and knowledgeable about the roles of community mental health providers and first responders such as law enforcement officials and emergency medical responders. In addition, school counselors are required by WVBE Policy 2315 to collaborate with stakeholders to create a school-wide, prevention-based approach to individual and school-wide crisis and should work with the school crisis team to educate other stakeholders to assist with school-wide crisis preparedness, prevention, intervention, and response, outlining responsibilities and best practices in the school crisis planning and response. For resources on Crisis Prevention and Response planning visit the WVDE Safe Schools Toolkit.