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The Purple Star Award is a designation assigned to schools which display a special commitment to supporting military children and their families. Common Ground Partners review applications and the West Virginia Department of Education issues awards to schools meeting the award’s eligibility criteria. Schools receiving the award are issued an official certificate and additional electronic materials which may be used to pridefully display their status as a military-friendly school throughout the building. This award contributes to our partnership‘s efforts to build strong bonds between schools, military service members, and community organizations which meet the specialized needs of our children and enhance the success of all students.

To learn how your school or school district may become recognized for a three-year period (the present school year and following two school years) with the Purple Star Award, please review the application below or contact WVDE Coordinator, Robert Mellace at or 1-833-627-2833.

Press Releases

National Research

State Research

  • Ongoing Purple Star Award Research Results (PDF)
    Preliminary results of an ongoing 1st and 2nd Class award recipient survey on the statewide impact of the Purple Star Award in West Virginia – Published by the WVDE on January 3, 2025.
    *Final survey results will become available in May 2025


Purple Star Award logo
Watch the Fourth Class of Purple Star Award Recipients Video ❯

Apply to become part of the 5th Class of Purple Star Award Recipients

Common Ground Partners review applications and the West Virginia Department of Education issues awards to schools meeting eligibility criteria as described in the applications found below.

The deadline to submit an application is April 25, 2025.  Awards will be announced in May 2025.

Please note: Only Public, Charter, Mountaineer Challenge Academies and accredited private schools may apply.

Please review the following summary to find out how your school or district may qualify to receive the award:

Initial Purple Star Award

  • Identify a military family point of contact, who successfully completes this year’s required training on supporting military children and their families.
  • Provide a link to the Common Ground Partnership, which features a wide variety of useful resources for military families, on the school’s website.
  • Describe a local plan for the school to support military children and their families.
  • Commit to annually celebrating Purple Up Day, on a day of the school’s choice, during the month of April (the Month of the Military Child).
  • Submit evidence of conducting two qualifying military support activities in the current school year.

If your school is a public school and has never received the award, please fill out the Purple Star Award Initial Award Application form to apply.

If your school is a private, charter or MCA school that has never received the award, please e-mail Robert Mellace for the application.

Renewal of Purple Star Awards for Schools of the 1st and 2nd Class

  • Meet requirements of the initial award, except renewal schools may simply identify two types of qualifying military support activities the school participates in and provide the official date(s) of those activities within the current school year.
  • Complete the Purple Star Award Statewide Research Survey (required) to participate in research on the award’s impact so that we may continuously improve this initiative.

If your school received an award during the 1st or 2nd Class, please fill out the Purple Star Award Renewal Application form to apply.

Purple Star Districts (Initial or Renewal)

  • Identify a military family point of contact at the county level, who successfully completes this year’s Military Point of Contact training (available on Instructure, requires a account) on supporting military children and their families.
  • Provide a link to the Common Ground Partnership on the school district’s website.
  • County school board passes a resolution or takes documented action publicizing information about the school system’s support for military-connected students and their families (must take place on or after July 1, 2022).
  • All schools within the county receive a Purple Star Award on or after July 1, 2022. 1st and 2nd Class Purple Star Schools must successfully renew their award status.

The county’s military family point of contact may submit an e-mail to Robert Mellace at and Carrie Clendening at with evidence of meeting all criteria to qualify.

Public School Military Family Point of Contact Training

To access the required training for public school Military Family Points of Contact seeking the Purple Star Award for the 2024-2025 school year (5th Class), click here. The course requires use of an account.

Private schools, charter schools, and Mountaineer Challenge Academies (MCA) please complete the Private Schools and MCA Training/Quiz.

Once a school receives the Purple Star Award, the Military Family Point of Contact will begin receiving regular correspondence about opportunities to collaborate with military partners, participate in professional development in meeting the needs of military connected children and supportive resources available to military families. If a Military Family Point of Contact leaves the school, the principal must provide the WVDE with notification of who will be assuming this role in their absence. Principals may provide Robert Mellace with this information at

Purple Star Informer


The following are issues of a newsletter Military Family Points of Contact and administrators of Purple Star Schools receive via e-mail in West Virginia:

Purple Star School Introduction Letter

Military Family Points of Contact at Purple Star Schools can download and modify the Purple Star School Intro Letter template, sending it to military families to inform them of their role within the school and resources available to them throughout the year.

