
ZoomWV is the state’s single source for accurate, high-quality education information pertaining to students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. ZoomWV will help drive educational initiatives to improve instruction and student performance in West Virginia, in part by making information available in easy-to-understand aggregate reports at the state, regional, county, and school level. With ZoomWV, teachers, school, district regional, and state personnel will be able to make more informed educational decisions. And, as always, ZoomWV will continue to protect the privacy and confidentiality of West Virginia’s students.


ZoomWV ensures that, for pre-kindergarten through grade 12, a single secure source of accurate, high-quality educational information is available for end users to add value to educational decision-making processes and improve educational outcomes for students in the Mountain State. ZoomWV is the one voice for education data, with one key focus: helping stakeholders support all students’ achievement!

ZoomWV Data Dashboard