Name Earned Degrees Representative Group Experience Relationship to WVDE
Patricia Cahape Hammer M.A. IRB chair, scientist Education research and evaluation, rural education Employee
Amber Stohr M.A. IRB co-chair, scientist Education research and evaluation, epidemiology Employee
Robert Surface B.S. Member, nonscientist Computer science, data analysis Employee
Georgia Hughes-Webb M.A. Member, scientist Education evaluation, data governance Employee
Nate Hixson M.A. Member, scientist Education research and evaluation None
Andy Whisman Ph.D. WVDE ORAD executive director, ex officio member (nonvoting) Program evaluation, social science Employee
Jennifer Kozak N/A IRB Secretary (nonvoting member) Administrative assistant Employee

For additional information, contact Patricia Cahape Hammer, IRB chair, at extension 53005 or