Optional Trainings

The following are optional trainings designed to further strengthen the knowledge of Military Family Points of Contact.

Guidance on Identifying Military-Connected Children

To learn how to identify military-connected children using WVEIS 2.0, please review a guidance document with instructions by clicking here.

Webinar Series For 2022-2023

West Virginia county and school staff participated in a webinar series, focusing on assessment-based programs that support the success of all students and meeting the needs of military-connected children.

Common Ground Partnership 2022-2023 Webinar Series Flyer

Webinar Series Topics:

MIC3 Professional Development

The West Virginia Department of Education and Compact Commissioner collaborated with the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) to offer a free learning session for West Virginia educators covering the basics of MIC3. MIC3 supports successful transitions for military families with children transferring between public schools of different states. These unique provisions of W. Va. Code can make a significant difference in the lives of soldiers as they seek reasonable accommodations related to their active-duty orders.

Understanding the Military

Provides a brief explanation of important aspects of military service and the deployment cycle. – Collaborative Connections Webinars

webinar series occurred on March 29, 2023 – November 15, 2023, focused on the skills needed by professionals working with military-connected students ages 5-22 and their families to successfully collaborate, engage with families, and leverage military and civilian community resources to support each family and their individual needs. These free webinars were recorded and are now free to review.

County Board Resolutions

One of the optional military support activities mentioned in the Purple Star Award application is that the county school board can pass a resolution or take official action to publicize the school system’s support for military students and their families.

School boards seeking examples of resolutions for enhancing collaboration with military organizations and providing supports to military families may use or modify the following documents to fit their needs and plans.

Qualifying resolutions have been issued by County Boards of Education in the following counties:

County Date
Berkeley April 4, 2022
Brooke June 25, 2021, and January 13, 2025
Cabell March 1, 2022
Clay April 2, 2024
Greenbrier April 11, 2023
Kanawha September 7, 2021, and November 4, 2024
Lewis February 27, 2023
Lincoln December 19, 2023
Marion September 28, 2021, and November 18, 2024
Mason February 28, 2023
McDowell March 6, 2023
Monroe October 19, 2021
Morgan October 19, 2021
Pocahontas October 12, 2021, and November 12, 2024
Putnam October 18, 2021
Tyler January 18, 2022
Upshur November 15, 2022
Wetzel September 13, 2021

Purple Star Award Recipients

Purple Star Districts (with 100% of schools receiving the award)

CountyAward PeriodCounty Military Family Point of ContactEmail
Brooke1st Class, 2021-2024Lori
Kanawha1st Class, 2021-2024Melissa
Pocahontas1st Class, 2021-2024Rebecca
Marion2nd Class, 2021-2024LD
Monroe2nd Class, 2021-2024Leigh
Putnam2nd Class, 2021-2024Jennifer
Wetzel2nd Class, 2021-2024Ben
Cabell2nd Class, 2021-2024Keith
Tyler2nd Class, 2021-2024Abram
Morgan3rd Class, 2022-2025Kristen
Greenbrier3rd Class, 2022-2025Nancy
Berkeley3rd Class, 2022-2025Tyler
McDowell3rd Class, 2022-2025Kristy 
Lewis3rd Class, 2022-2025Amanda
Clay4th Class, 2023-2026Amanda
Lincoln4th Class, 2023-2026Steve

Please contact your Purple Star School’s military family point of contact before contacting the county’s military family point of contact.

Purple Star Schools

School NameCountyName of the Military Family Point of ContactE-mail of the Military Family Point of ContactAward Period
Brooke High SchoolBrookeMeredith Hoodmhood@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Brooke Intermediate School NorthBrookeEmily Stuckemily.stuck@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Brooke Intermediate School SouthBrookeW. Scott Donohew Scott.donohew@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Brooke Middle SchoolBrookeLinda Burch, Dana; dana.johnson@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Brooke Primary School SouthBrookeHeidi Dawsonhdawson@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Brooke Primary School NorthBrookeTracey Welchtwelch@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
The Bruin Bridge SchoolBrookeMike Lewis michael.p.lewis@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Milton Middle SchoolCabellJason Goodejwgoode@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Lewisburg Elementary SchoolGreenbrierLaura Deskinslbdeskins@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Bridgeport High SchoolHarrisonRenee Mathewsrenee.mathews@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Mountaineer Middle SchoolHarrisonDavid Drydendavid.dryden@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
North View Elementary SchoolHarrisonKim Secretokimberly.secreto@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Simpson Elementary SchoolHarrisonJennifer RandolphJennifer.Randolph@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Alban Elementary SchoolKanawhaJohnna Jacobs jmjacobs@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Alum Creek Elementary SchoolKanawha Betty Jo Smithbettysmith@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Andrew Jackson Middle SchoolKanawhaRhonda Donohoerdonohoe@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Andrews Heights Elementary SchoolKanawhaSuzanne Armstrongyarmstrong@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Anne Bailey Elementary SchoolKanawhaJacki Collinsjcollins@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Belle Elementary SchoolKanawhaLori Healylhealy@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Ben Franklin Career CenterKanawhaNicole McCartneynlmccartney@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Bridgeview Elementary SchoolKanawhaChantel Hartwellchartwell@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Capital High SchoolKanawhaTimothy Kyertkyer@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Carver Career CenterKanawhaDawn DeMossddemoss@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Cedar Grove Elementary SchoolKanawhaEmily Danielsefletcher@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Central Elementary SchoolKanawhaWhitney Canadawcanada@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Chamberlain Elementary SchoolKanawhaPhoebe McCloudpmccloud@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Chandler AcademyKanawhaPatty Waldeckpwaldeck@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Chesapeake Elementary SchoolKanawhaKim Poseykposey@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Clendenin Elementary SchoolKanawhaAngela Gurskiagurski@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Cross Lanes Elementary SchoolKanawhaNola Willardnola.willard@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Dunbar Intermediate SchoolKanawhaSara Raines-Wilsonsraines@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Dunbar Middle SchoolKanawhaKandace Ansahkansah@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Dunbar Primary School KanawhaMichelle Adamsmadams@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
DuPont Middle SchoolKanawhaLarissa Davislarissadavis@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
East Bank Middle SchoolKanawhaMatthew Stonestreetmstonestreet@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Edgewood Elementary SchoolKanawhaChristina Bridgettecbridgette@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Elk Elementary CenterKanawhaJeff Mullinsjmullins@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Elkview Middle SchoolKanawha Jodi Sergent and Amanda Crumplerjsergent@mail.kana.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Flinn Elementary SchoolKanawhaChelsea Lewischelsealewis@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Garnet Career CenterKanawhaJanice Standishjstandish@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
George C. Weimer Elementary SchoolKanawhaPamela Sneadpsnead@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
George Washington High SchoolKanawhaBrad McGeetmcgee@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Grandview Elementary SchoolKanawhaKatey 1st Class, 2021-2024
Hayes Middle SchoolKanawhaLindsay Johnsonlindsayjohnson@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Herbert Hoover High SchoolKanawhaMatthew Emchmemch@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Holz Elementary SchoolKanawhaLynn Davis lmdavis@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Horace Mann Middle SchoolKanawhaShandon Tweedyetweedy@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
John Adams Middle SchoolKanawhaJessica Abshirejmeans@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Kanawha City Elementary SchoolKanawhaKim Mullinsksmullins@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Kenna Elementary SchoolKanawhaLeah Kerseylmkersey@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Lakewood Elementary SchoolKanawhaMichelle Burkmichelleburk@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Malden Elementary SchoolKanawha Tonya Harpertharper@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Marmet Elementary SchoolKanawhaCynthia Schillingcschilling@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Mary C. Snow West Side Elementary SchoolKanawhaStarlena Slatersgslater@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Mary Ingles Elementary SchoolKanawhaAndrea Goffandrea.goff@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
McKinley Middle SchoolKanawhaMelissa Chapmanmchapman@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Midland Trail Elementary SchoolKanawha Grant DavisGdavis@mail.kana.k12.Wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Montrose Elementary SchoolKanawhaKristi WalterKwalter@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Nitro Elementary SchoolKanawhaAmy Mellaceamellace@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Nitro High SchoolKanawhaWilliam Parkwpark@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Overbrook Elementary SchoolKanawhaJamie Kingreyjkingrey@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Piedmont Elementary SchoolKanawhaAshley Jamesdgrogg@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Pinch Elementary SchoolKanawhaTrudy FragaleTbonnett-fragale@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Point Harmony Elementary SchoolKanawhaJamie SingletonJSINGLETON@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Pratt Elementary SchoolKanawhaJacqueline Herschjhersch@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Richmond Elementary SchoolKanawhaSara Krasonskrason@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Riverside High SchoolKanawhaBryan Murphybmurphy@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Ruffner Elementary SchoolKanawhaKatelynn Kingkmking@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Ruthlawn Elementary SchoolKanawhaLoraine JacksonLkjackson@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Saint Albans High SchoolKanawhaRobert Fergusonrferguson@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Sharon Dawes Elementary SchoolKanawhaCandace Rosecrose@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Shoals Elementary School KanawhaMelinda Humphreysmelinda.d.humphreys@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Sissonville Elementary SchoolKanawhaKelly Heidenreichkheidenreich@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Sissonville High SchoolKanawhaTony Lestertlester@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Sissonville Middle SchoolKanawhaMatthew Woodmrwood@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
South Charleston High SchoolKanawhaRonald Belluerbellue@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
South Charleston Middle School KanawhaMichelle Tatemtate@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Weberwood Elementary SchoolKanawhaBrianne Vandalbrianne.vandal@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
West Side Middle SchoolKanawha Linda Williamslawilliams@mail.kana.k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Leading Creek Elementary SchoolLewisMelanie Moody melanie.moody@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Lewis County High School Lewis Aubrey Lingeralinger@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Peterson-Central Elementary SchoolLewisMona Vinsonmona.vinson@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Man Elementary SchoolLoganDoug Barrettdbarrett@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Blackshere Elementary SchoolMarionJanie Devauljdevaul@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
East Dale Elementary SchoolMarionTami Alexandertxalexan@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
East Fairmont High SchoolMarionTimothy Beantbean@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
East Fairmont Middle SchoolMarionCharlotte Rombergercharlotte.romberger@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Fairmont Senior High SchoolMarionKirt Walterskirt.walters@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Fairview Elementary SchoolMarionMonique Callmmcall@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Mannington Middle SchoolMarionEmilie Lewisemily.dewitt@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Monongah Elementary SchoolMarionPaula Hattenphatten@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
North Marion High SchoolMarionCarrie Elmlingercelmlinger@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Pleasant Valley Elementary SchoolMarionLisa Boylelboyle@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Rivesville Elementary Middle SchoolMarionChristopher Binottocbinotto@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
White Hall Elementary SchoolMarionElizabeth Nan Murrayelmurray@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Brushfork Elementary SchoolMercerAngel Elswickangel.elswick@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Oakvale Elementary SchoolMercerLaCosta Hodgeslhodges@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Mineral County Alternative SchoolMineralBlake Mangoldblake.mangold@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Eastwood Elementary SchoolMonongaliaLeslie Phareslphares@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
James Monroe High SchoolMonroeAubrey Houckafhouck@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Monroe County Vocational CenterMonroeWilliam Longanacrewilliam.longanacre@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Mountain View Elementary and Middle SchoolMonroeTracy Dransfield tdransfield@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Peterstown Elementary SchoolMonroeBenjamin Belcherben.belcher@rocketmail.com1st Class, 2021-2024
Green Bank Elementary Middle SchoolPocahontasDevan Gumdevan.gum@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Hillsboro Elementary School PocahontasRebecca Spencerraspencer@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Marlinton Elementary SchoolPocahontasSherman Taylorshtaylor@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Marlinton Middle SchoolPocahontasSherman Taylorshtaylor@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Pocahontas County High School Pocahontas Aaron Pugh and Lois Wilfongaaron.pugh@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Kingwood Elementary SchoolPrestonMadison Johnsonmadison.johnson@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Buffalo High School PutnamNatasha Barkernbarker@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Eastbrook Elementary SchoolPutnamAmy Barkleyasbarkley@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
George Washington Elementary SchoolPutnamSuzette Rosariosuzette.rosario@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Hurricane High SchoolPutnam Sarah Barnessstandish@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Hurricane Town Elementary SchoolPutnamAlexis WileyAlexis.wiley@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Lakeside Elementary SchoolPutnamKelli Randan-Penningtonkrandan@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Mountain View Elementary SchoolPutnamKim Parsonskdparsons@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Poca Elementary SchoolPutnamMarlene Smithmarlene.smith@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Rock Branch Elementary SchoolPutnamRebecca Bennettrebecca.bennett@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
West Teays Elementary SchoolPutnamCarla Paynecrpayne@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Winfield Elementary SchoolPutnamVicki Dyevldye@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Taylor County Middle SchoolTaylorRenee Mahonrmahon@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Buffalo Middle SchoolWayneLauren Hensleylnshaw@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Hundred High SchoolWetzelBeverly VanScyocbvanscyo@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Magnolia High SchoolWetzelRobert Gomezrobert.gomez@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
New Martinsville Middle SchoolWetzelJeff Hiestandjhiestand@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Paden City Elementary SchoolWetzelDebbie Allendlallen@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Paden City High SchoolWetzelRobert Pricerobert.price@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Valley High SchoolWetzelJanet Moorejhmoore@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Wetzel County Technical Education CenterWetzelJC KimbleJckimble@k12.wv.us1st Class, 2021-2024
Bedington Elementary SchoolBerkeleyLaurel Wehmeyerlwehmeyer@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Eagle School Intermediate SchoolBerkeleyVictoria Lyonsvictoria.lyons@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Gerrardstown Elementary SchoolBerkeleyAnn Mathenaann.mathena@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Hedgesville High SchoolBerkeleyAmanda Brownajbrown@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Hedgesville Middle SchoolBerkeleyArlin Riggsarlin.riggs@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Marlowe Elementary SchoolBerkeleyBrookeann Kessingerbrookeann.stenson@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Martinsburg High SchoolBerkeleyJeanne Cloudjcloud@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Mill Creek Intermediate SchoolBerkeleyApril Cecilapril.cecil@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Mountain Ridge Intermediate SchoolBerkeleyAnn Mathenaann.mathena@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Musselman High SchoolBerkeleyMelissa Shermanmasherma@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Musselman Middle SchoolBerkeleyJessica Wolfejessica.p.wolfe@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Opequon Elementary SchoolBerkeleyJodi Williamsjgwilliams@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Orchard View Intermediate SchoolBerkeleyDeneil Buseydbusey@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Rosemont Elementary SchoolBerkeleyAmanda Palmerapalmer@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Spring Mills High SchoolBerkeleyJayla Cranejayla.crane@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Spring Mills Middle SchoolBerkeleyAlex Bennetta.bennett@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Tomahawk Intermediate School BerkeleyMegan Boydmegan.boyd@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Altizer Elementary SchoolCabellKelli Stottskstotts@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Barboursville Middle SchoolCabellDavid Watsondavid.watson@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Cabell Midland High SchoolCabellHenry Lukehenry.luke@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Central City Elementary SchoolCabellMelissa Chapmanmmooney@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Cox Landing Elementary SchoolCabellIda Wagneriwagner@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Culloden Elementary SchoolCabellTasha AdkinsTasha.adkins@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Davis Creek Elementary SchoolCabellPatrick O'Nealroneal@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Explorer AcademyCabellAlexis ZimmermanExplorer Academy2nd Class, 2021-2024
Guyandotte Elementary SchoolCabellKelli Stottskstotts@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Highlawn Elementary SchoolCabellRenee Waltersrenee.walters@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Hite Saunders Elementary SchoolCabellChristina Schreibercschreiber@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Huntington East Middle SchoolCabellWilliam Robertswilliam.j.roberts@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Huntington High SchoolCabellNicole MaseyNicole.masey@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Huntington Middle SchoolCabellKathy Cyruskathy.cyrus@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Martha Elementary SchoolCabellDiana Wrightdiana.wright@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Meadows Elementary SchoolCabellAndrea Ramseyandrea.ramsey@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Milton Elementary SchoolCabellAngela Williamsonangela.williamson@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Nichols Elementary SchoolCabellJennifer McComasjamccoma@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Ona Elementary SchoolCabellRick Snyderrdsnyder@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Salt Rock Elementary SchoolCabellMarissa Biasmarissa.mangus@wvesc.org2nd Class, 2021-2024
Southside Elementary SchoolCabellCrystal Smithcdnsmith@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Spring Hill Elementary SchoolCabellBeth Pettrylpettry@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Village of Barboursville Elementary SchoolCabellKim Lewis kmlewis@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Greenbrier West High SchoolGreenbrierSharon Boggsslboggs@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Barrackville Elementary Middle SchoolMarionSarah Episcoposepiscop@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
East Park Elementary SchoolMarionIan Harnediharned@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Fairview Middle School MarionSteve Rodriguezsrodrigu@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Jayenne Elementary schoolMarionJuliana Cipressijuliana.cipressi@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Monongah Middle SchoolMarionTim Ridenourtridenou@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Watson Elementary SchoolMarionStacia Hoffmanslhoffman@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
West Fairmont Middle SchoolMarionTaylor Myerstaylor.myers@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Peterstown Middle SchoolMonroeSamantha Closesamantha.close@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Pleasant View Elementary SchoolMorganMisty Tusingmisty.tusing@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Warm Springs Intermediate SchoolMorganRebecca Huberrmgray@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Tridelphia Middle School OhioBrad Sorgebsorge@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Mountaineer Challenge AcademyPrestonAnthony Favro, Roxanne BrightAnthony.R.Favro@wv.gov2nd Class, 2021-2024
Buffalo Elementary SchoolPutnamErica Divitaedivita@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Confidence Elementary SchoolPutnamMelody Shilotmelody.allison@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Conner Street Elementary SchoolPutnamSarah Roopersrooper@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
George Washington Middle School PutnamAngie Gatensagatens@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Hometown Elementary School Putnam Melody Shilotmelody.allison@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Hurricane Middle SchoolPutnamLisa Leelisa.lee@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Poca High SchoolPutnamJoshua Class, 2021-2024
Poca Middle School PutnamTeresa Forbistforbis@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Scott Teays Elementary SchoolPutnamMelanie Rumermrumer@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Winfield High SchoolPutnamNicole Snuffernicole.snuffer@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Winfield Middle SchoolPutnamMatthew Shockmatt.shock@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Arthur I Boreman Elementary SchoolTylerWendy Carpenterwcarpent@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Sistersville Elementary SchoolTylerWendy Carpenterwcarpent@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Tyler Consolidated High SchoolTylerTerri McCoytmccoy@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Tyler Consolidated Middle SchoolTylerVirginia Dillamanvirginia.dillaman@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Long Drain SchoolWetzelSharon Snidersesnider@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Short Line SchoolWetzelHannah Ruxhannah.rux@k12.wv.us2nd Class, 2021-2024
Mountaineer Challenge Academy - SouthFayetteSusan Bossie Maddoxlorena.s.bossiemaddox@wv.gov2nd Class, 2021-2024
Valley View ElementaryBerkeleyCaressa Hickscaressa.hicks@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Berkeley Heights ElementaryBerkeleyKaren Zimmerman and Tammyy; ttucker@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Mountain Ridge MiddleBerkeleySusan Brandenburg and Jason Briersbrandenburg@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Potomack Intermediate BerkeleyChad Malcolmchad.malcolm@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Back Creek Valley ElementaryBerkeleyMark Caglemcagle@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Spring Mills PrimaryBerkeleyBethany Jenningsbljennin@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Inwood PrimaryBerkeleyCharity Powerscharity.powers@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Martinsburg South MiddleBerkeleyJulie Starkjulie.stark@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Tuscarora ElementaryBerkeleyBetsi Clarkbetsi.l.clark@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Bunker Hill ElementaryBerkeleyJaime Laidlowjllaidlow@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Hedgesville ElementaryBerkeleyRhea Brownrhea.brown@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Burke St. ElementaryBerkeleyTeresa Wellertweller@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Martinsburg North MiddleBerkeleyBrandon Sarinabrandon.sarina@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Pikeside Learning Center Pre-KBerkeleyLesley Foltzlesley.foltz@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Winchester Ave. ElementaryBerkeleyChelsey Baynechelsey.bayne@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Crichton ElementaryGreenbrierAshley Spencer and Jessica Robinsonabevins@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Frankford ElementaryGreenbrierElizabeth Richmonderichmond@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Greenbrier East HighGreenbrierMelissa Kirkhammkirkham@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Rainelle ElementaryGreenbrierDr. Erin Justiceejustice@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Western Greenbrier MiddleGreenbrierTeresa Brewsterteresa.brewster@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Smoot ElementaryGreenbrierMolly Judymmadkins@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Ronceverte ElementaryGreenbrierJennifer Morganjsmorgan@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Rupert ElementaryGreenbrierJessica Tolleyjessica.tolley@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Eastern Greenbrier MiddleGreenbrierCynthia Leecslee@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
White Sulphur Springs ElementaryGreenbrierAndrea Morgan and Tina Campbellandrea.morgan@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Alderson ElementaryGreenbrierEd Niswandertniswander@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Ripley MiddleJacksonSusan Jones, LPC, NCCsjones@boe.jack.k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Robert L. Bland MiddleLewisMarissa Shanholtzmarissa.shanholtz@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Jane Lew ElementaryLewisDeena Lewisdeena.lewis@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Roanoke ElementaryLewisLarry Lancellance@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Logan HighLoganCharles McPeakcmcpeak@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Point Pleasant Junior-Senior HighMasonTiffany Hersmanthersman@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
River View HighMcDowellDwayne Clarkd.a.clark@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Southside K-8McDowellLinda Meshell Billingslbilling@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Iaeger ElementaryMcDowellMichael Picklesimermpickles@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Kimbell ElementaryMcDowellRhonda Coxrhonda.cox@wvesc.org3rd Class, 2022-2025
Sandy River MiddleMcDowellPaula M. Baldwinpaula.baldwin@wvesc.org3rd Class, 2022-2025
McDowell County Career & Technology CenterMcDowellKatie Linkoushlinkous@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Bradshaw ElementaryMcDowellDr. Krisy Eastkeast@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Fall River ElementaryMcDowellHeather Gibsonheather.l.gibson@wvesc.org3rd Class, 2022-2025
Welch ElementaryMcDowellShannon Paceshannon.pace@wvesc.org3rd Class, 2022-2025
Mount View HighMcDowellDebbie Krabbedkrabbe@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Warm Springs MiddleMorganJamie Harrisj.harris@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Widmyer ElementaryMorganSherrie Byrdsherrie.byrd@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Paw Paw SchoolsMorganMelinda Kasekampmkasekam@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Berkeley Springs HighMorganSherry Hartmanslhartman@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Bethlehem ElementaryOhioDrew Villanidvillani@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
West Liberty ElementaryOhioDrew Villanidvillani@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Woodrow Wilson HighRaleighShanna Castoshanna.m.caso@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Crescent ElementaryRaleighKatelyn Cooperkecooper@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Washington District ElementaryUpshurBrian Brandishbbrandish@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Hodgesville ElementaryUpshurShannon Lewis and Ronald Rowanshannonlewis@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Union ElementaryUpshurBrian Brandishbbrandish@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Rock Cave ElementaryUpshurJill Stemplejjstempl@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Buckhannon-Upshur MiddleUpshurJames "Jim" Gregoryjames.gregory@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
French Creek ElementaryUpshurLouEllen Blakelouellen.blake@k12.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Vicki Douglas School -WVSDTBerkeleyAndrew Guthrieaguthrie@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Board of Child Care School-WVSDTBerkeleyAndrew Guthrieaguthrie@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Donald R. Kuhn Center - WVSDTBooneJerry Racerjracer@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Pressley Ridge at Grant Gardens - WVSDTCabellMaureen Stittmstitt@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Barboursville School - WVSDTCabellRoger Kornerkorne@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Gene Spadaro Regional Juvenile Center - WVSDTFayetteShelly McClungsdmcclun@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Davis-Stuart School - WVSDTGreenbrierRebecca Smithrebecca.smith@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Genesis Youth Center - WVSETHarrisonAmy Parksamy.parks@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
James H. "Tiger" Morton Juvenile Center - WVSDTKanawhaDr. Christopher Goodcgood@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Academy Programs - WVSDTMarionMichael Fergusonmferguso@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Sam Perdue Juvenile Center - WVSDTMercerBenjamin Pauleybpauley@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Beckley Center School - WVSDTRaleighJocelyn Woodsjrwoods@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Elkins Mountain School - WVSDTRandolphJoshus Layfieldjmlayfie@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Stepping Stones - WVSDTWayneMaureen Stittmstitt@k12.wv.us3rd Class, 2022-2025
Big Otter Elementary School ClayAnthony Boggsasboggs@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Clay Elementary SchoolClayMichelle Paxtonmapaxton@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Clay County High SchoolClayAmanda Jacksonamanda.r.jackson@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Clay County Middle School ClayKimberley Carrollkacarroll@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
H.E. White Elementary ClayMegan Starchermegan.shaffer@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Lizemore Elementary SchoolClaySamantha Holcombsholcomb@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
South Branch Career and Technical CenterGrantMichael Hippmhipp@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Duval PreK-8LincolnAngela Sansomangela.sansom@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Guyan Valley Middle SchoolLincolnCarmen Foustcarmen.delarosa@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Hamlin PreK-8LincolnSophia Newsomesophia.newsome@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Harts PreK-8LincolnJulia Class, 2023-2026
Lincoln County High SchoolLincolnScott Caldwellduane.caldwell@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Midway Elementary LincolnBeth Clayebclay@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Ranger ElementaryLincolnAmy McCallisteramy.mccallister@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
West Hamlin ElementaryLincolnJessica Adkinsjessicat.d.adkins@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Chapmanville Intermediate SchoolLoganShanda Eastershanda.lester@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Wheeling Park High SchoolOhioJennifer Mathieujennifer.mathieu@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Preston High SchoolPrestonKimberly Wilhelmkimberly.wilhelm@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Tucker Valley Elementary Middle SchoolTuckerBrandi Millerbrandi.n.miller@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Huff Consolidated Elementary and Middle SchoolWyomingJaquetta Lesterjqlester@k12.wvus4th Class, 2023-2026
Burlington Center School - WVSDTMineralCamella Hardingerchardinger@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
JM "Chick" Buckbee Juvenile Center - WVSDTHampshireCamella Hardingerchardinger@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Kenneth Rubenstein Center School - WVSDTTuckerStephene Bruffy-Moffatsbruffymoffatt@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Lorrie Yeager Juvenile Center - WVSDTWoodMatt Dightmatthew.dight@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Robert Shell Juvenile Center - WVSDTCabellMichelle Johnsonmcjohnso@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
Ronald Mulholland Juvenile Center - WVSDTOhioDaniel Brownbreger@k12.wv.us4th Class, 2023-2026
West Virginia Virtual AcademyCharter SchoolCheryl Stahlecstahle@westvaacademy.org4th Class, 2023-2026

NOTE: Applications for award renewal may be received up to seven months in advance for the continuation of a school’s status.

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